My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 292: 1 hour from the departure

"Yes, of course!"

Sakurai's vigilance disappeared in an instant. It seems that there are still some concerns that Meng Fan does not trust himself. He solemnly said: "Whether Meng Fanjun needs me to do anything, I will use 200% of my strength and thoughts! I Sakurai Minoko swears!"

"Minako, I don't need you to swear."

At this time, Meng Fan knew that this beautiful man didn't want to use it. He reached out and grabbed the hand that Sakurai Minako swore to slowly put it down, and then gently took two shots on the back of his hand. I took a long breath and said, "Minako, because the things that are said next are very important to you or to me, so I need to know that you are 100% trustworthy. At the same time, I also ask you to trust. I."

"Of course I believe in Meng Fanjun!"

These few gently patted the back of the hand, almost smothered the soul of Sakurai Minako, and grabbed Meng Fan’s hand and pressed it on his chest, saying: "Meng Fanjun, listen, my heart is not Will lie!"

The soft wave under the hand is stirring with the violent heartbeat. This can really make Meng Fan feel helpless and stunned for a second. This will take the hand back and make it calm and calm: "Minai, I I believe you."

Seeing that Meng Fan’s face was shy, the heart of Sakurai Minako was filled up instantly, and Meng Fanjun was a very shy boy!

"Minako, just let you interpret it from a different angle, I heard it from the dialogue between Mr. Takashima and Mr. Takashima." Meng Fan will hurry up, of course, the content of this talk must be something Modified, it is impossible to say that you heard it through the monitor or live aid.

When talking, Meng Fan certainly determined that the environment is very safe, and people certainly do not have it. It is impossible to monitor or monitor what is possible.

As soon as this was said, the look of Sakurai's Minako was immediately serious and doubtful.

Meng Fan continued: "Remember? Yesterday, after we left the Future Water World Performance Area to buy clothes, I went to the toilet. On the way, I saw Mr. Takashima Yuta. At that time, I said Takashima Yuta. Mr. should be with three other people, but I saw that Takashima Shota was a careful and eccentric entry into a very remote house."

This paragraph is of course compiled by Meng Fan. It is true to go to the bathroom.

Meng Fan continued: "I looked at the strange, I carefully followed up, and then I heard his conversation with a person. In addition to the sentence just now, I also heard Mr. Takashima Shoji asked if everything is ready? In the same way, then after Mr. Takashima’s phone was hung up, he said to himself that since the time is fixed, the pair of dogs and men are just right, then send them to the road.”


Listening and listening, Sakurai Minoko exclaimed, and immediately pouted and lowered his voice and said: "Meng Fanjun, Gao Shisang said that the dogs and men must refer to Ohno Sang and dipping sauce! Oh, right, soon after You asked me about the two of them, is it because of this?"

Meng Fan nodded, very good, and made up for himself.

Sakurai's Minako's mind is obviously more delicate, and has absolute aviation safety knowledge and sensitivity to the crisis. When I contacted the flight cabin item number and Takashima Shota, I quickly widened my eyes and looked at Meng Fan. "Meng Fanjun, you mean that Mr. Takashimata is going to do something dangerous on the flight, for example, hijacking!"

Meng Fan said that Sakurai Sumiyuki calmly said: "Minai, you listen to me. I also think it is very possible, but also out of curiosity, outside the film city, I also tracked Takashima Xiangtai, and later found out He also sneaked a meeting with another person, but unfortunately I couldn’t hear the contents of the chat, but they looked really suspicious. I had all kinds of worries and puzzles, so I asked you just now. Question. If everything is my own, then it is best, but your interpretation is..."

"So, Meng Fanjun, this has not been empty because it is tracking Takashima Kota?"

Sakurai Minoko suddenly became happy again. It seemed to solve one of his own knots. Then, I thought that Meng Fan was later decided to buy this flight, and it was a picture of Meng Fan’s worry about himself.

At this time, Meng Fan found two pieces of paper and took out the universal brush that looked very ordinary. The brush brush began to draw on the paper.

Meng Fan painted very quickly, Sakurai Minako looked at it, God Meng Fanjun actually painted, and the speed of the hand is so fast!

After a short time, Meng Fan drew a picture and handed it to Sakurai Sumiyuki. "Do you know this person?"

Sakurai Minoko looked at it carefully and was very certain: "I don't know his name, but I am sure that he is the airport staff, and is responsible for the monitoring of the cargo handling of the cabin!"

As a result, Sakurai Minoko has confirmed that there is a great danger.

