My Future Diary Can’t Be Perfect

Chapter 69: Do not look back

Mingguang City, in an abandoned factory building.

I saw a black figure curled up in the corner of the factory building, but suddenly, the black figure suddenly raised his head and looked out the window as if he had sensed something.

"Hong Niang.... dead!?"

"Who can kill her?"

Although Hei Ying's voice was full of surprise, but there was no anger, only pity and sighs: "...the ascension sun is approaching, the great cause will be completed, but I didn't expect the matchmaker to fall on the eve of success. Anyway, maybe this is the Bad luck...she didn't have the destiny to fly to Earth after all."

"My destiny is mine."

After a while, Hei Ying took out his mobile phone from his arms: "Now, 80% of Jing Wei Si already knows of my existence, and he has to find something for them to do."

"I can't let them pay too much attention to me."

Phone calls.

However, there was no sound from the other end of the phone, and there was only silence. Seeing this, Hei Ying took the initiative and said, "I want you to help me kill."

"...Who are you going to kill?"

"A member of the Jingwei Division Mingguang City Branch, no matter who it is."

".... Jing Weisi?"

As soon as this statement came out, the other end of the phone fell into silence, and after a while, it sounded again: "Are you asking us to provoke the official?"

"People like you, do you still care about the government?" Sombra asked rhetorically.

" misunderstood."

The voice on the other end of the phone seemed to smile: "That's the official Yanzhou government. It has a deep foundation, and the strong are like clouds. Even if it's just a branch, it's not easy to mess with..."

".... have to add money!"

"Deal." Sombra didn't care about the other party's asking price. After all, this was what he expected, so he said very readily: "I will contact Tiandi Bank and transfer the money directly to you. Every time you kill one People, I'll give you a head of money."

" is good."

The phone hangs up.

After doing all this, Sombra also put away the phone and closed his eyes again. He still needs time to dormant, but I believe this time will not be too long.


Early in the morning, Wu Wei got up and turned on the computer.

He is twenty-five years old.



There is a saying in the movie "Following" that a young man in his twenties who has no job will most likely imagine himself as a writer.

So Wu Wei is a web writer.

He works hard.

He gets up at six o'clock in the morning to code, and updates at least 10,000 words every day. Except for eating and sleeping, he devotes almost all his energy to writing. However, for some unknown reason, the novels he worked so hard to write have few followers.

Are you not talented?

Wu Wei doesn't think so. He felt that he wrote very well, with a grand outlook on the world, outstanding writing, ingenuity, and no faults at all.

Then why is no one watching?

It must be that there are too few recommendations, not enough exposure, poor readers' eyesight, and poor editorial aesthetics.

It's not his problem anyway.

Wu Wei, a popular book on the website's list, has also read it. He doesn't think it's that great. After reading a few chapters, he lost interest and went back to pondering his own book.

So after thinking about it, Wu Wei decided to do something big. He wanted to buy some readers for himself. In this way, his books will look better in terms of data, and the exposure rate will also increase. That's why he lived frugally last month and squeezed out part of his living expenses, just for today.

Just get exposure.

I believe that more readers will be able to see my book, and my book will definitely be appreciated by others, and then it will become popular and go to the pinnacle of life.

"That's the price."

"To you."

"Thank you for your patronage."

After transferring the account on the computer, Wu Wei's book really caught fire. The data is unparalleled, and the recommendation is stronger than the same period. Although some authors questioned him for brushing data, Wu Wei didn't care. He spat the other party wildly in the group, mocking the other party for being incompetent and furious.

However, the good times did not last long, and Wu Wei ran out of money.

His fiction figures plummeted. No matter how he criticized, there were still a lot of questioning voices in the comment area, which made him a little unacceptable.

"Blame me."

Wu Wei reflected for a moment and thought that his inspiration had been exhausted recently, which was why this kind of thing happened.

He needs some inspiration.

So he contacted the merchant who had transferred money before.

However, this time, the merchant did not accept his transfer, but sent him a link with a meaningful message.

"Would you like to try this?"

"This is our newly developed codeword software."

"There are also built-in courses, which are taught by the great writers themselves. As long as you finish a course, it is guaranteed that your next book will at least be a masterpiece."

------- Wu Wei was a little moved.

"To you."

"Thank you for your patronage."

Soon, Wu Wei opened the codeword software he had just downloaded. Sure enough, there was a built-in course in it, but there was no video, only a button. After Wu Wei opened it, he saw that the codeword software actually moved by itself, and a string of characters appeared smoothly.

[The inspiration for writing is mostly drawn from life. 】

[But as the saying goes, a child is not a fish, and you know the joy of a fish. Other people's lives are like a veil to you, and it is difficult to see through them completely. 】

【So the best way. 】

[It is to draw material from your own life. 】

【Would you like to try it? 】

Wu Wei felt that the lecturer who did not reveal his face and did not reveal his voice made sense, so he also typed a paragraph on the screen: "But how to get the material?"

[It's very simple, I'll give you an example. 】

On the software page, the characters kept popping out, as if there was a person who was really communicating with Wu Wei by typing across the computer screen.

[My name is Wu Wei, a mediocre person. 】

[For me, it was just an ordinary day. 】

"Is the protagonist me?" Wu Wei took a bottle of mineral water from the small refrigerator next to him, then sat back in place, drinking water while looking at the screen.

[I am staying in my own home, with the idea of ​​​​exploding overnight, painstakingly digging for inspiration for writing. That's not unusual for a twenty-five-year-old who doesn't plan to work. However, at this moment, there was a strange knock on the door. 】

"Boom, boom, boom."

Suddenly, Wu Wei seemed to hear a knock on the door. In the summer, Wu Wei shuddered violently when he just took a mouthful of ice mineral water.

"...What's going on?" Wu Wei swallowed.

[I don't think it's right. 】

[So I didn't go to the door. 】

[However, what I didn’t know was that it wasn’t the knock on the door just now, but the sound of the door closing. There is an uninvited guest in my room at this time...]

Wu Wei: "???"

Suddenly, there was only the humming of the main computer operating in the room.

Wu Wei couldn't help but took a deep As if he didn't do this, he would have difficulty breathing, and a rumbling heartbeat sounded in his ears.

"Fake, it's all fake."

[I console myself, telling myself that these are all fake. 】

[But at the same time, the uninvited guest has already walked into the living room of the room. I didn't lock the door, so he saw me at a glance. 】

Wu Wei: "..."

[He was a little panicked, he didn't want to be discovered. 】

[He walks towards me quickly. 】

Seeing this, Wu Wei suddenly felt a little headache, and vaguely seemed to hear the footsteps of someone walking briskly on his carpet.

[He approaches...]

The footsteps were getting louder.


The footsteps were getting louder.

【Do not look back! ! 】

The footsteps stopped.

(He's behind me!?)

"My day!"

Seeing this, Wu Wei finally couldn't hold back his emotions. Although he didn't look back, he threw the mineral water bottle in his hand directly behind him.


Wu Wei heard the sound of the mineral water bottle falling to the ground, and the sound of water flowing out. He didn't hit anyone, and he was relieved.

"Grandma, I'm scared to death!"

Wu Wei turned his head in relief.


After a long time, the computer screen, which was flickering with pale white light, moved again, the keyboard tapping sounded endlessly, and new words emerged:

【See here. 】

【Do not look back. 】

[Otherwise, the protagonist of the next story may be you. 】

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