My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 675: Ambush Tis 2 Fleet!

The earth began to confront each other.

And the two fleets of Tis on the Mars side are close to the area where the blue fleet is located.

Zhu Lan looked at the display on the home screen and smiled and nodded, "Is the Earth still facing each other?"

"Yes, the current situation, the two sides are engaged in confrontation, but ~~~~"

"But what?" Zhu Lan smiled and looked at Wang Sheng.

"According to the information of the solar system after the red, Tis is mobilizing sufficient reinforcements, and there is new news from Princess Christina!"

"Say it!"

"Wormholes on Saturn are beginning to shrink. Titans is now in a contradictory state. If Titans cannot capture the earth after the wormhole contraction is completed, they will become a lone army!"

"Increasing reinforcements?

Wang Sheng nodded. "In the current situation, this should be the case. At present, the fighting power of the earth and TiSi, although TiSi has the advantage, but the earth has the advantage of local operations. TiSi understands this, so They will not go to war blindly. They must have enough confidence to go to war with the United Fleet of the Earth.

Zhu Lan nodded. "So, what's new in Glory?"

"New news from Princess Christina said that we have found the coordinates of our solar system and are building a space channel, but it is expected to take a long time!"

Zhu Lan blackened his face. "This is not good news!"

Wang Sheng nodded helplessly.

Yes! This is not good news.

The earth itself is a troublesome assembly, and now, the invasion of Titanium is troublesome enough.

If the Glorious Freedom Confederation joins in, what will happen? It's hard to say.

"Report, Tixis Fleet is starting to approach!"

After hearing the report, Zhu Lan and Wang Sheng turned their heads and looked at the home screen.

"Order it! I'll test the use of the new equipment!" Zhu Lan said to Wang Sheng that he had arrived.

Get up, turn around and walk out.

Wang Sheng nodded.

Came to the hangar, the blue gundam has been adjusted.

Can leave at any time.

Rota and Fang Yuan are assisting, carrying their own Gundam to fight.

The other God of God, Zhu Lan did not bring it, but gave it to Ren Ye to listen to driving. It can also be regarded as a real card to the earth!

Rota was driving the previous Gundam.

Leave from Zhenhai.

Zhu Lan and Rota added, and flew to another area.

A large number of Dragon Guards have taken off from the battleship.

Form a squad.

Began to fly to the left and right.

Mars' position is very good now.

Within three million kilometers, there are many meteorites.

And a lot of neutral places.

The only one that could quickly reach Mars was only one channel.

However, there are various meteorites on both sides with a diameter of more than 500,000 kilometers, and there are several super-meteorites that are hundreds of kilometers wide and even thousands of kilometers wide.

The Fleet of Blues was ambushed on both sides.

As bait, several battleships would roam outside Mars.

And without turning on any system, in this way, with the capabilities of the Titan fleet, five million kilometers away, several navy battleships can be found.

"Captain, find the enemy ship!" Titanic fleet flagship.

The blue battleship was searched by the radar and reported instantly.

"Enemies? How many? What's the distance?"

"Report to the fleet, there are actually four enemy ships on the radar at a distance of about 4.67 million kilometers. We found four enemy ships. They were less than 200,000 kilometers from Mars, and many satellites were found on them. ! "

Speaking, the area on the home screen is quickly displayed.

"Is there anything else around?" He asked hesitantly.

As the commander and chief of the Seventh Fleet of the Tis-9th Fleet, Tis has a wealth of experience. This time Mars was introduced, and the earth is understanding Tis, and Tis is also understanding the Earth.

Especially the spy entered the earth and the information obtained from the network.

We all understand that the earth is not weak.

Although technology is not as good as Titanium, Titanium is incomparable in thought.

Ann especially likes the ancient warfare of the Chinese Earth.

And now the main leader of the earth is Huaxia.

Therefore, Ann is very alert to the existence of Huaxia.

After the Titus fleet started.

Ann saw different places.

Therefore, the safety reports on the left and right sides were submitted to Tuo.

Later, Taku ordered Ann to lead the third and its seven fleets to mars.

Ensure the safety of the general fleet.

"Report the captain. Nothing was found. All meteorites were around. Nothing was found. Moreover, from the radar situation, the opponent's warship was only a small warship!"

"Only one is considered a medium battleship!"

Either Titanic, Glory, or Earth, the plans for warships are similar.

The warship planning of the earth itself is based on its own understanding of a level planned by the brilliant Free Commonwealth.

