And one day later, the entrance ceremony and the first day of classes.

From the moment I woke up, I hurriedly finished preparing for departure. Today, I had to visit the classroom right after the entrance ceremony. There are compulsory majors, and I have applied for most of the courses that fit the time, both online and in the morning classes that all my friends have given me.

Of course, it wasn’t like that with the mindset that I would split my time and work hard. My life pattern has been fixed since I was in high school, and because of love, I couldn’t sleep deeply and woke up early in the morning, so I decided to do that.

With a simple thought that it would be nice if I started activities early in the morning just after class and then come and spend time with my family.

As soon as Suhwang saw him, Heena was a little worried about the timetable where she said, ‘Are you crazy?’

And the whole family decided not to come to the entrance ceremony. My father had to go to work, and my mother had an urgent job for the family, and Heena’s house felt the same way. It’s dangerous for Sarang to go out yet, so I can’t take her out.

To be honest, both my parents wanted to attend, even if they forced me to, but I told them that I didn’t have to come because they had been taking a lot of annual leave saying that I was seeing love recently. To be honest, it was just a brief entrance ceremony, so I wondered if there was any need to come.

“Is there anything missing?”

“It’s the first day, what are you doing? I’ll be back soon.”

“No. When it’s over and you have an appointment, go. I didn’t even go to Otti, but I don’t like being too late.”

“Are you mostly lost?”

“Because it wasn’t fun for me, and it was better to keep a moderate distance. But he likes that.”

“Um… I get it for now. I’ll see you later and contact you.”

“Be careful with your car… Love~ Daddy, should we go?”

Sarang, who was born less than a month ago, could not have said such a thing, but she still rolls her eyes and looks at me. There was a smile on that cute face.

“I’m going, Daddy~ Is love going to feed you now?”

“Yeah. My brother is preparing. He said he would do it all for today? You fought with your father over that.”

“Uh huh… I’ll go now. Call me if anything happens.”


Finally, I kissed Heena on the lips and left the house. Leaving behind Heena, who was waving her hand until the door closed.

Arriving at Seoyeon University, where I had come several times to see Heena off, I chatted for a while and then attended the entrance ceremony. There was nothing special about it. A few performances and congratulatory speeches.

Even that wasn’t very memorable. I think you said a good thing, but I got into the auditorium a little late and I couldn’t concentrate because I was in the back seat.

So I listened to it in moderation, and as soon as it was over, I left the auditorium. And just like when I entered a new class in high school, I was excited to walk around the classroom and finally met some of my classmates. It’s a required major, so most of them will come if you have a little bit of time.

“Yeonhoo hyung! Love is just the same!”

“Jaehwan~ Did you come earlier than me? Didn’t you go to the entrance ceremony?”

“Dangpa went. As soon as it was over, I came to see hyung.”

“Yes? Anyway, nice to meet you. Let’s eat together later…”

“Oh! Married man!”

“Who is this, this is a familiar Wakun? You’re Chanhyung? Are you envious?”

“Sister-in-law is a little… No, I envy you so much!”

“Love is cute too, ma.”

“But after opening, hyung didn’t even come because of the show, but he’s famous. He didn’t even take a selfie in the chat room, but there were no people he didn’t know.”

“Isn’t Yeon-hoo’s older brother Psa already at the level of cell hair?

We had already given names through chat, and as we talked, we found out about my bad luck, so we agreed to call each other comfortably. as a brother without respect. Anyway, I don’t know each other, but it’s the first time I’ve seen their faces, and surprisingly, I was able to deal with them comfortably without any awkwardness.

This may have been because Heena was a little surprised, and the chat rooms between classmates without seniors were very active from the start compared to other places. It’s usually awkward, so we don’t talk to each other well. Our group chat room was on fire.

Anyway, after meeting the two of them, the kids started gathering one by one. And what I felt while meeting each other like this was that they were more interested in me than I thought.

I must have been surprised that I was married at my age and had children. Not only the boys, but also a few girls come up to me and talk to me.

but. He is a married man with twenty-one children, whom he has been proud of since the beginning of his career, so I can’t help but be curious.

