My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 295: Hero nameless

The brightly lit apron, nearly a hundred policemen, more than two hundred passengers, the sea breeze from the Malacca night was rolled up here, it also fell on Meng Fan's body along everyone's eyes, guess, everyone They all looked at him. Maybe the little girl cried. He didn't even give her the apple in his hand. This person really loves to eat.

In the eyes of these police and passengers, Meng Fan is not a favorite, but amazing.

What happened just now is too much like making a movie.

The hostages who were hijacked suddenly counterattacked and “killed” the three robbers by themselves!

What a dream, what an incredible thing!

The process is even more jaw-dropping.

God, what a terrible power this young man has, can lift people up.

What exactly did he use in the hands and eyes of the robbers? Is he using a hidden weapon, Chinese Kung Fu?

Also, take the apple directly to the robbers to the ground, this is too ... pull it, but it looks so cool, a completely crushed pleasure!

The strength, courage, reaction, judgment, and wisdom of this young man are all amazing. One person solved the terrorist activities at the airport!

There is also a final warm heart that is more moving.

Just now he was comforting the little girl who survived the rest of the robbery. It really can only be described in four words, Tiehan tenderness!

That picture is so wonderful!

Although, in the process, everyone feels a bit strange, but still can't say where it is strange.


At this time, Meng Fan took another bite of this super-hard apple and bite it with a big mouth. It seems that this can adjust his complex emotions at this time.

Huh, it is finally solved.

The process may be different from what I imagined, but the outcome is better than I expected, I am not dead, and no one else has suffered casualties.


Suddenly, someone applauded, and then a piece of applause resounded to celebrate the rest of the robbery. At the same time, he gave applause and respect and gratitude to Meng Fan.

The police did not applaud except for a small number of auxiliary police, but they also paid attention.

Of course, it will soon have to face the real problem.

"Every passenger."

The police got out of a shoulder with a bar and looked serious: "The flight has been temporarily cancelled. We have arranged a lounge for you at the airport. We will promptly investigate the time to give you a satisfactory explanation."

Then he took a deep bow and at the same time, let the police divided the two hundred passengers into three shuttle buses in batches to the lounge that had been specially arranged.

In order to investigate the incident, it is natural for these passengers to cooperate with the investigation to eliminate all potential dangers.

Although the passengers who survived the rest of the robbery also said that some people were dissatisfied, they also knew that such a thing could not be carried on the plane in the original time.

Even what they don't know is that all the flights at the airport have delayed the take-off. Of course, it is impossible for the airport to broadcast that someone is hijacking, but for the most normal and direct weather is not suitable for take-off.

All aircraft must be re-examined once!

After the passengers were taken away, the crew inside the aircraft was quickly taken off the plane and brought to the special lounge.


"Why is there no signal on my phone?!"

"mine too!"

After entering the specially arranged lounge, the passengers soon found that their mobile phones could not be used.

The airport staff responded quickly and came out to explain that it was because before the investigation was clear, the information that had just happened could not be leaked to the outside world, so as to avoid potential danger. The meaning is probably that there are still accomplices in the airport.

Obviously, the explanation of the airport can't satisfy the passengers. I think the airport wants to block the news and have time to do public relations. For the sake of such things happening in the airport, the passengers who have determined their own safety after the robbery are naturally very good at the moment. The anger.

The airport side will soon give you an explanation after an hour, which is considered to be temporarily suppressed.

During this period, several passengers were asked to cooperate with the investigation. Of course, they also came back soon, including Meng Fan and the hijacked little old man and the Enn family.

After an hour, the airport really gathered all the passengers in the three lounges in a large conference hall to announce the results of today's events.

Because of the early report of Sakurai Minako, the firearms that were removed and separated in the front cargo container were found, as well as the loading and unloading monitoring of the cargo hold and the arrest of the crew members of the aircraft. Together with Meng Fan’s successful uniforming of all the robbers, the investigation of the matter It has become a lot simpler.

The airport is relatively straightforward. It just characterized the terrorists’ attempt to hijack the aircraft. However, it did not disclose the discovery of the firearms in the front cargo containers to the public.

"The airport has arranged a special plane for you to go to neon Kyoto. You can board the plane in one and a half hours. Of course, if there is a need to return the flight, there will be someone to help you with it. Whether it is returned or not, The airport will compensate you for the loss of time and spirit, and compensate for the double ticket amount, in addition to..."

"For the three hijacked passengers, we have additional compensation at the airport."

"About Mr. Mr.'s heroic behavior, there are also rewards for our airport and neon flights. Mr. M will receive our airport lifetime free service and neon airline lifetime free service and cash reward."

The on-site passengers reported applause.

Then, the people sitting on it all got up and expressed their apologies to the passengers present.

“Finally.” The airport spokesperson added, “For this incident, our airport will be open to the public, and there will be a press conference soon. Our airport will never block any news, welcome and need the supervision of the whole society. But there is one Things, please also be confidential."

It is simply impossible to think about this incident. First, the airport suddenly has such a strange collective Second, even on the tarmac, even if there are so many police stations, it is impossible for no one to see it. It is impossible for these passengers to be present and not obligated to keep the airport secret, and even have the right to pursue it!

The passengers heard what they thought to be kept secret and immediately became dissatisfied.

The airport spokesperson pointed to Meng Fan, who was sitting in the front row. He said: "With regard to Mr. Mr.’s heroic behavior, our airport should be open to the public and publicity, but because this incident may involve terrorist activities, for Mr. M’s Personal safety is concerned, and we have solicited Mr.m’s own opinion. I hope that you can sign a confidentiality agreement on this matter and never spread the news of Mr. m’s participation in the matter.”

When the passengers heard it, they were dissatisfied, and they signed a confidentiality agreement.

What is the use of the agreement?

If Meng Fan has an accident and find out who is leaking it, then he can be held accountable according to the agreement.

Although the passengers know that this matter is related to Meng Fan's personal safety, he still feels very sorry that such a thing can't be said, and it is even more regrettable than blowing the cow - the hero is unknown! Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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