
After Su Zihan changed his clothes, he was still a little hesitant.

She also tried to get up on her own, but it was still a bit of trouble when she went down the stairs.

Sister Xu urged: "Hurry up, just let him carry it, and let him contribute

!" "This guy can't take care of you at home, it's his serious dereliction of duty!"

Lin Ce simply stepped forward and hugged her horizontally.


She didn't dare to look up, because it was the first time she was held by a man like this, and her body was a little stiff.

Lin Ce was still a little strange: "Why does it seem that you are all over the body like a tight bow."

Su Zihan didn't say anything, she quietly glanced at Lin Ce from the bottom up.

From this angle, this guy seems to be a bit pleasing to the eye.


Lin Ce carried her to the RV and put her on the seat.

Su Zihan took a deep breath and calmed down the apprehension and indescribable throbbing feeling in his heart.

She glanced at Lin Ce, who was sitting on the other side of the RV.

Lin Ce didn't think too much about it.

He just felt that Su Zihan's weight was not heavy, and it took no effort to pick it up.

Sister Xu urged the driver: "Okay, okay, let's drive quickly!" "

It's not good if you're late later." "

Wait for the RV to start.

Sister Xu sat next to Su Zihan and carefully helped Su Zihan rub her feet: "Oh, you can't do such a thing in the future, if you fall into a disability or something, what can you do."

Su Zihan: "It's not that serious."

Sister Xu: "It's not that serious this time, but what about next time?" "

In short, if there is a little bit of danger in the future, you don't want to do it yourself, just let this Lin Ce do it, do you understand?"

Su Zihan was helpless.

Lin Ce sat aside and didn't speak, he was scrolling through his mobile phone, swiping some news to pass the time.

Sister Xu remembered something at this time: "Oh, by the way, in a while, Director Gu has a movie about to be released, but I don't know what will happen at the box office."

"If the box office is good, I have to find a way to see if there is a chance to contact Director Gu and strive to get a role for you in his next movie."

Su Zihan: "Sister Xu, don't be in such a hurry, the movie hasn't been released yet, and I don't know what the result will be, and even if it's released, hasn't he started preparing for his next movie yet?"

Sister Xu shook her head: "I am preparing in advance, and I have heard that the relationship between Director Zhao and Director Gu is a friend in itself."

"I don't know if Director Gu will also come over at today's celebration banquet.

"If he can come over, I'll be able to get you to get acquainted with him first."

"And let me tell you, a director like Director Gu needs to prepare in advance, otherwise when he starts shooting the second movie, you will look for opportunities and roles, and then there will be no chances."

"In this circle, the most important thing is to pay attention to a fast!" Sister

Xu chattered there, helping Su Zihan plan her future route.

Lin Ce's side didn't care about this matter either.


The motorhome was parked in front of the gate of a 5 star hotel.

The car stopped.

The doorman immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to open the car door.

Look at this venue.

Sister Xu's face was also quite emotional: "The fact that the celebration banquet was chosen in this place shows that the box office this time is unexpected."

"It's really good, this is a stepping stone for you to transform into the film industry, at least when I take over the film for you in the future, there will be a lot more choices and opportunities."

As she spoke, she helped Su Zihan get out of the car.

Su Zihan can only walk on one foot now, she is bouncing, looking a little interesting and a little hard.

"Why don't I carry you in.

Lin Ce proposed.

This time, Su Zihan was not ready to refuse, but Sister Xu frowned coldly: "What are you backing, this is not at home, aren't you afraid of ambushes somewhere around." "

In case this picture is spread, do you know how much it will damage our Zihan's image?"

After she finished speaking, she didn't forget to glare at Lin Ce.

Su Zihan pulled Sister Xu's wrist: "Sister Xu, don't say a few words, Lin Ce is also for my good."

Sister Xu snorted coldly: "If he really wants your good, he won't let you twist your feet!" "

Come, I'll help you walk slowly."

Sister Xu supported Su Zihan, and the two of them slowly walked towards the hotel.

Su Zihan's actions are still relatively difficult, and his speed is also slow.

Lin Ce thought of something, and quickly walked into the hotel.

Watching Lin Ce enter.

Sister Xu became more and more dissatisfied: "This guy, why did he run away first?" "

What does he mean by this, does he not recognize his identity, he is your assistant, how can there be a reason for the assistant to enter the hotel one step ahead." "

Sister Xu is endless.

She was dissatisfied with Lin Ce in all sorts of ways.

Su Zihan: "Sister Xu, you don't say a few words, and besides, don't say this in front of him in the future."

"I think he's doing a good job, and the sprain really has nothing to do with him.

Su Zihan helped Lin Ce speak.

Sister Xu looked at her: "Zihan, you are just too kind." "

Really, you are his boss, shouldn't the boss have some requirements for his subordinates

?" "Besides, he himself has no rules, and he is going in first by himself now, what is this like?"

Sister Xu was about to say something, she suddenly paused and looked in the direction of the hotel door.

Su Zihan also saw Lin Ce who went and returned.

Lin Ce pushed a wheelchair and walked over: "Come, sit on this, I'll push you in."

Su Zihan was stunned, she blinked: "Wouldn't this be too much of a fuss."

Lin Ce: "What you need most now is rest, moving around at this time will only make your feet slower to heal." "

Sit down, you're hurt, it's okay, everyone can understand it."

Su Zihan finally nodded and sat in a wheelchair obediently.

Sister Xu raised her eyebrows, and looked at Lin Ce's eyes and softened a little: "It turns out that you just went to look for this, it's okay, even if you kid has a little eyesight." Lin

Ce didn't bother to take care of this Sister Xu at all, and if she said anything, the left ear went in, and the right ear went out.

Several people entered the hotel.

The celebration is on the top floor of the hotel.

Got on the elevator.

When I reached the top floor, I saw a lot of people who were already here.

And Lu He, as the leading actor, is even more proud at the moment.

At a glance, he saw Su Zihan here.

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