“Oppa, show me love! Do you have more pictures?”

“There are only pictures of love in my gallery.”

“Ah~ Even the picture of your girlfriend… Oh, you’re not your girlfriend. What should I call you?”

“It’s a little vague to say “senpai,” or just call her “sister”. She’s also a Seoyeon University student.

“Really?! No, really?! Wow, that’s the Seoyeon University couple!”

A junior with short hair and fresh makeup, who immediately feels like he has started decorating after coming to college, gets closer to his body and shines his eyes. Did you say your name is Eugene? I was a little confused by the strange intimacy. He seemed to be more comfortable with him because he thought he was safe as long as he had a certain partner.

If Heena had seen it, I would have shed a cold laugh, so I pulled my body out slightly and said.

“The professor will be coming in soon. Would you like to talk while having dinner together later? Someone who will try learning at around one or two o’clock!”

“I! I! I!”

“Brother me too!”

“Me too! But can these people sit together? How many of us are there already? Six, seven…”

“Hey, I can’t come anyway. The time will be different.”

“Does anyone know the way?”

Probably because it was the first day, more numbers than expected had gathered from this time, and it was very noisy.

We talked until just before the professor came, then dispersed, and I heard various explanations from the professors I met for the first time.

“Nice to meet you. I am Professor Jeong-Hoon Shin, who is in charge of the discrete mathematics lecture. Please take care of me. This lecture is-“

Of course, there was no class, and after a brief introduction, there was only O.T. including the lesson plan. Still, it was very refreshing to see the professor speaking in front of me, something different from the high school teacher.

Anyway, all day today, I only listened to the subjects I took. Because the classrooms are different each time, we split up with the kids for a while, and then we get together with a few people for lunch.

It was a pity that we met and talked only for such a short time and when the time overlapped, so in the end we even had a drink appointment. so naturally.

Heena knew this too, so she asked me to go to a meeting. To be honest, I felt like I couldn’t miss this drink even if Otti was missing. I thought if I left this out, the sense of distance from the other kids would become too vague.

“Damn you, you’re such a maze. Brother, do you understand the way?”

“No, wait… a map.”

I looked around the university all day, including getting lost and wandering around the large university site, visiting the classroom, and also watching the club promotions in the middle.

After enjoying the first day of college like that, it was around 5 o’clock.

In addition to the members who had gathered earlier, more than a dozen people headed to the pub, including those who joined after receiving a belated call. It was a little early, but because it was an improvised meeting, and we had to spend more time asking for a drink in the evening.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Most of them are just turning twenty, and I and others who are older than him because of bad luck are also twenty one or two at most.

This young classmate’s first meeting was held at the chicken restaurant at the back of the school.

“Yeah, Heena. I’ll drink a little and go in soon.”

-It seemed so. If the kids hold on to me, I’ll never say no.

“No… it’s not like that, but I saw it for the first time today, and I thought it might be good to attend at least once…”

—I know. come and have fun But don’t drink too much, and take a taxi if you’re tired on the way back. I put a hangover reliever in my bag, so make sure to eat it.

“Okay, thank you. What about love? Now?”

-I just fell asleep again. oo was that chicken? Then call me before you come later!


– drip

As soon as I entered the chicken house, I first got permission from Heena. Until I arrived here, I thought that I should wait an hour and then go, but when I arrived, I felt that it would not be possible, so I called now.

After the call with Heena was over, I looked up and somehow everyone around me was looking at me. Amidst the gathering of curious glances, Jaehwan and Chanhyung, who sat next to me, opened their mouths.

“Wow, do I have to get permission from my girlfriend to drink?”

“Hey, you’re your brother-in-law, not your girlfriend.”

“Ah, yes. So you’re getting permission?”

“I think so. But love is sleeping? I got really tired of the smell of a married man… This is my dad.”

From then on, conversations about me started coming and going here and there.

“Still, it’s good if you call me like that before drinking.

“Are you talking about your boyfriend?”


“Ah… Sorry.”

“Someone’s already married, but what the hell have I been up to?”

“You must have studied.”

“Because while studying, people who are supposed to do everything they need to do.”

