My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 240: Thoughts


"Hey! The dubbing role reaches 100, and it accumulates in the studio time to reach 10,000 minutes, complete the task shed, get the achievement title shed worm dubbing skills 5, sound appeal 3"

Sleeping, hanging the machine, upgraded!

This feeling is super stimulating.

After blinking, I experienced the experience of adding voiceover skills, then opened the device, tried the effect, and completely converted the attributes of the system reward into my own ability.

The increase of dubbing skills, with the enhancement is all aspects, if Meng Fan does not try to feel it, there is no way to fully grasp.

Try to match several classic clips, listen to them yourself, feel the changes before and after, and explore the rules...

"Hold the grass, iron god, are you still not sleeping or just getting up?"

In the past few days, Meng Fan has not lived much here. There are also small activities that have been sorted out in the basket. There must be their own arrangements in the basket. This is not a **** night. Now it is five o'clock. When I got ready to go to sleep, I just passed through Meng Fan’s recording studio and carefully pushed it to see that Meng Fan was already dubbing.

"You are too hard to fight!"

The basket yawned and went to sleep compared to a thumb.

Meng Fan re-matched for a while, and then went out to the studio. He went out from Wenchuang Garden and ran back to the community. The experience was full, and of course he would not die in the studio.

I ran back and rushed to lie in the bathtub and took a bath. The expression was relaxed and the body was comfortable. It was hard to come out and slept back.

"This is all December!"

Meng Fan woke up to look at the time and glanced at the date. Only then did he realize that today has entered December, which means that he is getting closer and closer to the day when he had a major change before he was born again.

Reborn has been more than two and a half months!

During these two and a half months, Meng Fan’s life and learning trajectory changed greatly.

At this time before rebirth, I am still the one who can get very moisturized by occasional efforts. Whether it is learning or living, it is a free fish. Every day, it is a good time to draw water.

If there is no accident, I will graduate from the Academy of Fine Arts, and then mix a good job with a good painting technique and professional ability. If the house doesn’t care for the car, the star will chase the star. If you like it, you will go see it. Whose concert can even have a meal together with a cheeky face.

If you want to play games, you can play games. If you want to play dubbing, you can play dubbing. If you like which anchor, you will reward hundreds of thousands. If you want to eat something, you may have something to eat. Maybe you really have a girl, or you are sick. Will bite your teeth and find the best coach to lose weight.

If you don't regenerate, Meng Fan's life will certainly not be bad, or even say that he will have a good life. After all, it is a rich and expensive fish that will draw water. How can he say that he is a small expert who is born with a material condition that is more than 99.999? People who have struggled for a lifetime are better.

Of course, in life, no one can say what will happen, maybe, it will be stimulated by something, completely burned the soul of diligence, and then succeeded in fitness weight loss, and became a famous cartoonist. At least, the possibility of the latter is still quite large. After all, the foundation is there and it is solid.

After being born again, he got the system and got the golden finger that he could get 100% of his efforts if he worked hard!

Such a golden finger made Mengfan, a fish like Meng, work hard and worked very hard.

Everyone in this world knows to work hard, but most people give up because they work hard, but they give up before they harvest.

There are two kinds of people in this world, one is the one who can work hard to harvest, the other is the one who will gain something soon.

Of course, the most rewarding people are always those who have gained the harvest and continue to work hard.

As a result, Meng Fan’s life has undergone great changes. He is no longer idle fish, no longer draws water, sleeps better than chickens, and works harder than a person with mines at home.

The proportion of the skin is thicker, the courage is bigger, the people are thinner and stronger, and they have contacted many things and people who have never touched before. They have to go farther and better in the two dreams, and they have also met their favorite. people……

If Meng Fan likes life before rebirth, Meng Fan’s answer is like it.

If Meng Fan regrets the stroke before the rebirth, Meng Fan’s answer is no regrets.

Does that like the change after rebirth, the answer of course is like it!

Willing to give up the current changes back to the past?

Definitely not willing!

Therefore, Meng Fan has never been willing or dare to think about the rebirth after he was born again, especially at the time of rebirth.

Before rebirth and before rebirth, there are not many overlapping things, but there are still overlaps. For example, Su Qingying’s concert, for example, Chen Daqiang was beaten... Especially Chen Daqiang was beaten, even if Meng Fan intervened in advance, Chen Daqiang was still Wei Zhixue. The ex-boyfriend was blocked, although the end result was that Chen Daqiang was not rebellious before being born again, but was with Wei Zhixue.

There is overlap, so that Meng Fan is worried that the hijacking will still happen. Chen Daqiang’s final result is better and Meng Fan has a glimmer of hope. Perhaps the hijacking can also be better.

The most hopeful thing is of course not to happen!

If it happens, should you avoid it, or do you want to bite it?

If you dodge, what will happen to the hijacking?

If you are on the scalp, can you make the situation better with your own changes?

This is what Meng Fan didn't dare to think about before!

Still an important time node That is the cousin Meng Caiyu called himself to Lion City!

Before the rebirth, it was because Meng Caiyu won the award of Meng Fancai to go to the Lion City. It was also after attending the award ceremony of Meng Caiyu to fly from the Lion City to the neon to watch the animation exhibition and watch the cv concert.

The hijacking took place on a flight from Lion City to Neon.

As for the specific reasons and motives, Meng Fan naturally does not know until now.

"If you didn't call, does it mean that the trajectory of this matter is different from the original one?"

"In case, if you don't call, you haven't gone there, still there is a hijacking?"

Meng Fandeng’s brain is full of pain!

I didn't dare to think about it before. Now I think that the situation is very complicated!

"Gan Lin Niang! Regardless of whether you have called or not, Lion City still has to go there, or I will regret it in this life! There are now physiques and abilities, hats, black technology, can you be Do you die once?"

Meng Fan remembered that he had won a little time before he was born again. Because the robbers were subdued and the plane was safe, it was obvious that the robbers were not very strong.

The former self can still be a key factor, not to mention the present, and even the way to make these robbers unable to get on the plane!

After thinking about it, Meng Fan’s thoughts suddenly came to pass.


A WeChat came in, not from Meng Cai, but from Wu Tong.

"I will go back in the afternoon, I will land at about 4:20, will you pick me up?"

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

"miss you."

Seeing this word, Meng Fan is more than a thought, and it is easy to see the sex, break the void, and see God!


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