My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 208: 100 million small targets

911, 200/1,000,000!

This is the experience value of [Fallen Boys] now, the distance is 8880!

Prior to this, Meng Fan can be said that there is no less brushing this task, especially after picking up the list of hand-painted posters, the brush is also very fast, and has already brushed more than 410,000.

As for the 1200, Meng Fan thought about it, it should be before Chen Daqiang and Wei Zhixue had dinner.

Although Chen Daqiang later returned the money to him, at that time Meng Fan really wanted to ask, in order to allow Chen Daqiang to take Wei Zhixue to eat and avoid being rejected, so the system directly decided to make money.

Although Chen Daqiang later met Wei Zhixue's ex-boyfriend, but because Meng Fan was born after the reincarnation of the tower, not only was not beaten, but promoted Chen Daqiang and Wei Zhixue.

After donating 500,000 of Su Qinglan’s money to the Yamamoto Love Fund, there is no immediate experience. It seems that there is a process of receipt or confirmation. Anyway, after Meng Fan’s bath was half, the experience has gone up. The prompt tone also came, and completed the 500,000 required for the process of the "False Boys" and earned 500 points.

Before Meng Fan’s hand-painted posters, a lot of money was transferred in two rounds. Except for the scattered ones, the 150,000 A silver brother who gave the silver brother’s money was said to be borrowing the system and not giving up the experience. The money on the original card, there are still more than 300,000.

There are less than 90,000 left, and the money is enough. Meng Fan must of course directly brush it!

Showering, directly open the live aid, connect the phone, open the collar, look for opportunities to make money.

Turned over and turned over to one: After a high-speed big truck accident, a car of oranges was robbed, and there are parents who take the children to grab!

Meng Fan saw the video, this is a group of bandits!

Are you robbing the oranges to go to your aunt's grave?

What are they missing from oranges? What they lack is virtue!

Also take the child to grab... You stand here and don't move, I will grab you a few oranges? Really a good example!

Meng Fan followed and searched a few related, very speechless and very angry, this is what special!

I saw interviews and information saying that the car’s 32-ton oranges are worth more than 80,000. I feel that there may be some destiny in the midst of it. If I don’t say it, I will use the live aid to conduct a smart search and find out the names of the owners, bank accounts, donations, etc. The words were locked and the bank account of the owner was quickly found.

Regardless of whether he had any compensation and compensation afterwards, even if other people donated, Meng Fan felt that since he saw it and the figures were still so consistent, he did not want to find other opportunities for money.

Repeatedly confirming the information with the live aid, Meng Fan turned 8880.

Be a perfect eng for the task of [Folly Boys]!


This time, almost ten seconds before and after, the experience went up, and then the tone appeared.

"Hey! One million yuan of wealth, complete the [distributed boy" process four; reward: points 1000."

"Hey! Complete the task [distributed boy", earned the title of "Fallen Boy" (Lucky 1)"

Meng Fan didn't have time to feel the luck of this new **** attribute, and there were several prompts in his mind.

"Hey! Trigger achievement mission [God of Wealth]."

"The mission requires 100 million Chinese coins to be scattered."

"Task completion completed achievement title [财神爷] (Lucky 3)"

Meng Fan had long guessed that [the prosperous boy] would be as advanced as some tasks. I didn’t expect to be really advanced, and the task required... Meng Fan’s old blood spewed out!

Is this the system that has set a small goal for Laozi? !

System, why are you surnamed Wang? !

“Hey! Get 10 achievement titles, reward 10 points for random attributes or 5 points for assignable attributes.”

This reward that is not expected to make Meng Fan stunned, the cumulative number of titles can have additional attributes!

System, you are not surnamed Wang, your surname is Meng, loved ones!

After thinking about it for a moment, I really did not know how to complete ten titles.

The other nine are:

[A good person] Total reward: Hand speed 16.

[Illustrator] Total rewards: painting skills 20, imagination 6.

[Comician] Total rewards: Painting Skills 3, Setting 3, Screenplay 3.

[Millions of collections] Total rewards: Painting Skills 3, Setting 3, Screenplay 3.

Praise the madness] Total reward: the presence of 8.

[Photographing brother] Total reward: lens feeling 1, smile appeal 1.

[Photographer] Total rewards: lens sense 5, smile appeal 3, presence 2

[God pitcher] Total reward: Throw precision 13.

[麦霸] Total reward: singing 5, sound appeal 3


How to choose?

Of course, choose 5 points to assign attributes!

How to distribute?

Then tell me, go straight to luck...

After selecting the assignable attribute, a page appears. All the attributes that have appeared in the page have been rewarded by Meng Fan. That is to say, the attribute that has not been rewarded is the attribute that Meng Fan originally had. It is not in the distribution rank. For example, if you want to lengthen or proliferate, you have no choice.

Appearing on this page is the top of the luck that Meng Fan wants to distribute, but the lucky two words are bold and bright but can't be added.

There is an explanation, saying that "lucky" is a special attribute, cannot be assigned, and is not randomly assigned!

God special special attributes!

Well, Meng Fan can only accept this reality.

Is it not special? First, one million can change a little, then one hundred million can change three points!

But Why don't you say it earlier!

Meng Fan was also happy to think that there was an empty drill, and now it seems to be in the pit.

I carefully looked at the attributes that have already been rewarded. I really don't think that Meng Fan especially wants to distribute it. I knew that it would be better to choose random distribution, and I can get more than 5 attributes.

"Can I go back?"

Oh, how could the system respond to Meng Fan?

Don't give any chance to repent!

Back and forth, back and forth, Meng Fan determined that he could not repent, and he died. He carefully looked at the attributes that had been rewarded, and finally selected several attributes that he found useful and difficult to obtain.

Imagination, glamour, smile appeal, voice appeal and observation.

The observation power is currently only 1, but if it is full of [Night Tour], it can still be 4, so pass away.

Smile is infectious, magic is magic, but it is too magical, pass off.

In the end, Meng Fan swayed between imagination, sound appeal and charm. Imagination is very useful for comic creation and other creations. Sound appeal is an important killer for his other dream voice actors. Therefore, Meng Fan seriously considers the choice. Add charm!

"Ah~ no, you don't want to!"

Meng Fan yelled a word, and finally resisted the impulse to add charm, after all, in a maximum of one month or even a shorter time can be full of [live people], there will be charm 11 reward.

"Meng Fan, you have changed!"

Seeing that I have assigned my imagination 3, the sound of appeal 2, Meng Fan that called a heartache, comfort yourself, connotation is also a charm... right!

With this distribution, the imagination becomes 9, and the sound power becomes 5 when the black technology microphone is used.

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