Then, Meng Fan drew another picture. This time, the painting was the image of the robber who was impressed by himself. Some of them were not painted. Meng Fan was painting by the deep part of his memory. After that, I said, "The one who was the first time Gaodao met, this is the person I saw later. This, I don't see it clearly, I can only rely on the memory part to paint."

Sakurai Minako shook his head after reading it: "This can't be seen."

Meng Fan pretended to think about it and said: "It is not necessarily the airport or the crew, it may be ... passengers!"

"Meng Fanjun, you wait."

Sakurai Minoko took out her mobile phone. After about five minutes, she received a message on her mobile phone. Naturally, there are photos of all passengers who have already purchased tickets on this flight tomorrow.

Sakurai Minoko has compared one by one, and soon locked a goal and handed it to Meng Fan: "Meng Fanjun, is this person?"

Meng Fan is sure!

Sakurai Minako saw this person's ticket purchase time, just an hour ago, which further confirmed Meng Fan's words and his own guess!

"Oops! What should I do?"

Sakurai Minoko is very nervous and a little confused: "I want to report it to you immediately!"

"Minako, wait."

Meng Fan grabbed the hand of Sakurai Minako and said: "Minai, I have an idea here. You should listen to it and make a decision. My thoughts may not be so safe. I believe that you can give me good advice. ""


Sakurai Minoko was very reluctant to separate from Meng Fan, and returned to the hotel to take a shower. He carefully thought about Meng Fan’s thoughts and thoughts back and forth several times. He did think that this was the safest. Way. If it is really just a misunderstanding, then the impact can be minimized. If it is true, then the robbers can be wiped out while ensuring the safety of all passengers and crew.

Of course, I thought about it so carefully, and the lack of reason also determined that Meng Fan could not be a prank or even a dangerous mind.

And Meng Fan repeatedly reminded himself that he must protect his warm heart, and let Sakurai Minako fall asleep.

Sakurai Minako couldn't sleep. At this time, he didn't dare to meet any other crew members, especially Takashima Yuta. She worried that she would not be able to control her emotions and micro-expressions when she saw the Queen Mother Takashima, in that case, if If it is discovered by Takashima Yuta, then...

Sakurai Minoko really thinks a bit more, but when she thinks about it, she suddenly blinks her eyes: "If I tell Meng Fanjun about these confusions, it is safer to ask myself to stay with him... is that right? I can see him so late!"

"No, no, I can't do this!"

"So late, according to my usual habits, it is not going to go out so late. This strange behavior, if it attracts the attention of others, then it is not good!"

It is also a loss that this girl really wants more, otherwise Meng Fan does not know what to do.

Meng Fan is very trusting to Sakurai Minako, but he is still a bit worried. Therefore, he has exchanged a black technology microphone with the remaining points. The item is in the [Songs Killer] task bar. Multiple redemption - put in the necklace pendant worn by Sakurai Minako.

Sakurai Sakurai said that this pendant is the only thing her grandmother left for her, whenever and wherever she would wear it, so Meng Fan attached the black technology microphone to it.

If, in case, Sakurai Minoko accidentally said that she had a leak or something special, Meng Fan would wear a hat to let her down, and then interrupt and stop her as much as possible, in order to protect her, of course. protect yourself.

Then, Meng Fanke was a little sad.

In the earphones, Sakurai Minako is either high or low or screaming or whispering or... various ways to call for their own voice, along with other calls that are called.

Meng Fan once dedicated to the teacher of San Shang, did not expect a day of reward.

This is really a "鸢? aid" report!

Fortunately, Sakurai Mina was tired and fell asleep after listening to can hear the sound of breathing.


The next day, Meng Caiyu finally got empty, accompanied Meng Fan to play for one morning and then had lunch together. He would have to bring Meng Fan to play in the afternoon. Meng Fan said that he wanted to go to the airport to find a place to draw a picture. Waiting for boarding, Meng Cai tripped down and knew that Meng Fan was drawing a cartoon. After he was sent to the airport to see him, he really thought about painting and listening to Meng Fan’s words.

The plane was the latest flight to the neon on the same day, taking off at 10:20 in the evening and going to neon at 5 am the next day, provided that the flight can take off.

Meng Fan painted while watching the picture taken by the live aid, waiting for the impressive robber to appear. He had already seen the name from Sakurai Minako, Alec Lal.

When the time came, I arrived at night. Soon, Meng Fan knew that the crew members such as Sakurai Minako had entered the airport. At about 9:00, I saw the Alec Lar, and let the live aids catch up with him. I also started to go through the security check. Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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