Small warships are generally warships with a tonnage of less than 200,000 tons and belong to small warships.

Medium warships generally have a tonnage plan of 200,000 to 500,000 tons, and are medium warships.

The tonnage of large warships is planned to range from 500,000 to 800,000 tons.

And more than 800,000 tons of warships belong to super warships.

In addition to these four, there are warships under 100,000 tons, which are regarded as miniature warships, and those with more than 1.5 million tons, which are no longer in the scope of warships, and should be called the existence of space forts.

However, the existence of more than 1.5 million tons, even in the Titans, the glorious Freedom Federation, only a few ships.

The larger the tonnage, the more problems it brings, and the more difficult it is to manufacture.

After all, under your large tonnage, you must consider various factors such as armor, speed, power, firepower, and its positioning and concealment.

In a space war, the larger the tonnage, the more likely it is to be discovered by the enemy.

Civilizations beyond the fourth-level civilization have relative space strikes and ultra-long-range strikes.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Ti Si or the glorious Free Commonwealth, it has planned a position for warships of more than 1.5 million tons, that is, defense.

Defend for Capital Star.

This is also the origin of the Battlestar.

Hearing only a few small warships, Ansong tone, but still a little uneasy.

"Can you be sure that it is the power of the earth?"

"Captain, it's too far away to confirm!"

Listen, frown.

"Order the Fleet, expand your search formation, target, Mars, and start!"

Zhu Lan drove the blue gundam and landed on a meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers.

Looking at the ships in the distance sailed.


"Titan's fifty warships have passed. When will we start?"

Zhu Lan shook his head. "Not in a hurry, it's not the time yet, the Sea Fog Fleet is in place?"

"Already in place!"

Zhu Lan nodded and said nothing.

Do a full set of drama.

Wang Sheng knew this very well.

Titus fleet as it crossed the meteorite belt.

Wang Sheng ordered four warships as bait, two of which began to turn, accelerate, and advance towards the meteorite belt.

Two of them also served as the second echelon and followed.

Of course, this distance is very short, and it will only take action if it looks less than 800,000 kilometers.

Otherwise, Titanium should be skeptical.

Wang Sheng's experience in war strategy is still very deep.

In the expedition, Wang Sheng once led a fleet to win a fleet five times stronger than himself. In the command ranking list, no one can beat Wang Sheng's ranking.

Of course, Wang Sheng can have such an advantage, completely because after developing the brain domain through domain medicine, Wang Sheng learns by himself and slowly masters it.

The Sea Mist Fleet is not on either side of the meteorite, but instead goes to the other side of Mars.

With the help of Mars, the Titan fleet will not be discovered.

The Sea Mist Fleet is on the black list of Tis.

That is the existence of the target of the first blow.

Therefore, Wang Sheng directly let the Sea Fog Fleet circle to the other side of Mars to ensure it was not found.

Although many sea warships were equipped with mirage systems, in order to ensure that Wang Sheng ordered the sea fog fleet to leave.

Titan ’s understanding of the earth sent a spy ~ ~ Cang Lan also has his own understanding of Titan.

Although no spies were dispatched, the Red Queen was invading Titan's military network at any time.

Obtained a lot of information.

Moreover, under the authorization of Zhu Lan.

Many micro-robots have been dispatched many times to enter Saturn's Titan Advance base.

More information was obtained than Titans dispatched on Earth Spy.

The importance of eyes, Zhu Lan is thoroughly implemented.

After the end of the first war.

Zhu Lan tried everything, dispatched or invaded, and all kinds of information of the Titanic Fleet were obtained by Pale Blue.

Some of these are not critical, or materials that are not critical to the blue, Zhu Lan provided to the Blue Star naval port, so that they have a deeper understanding of titanium thinking.

Otherwise, the earth knows little about its enemies. Even if the earth has an absolute advantage, it may fail, not to mention, the current earth does not have any advantage.

As the Third Fleet passed the meteorite belt.

One of Vanguard's small fleet of ten warships encountered two Canal-class cruisers.

Without waiting for an attack, the two cruisers turned directly, as if escaping, and accelerated towards Mars.

And several defense systems on Mars started to start.

Several beams of light came over, flying more than 200,000 kilometers, and hit several battleships in front.

However, Titanium battleships are not weak. As a pioneer, they naturally have their own means of life-saving. Opening the energy defense system directly offsets these attacks. The entire Titanium fleet is also accelerating, because there is not enough on Mars. Threatening their existence!

At least think so! (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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