My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 266: From Xiaomeng to Meng Grandpa

"This person looks good!"

"You didn't recognize it? It was the last man you said to me."

"It’s really him who holds the grass! How did he come here to exercise?”

"Crap, so strong, do you think it is born? Definitely practiced."

"Have you seen him before?"

"No. It is estimated that I just came here!"

"It may also be a private lesson? You see, General Coach Yang brought him personally."

"Having money is wayward!"

"The peak is still a cow, and even people of this level have chosen to train here."

I don’t know Meng Fan, it doesn’t mean that other people in this big exercise room don’t know Meng Fan, and there are quite a lot of people who recognize it. After all, the news of the hitting Han Xing was very big, and the picture burst, for those who practiced the martial arts. The picture is very strong and comfortable.

Yang Feng listened to the discussion of these students, satisfied with a smile and turned away, Meng Fan this is even a star student!

Not to mention, the star effect is sometimes quite terrible. Even Meng Fan, a non-entertainment star, Yang Feng feels that he can attract certain student customers. At the very least, everyone feels that this peak is very positive. It is good.

"Let's come here."

Lao He didn’t hear the opinions of these people on the side. With the big-study Meng Fan walking to the empty space on the far side, he smiled and asked: “Are you practicing with Lao Yang? How long has it been?"

"It is not a special practice to practice Baro is to learn casually, starting today." Meng Fan said truthfully.

"I started learning today? It is enough to just find a student to practice. There is no need to spend this money."

Laohe can be said to be very straightforward, almost blurted out, but it is estimated that he is not willing to double this private education fee, and quickly find another supplement: "However, since Lao Yang recommended you to come to me to accompany, it must explain your The strength is very good, although the study is short, but the study must be very fast, right, it must be like this."

A happy heart, this Yang crazy is good, but also know to take care of yourself, the next time you practice, or let the water let him drop himself early, how can you match it once, can not make him almost every time he does not come to Taiwan, after all Coach.

"Yang coach is saying that I am progressing very fast." Meng Fan followed the old black to the venue, and then explained his request. "I have only learned the skills of squatting and squatting for the time being, because I am interested in 擒 skills. It's bigger, so the next exercise will be based on cockroaches, and it may be a bit boring, but also coaches."

"You guys are quite polite, and the practice of techniques and tactics is not boring. Oh, yes, you can call me old, everyone calls me. What is your name?" After the name, he smiled and said, "Then I will call you Xiaomeng. Let's start Xiaomeng. Even though, how did you practice with Lao Yang before, how can you double the strength? I don’t have anything old, it’s hard work.”

The old black stood, his face was smiling, waiting for Meng Fan to engage.

"Then I am coming."

Meng Fan opened the gripper position and saw the old black standing so relaxed. He also slightly reduced the strength. He knew from Yang Feng that even the sparring person had to tighten the muscles, otherwise it was easy. Injury, the old black, this big look, he can not say anything, can only be tentative grasp.

"Well, the speed is good."

The old black was caught by Meng Fan, but it was quite unexpected. He said with a smile: "I want to take it back. You have to pay attention to my technique. You are familiar with the techniques of rumor, and it is very helpful for you." ”

Said, the wrist turned to Meng Fan's wrist, the reaction is very fast, the speed is also fast, from this point of view, Meng Fan knows that Yang Feng is really looking for a resistance coach who has the means to counter.

Meng Fan's observation is very good, the hand speed is fast, the old black is flexible, but it is still difficult to catch him. Even Meng Fan did not let him use the anti-smashing technique to get it. Wrestling forward and slamming the old black fell to the ground.


I was stunned, but I didn’t panic. There were more people who fell over him, but there were a few who could subdue him. If someone else is caught in the joints, it will hurt, but he won't.

The joints twisted, one bridge, the old black slipped away, stood up and smiled and said: "Come back, I said, I am very resistant, you have to work hard. Do you know how to do it?"

Meng Fan seriously nodded, just the first hand, can basically determine the strength of the old black.

This experience of his own is to be uniformed to rise, the old black is obviously difficult to subdue the players, this ... General Coach Yang wants to find a hard-working, but also find a difficult to brush.

Yeah, it is a difficult to increase the actual combat experience.

"Xiao Meng, this technique is fast and accurate. You are quick and accurate. It is just a little bit hard."

"Yes, hard!"

"A little more!"

"My oldest favorite is strong!"

Meng Fan has been increasing his strength for safety. Not to mention, this old black is more than his imagination. Every time I thought it should be almost the same, but it was almost every time.



Three minutes later, the old black finally shot.

"Old Meng, you can just keep the strength!"

"Meng Ge, tap it lightly!"

"Mr. Meng, take a break!"

In the next ten minutes, the straight old black changed the name of Meng Fan every three minutes, less than fifteen minutes before and after, and the old black man began to beg for mercy.

Lao Hei and Yang Feng had the same feeling, that is, this guy is not to practice skills and tactics, but to let them shoot the ground.

If you practice techniques and tactics, you will use the right skills. It is not necessary to use the skills after the success of the skills and tactics. Is it better to use them to make the land?

However, Laohei is indeed a hard-working player. Although he asks for a break every ten minutes, in the ten minutes, he is completely able to keep up with Meng Fan’s high-intensity output. After that, it is a living dragon.

From the point of view of brush experience, it is more difficult to brush out the first point. The latter is very smooth, and it is very resistant to brushing. It is not like Yang Feng did not brush for a while and then asked Barabara to talk about it.

After an hour, I brushed more than 130 points on the old black body, and the total experience has been 221.

"I can't help it."

After the old black shot, I put myself on the ground directly. This time I said that I didn’t get up. I looked at the big clock hanging on the wall and said, "Mr. Meng, an hour is coming, let’s go today. You are not a person! I know that I have tripled four times, I don’t pick up the guests! Usually seven or eight big men are together, I smiled a little, you, call, I am afraid of being you. Grass is dead!"

It is also estimated that this time, the two men practiced their feelings. For this kind of thing, Meng Fan is used to it, even laughing and jokingly said: "But don't, I am used to you, then, You are not saying that you are the most versatile in the martial arts hall. If you change to someone else, how can I get up! So, come here today, I will come tomorrow morning, five times the private tuition fee, how?"

Laohe directly waved his hand, then sat up and smiled and said: "Just kidding, you can double it. Oh, I am also very cool. I also have good joint skills training, anyway, find someone to practice joints. Technology can't compare with you."

Meng Fan listened and was happy. This old black did brush up and smiled. He smiled and said: "There is not much to say about the money. Then, do you still have classes? I invite you to dinner."


Laohe was so happy to stand up, Meng Fan was very appetizing for him, this point is indeed to have dinner.

It’s also a coincidence that at this time, the other side of the big exercise room opened a door, and there were ten female students wearing taekwondo suits. At least half of them were very beautiful, the facial features were good, and the figure was great. When I slipped out, it was very eye-catching.

Not only did the old black licked the throat, but Meng Fan was curious to see the past, and so did everyone else.

After ten female students came out, they finally came out with a man, very tall, very good, and very handsome, with a very cool smile on his face.

"Gold coach, let's go first, see you next time."

These female students are all fascinated and satisfied.


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