There was still quite a bit of awkwardness with each other, but after talking to each other as a starting point, exchanges with people sitting around each other became more active. We don’t play games of alcohol in a casual way, and focus solely on conversations for the sake of friendship.

I too, the two men sitting next to me, the cutie with short hair in the front, and Eugene, the four of us started talking.

Everyone studied hard and came to this university, so from how they studied to taking on various personalities.

“Did that sister completely carry her brother?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t deny it. Without Heena, Seoyeondae wouldn’t have been able to even dream.”

“It’s amazing… Oppa is really great too. He came here because he had a child. Did he do it again last year because he didn’t get good grades?”

“Well… yes.”

I was obviously proud of my luck, but I was embarrassed to say it as if I was bragging about it.

“Is this hyung’s existence itself a deception? Johnye’s girlfriend has a daughter, and the couple are both in Seoyeon. Ha… I want to meet a girl too.”

“Meeting George, or something like that when I was young. My seniors said that after a month or so, I’d be damned. Whether it’s a meeting or a meeting.”

“Shiba, you should definitely go. Oh, but can’t you join hyung after opening?”

“Why am I wearing it?”

If you go like that, you’ll really die by Heena… No. He won’t die, he might be locked up at home.

“Then oppa won’t come here often for drinks in the future, will he?”

“Perhaps? I should go and see love. I can’t let myself suffer alone.”

“Hey, a homely man! Cool! Okay, I made it for Yeon-hoo!”


Eugene looked quiet on the outside, but she was more extroverted than I thought, getting up from her seat and inducing a toast. At some point, he is leading the conversation. I think I’ll do well if I exaggerate somehow.

Anyway, the atmosphere was getting more and more mellow. Before we got together, it felt like we were playing harder because the second car was nailed down from the first day.

“I’m envious, but hyung must have a lot of trouble. He must have needed a lot of money to raise a child. It’s a long way from graduation.”

“Yes. Make sure you use good contraception.”

“I don’t even have a girlfriend, so what kind of birth control do you use?”

“Why do you need contraception? This bastard has a condom on his face… Evil! Crazy, this bastard really hits you!”

“Your Wakuna My Wakuna There, you bastard!”

When Jaehwan and Chanhyung suddenly started an ugly fight over who was the uglier, Yujin let out a sigh.

“Ugh~ Look at the ugly kids fighting. They’re really not on the same level as your older brother.”

“That’s right. These ugly bastards.”

“Oh, I’m better than Jaehwan Lee!”

“If you’re not like my brother, let’s just be quiet.”

“Did you hear me? Children!”

“This brother likes it again… I want to tell you when I see my brother-in-law, really.”

“Don’t say anything scary.”

Even if I’m not the only person I’ve ever heard of, I’ve been objectively above average and have a good impression, so I’ve heard a lot about it. Besides, Heena helped me in many ways, so my hair and coordinating styles are well maintained.

Anyway, as the sense of distance decreases, there is also a quarrel, so we had a good time anyway.

And, changing seats little by little, for a few hours to build friendships with various comrades.

As it got dark around me, I got up from my seat, thinking that it might be time to go back. There were a few people looking at each other and fussing around, because there were signs that they wanted to go home.

It was only me who could carry this kind of gun lightly.

“Come on, everyone, let’s do it all today! I have to go see Sarang!”

“Hey, isn’t that too personal?”

“Okay! The calculation is in yen! First, did Jinsung decide to pay?”

“Uh~ Thank you for the card performance~”

“Next time, hyung will post the receipt on the chat room, so send it on! Last time?!”


With my dock, everyone emptied their glasses clean. I also emptied the remaining beer and packed my luggage. I’ll just send the money later before I go to bed, and then I’ll have to go back and feed my love.

With that thought in mind, I hurriedly walked out of the chicken house with the other kids.

Of course, they didn’t break up cleanly as soon as they came out. We gathered together in front of the chicken house and talked for a while.

“Hyung! Are you coming tomorrow?”

“I have to go. But aren’t you going to drink again?”

“Is the game possible?”

“Public room is not allowed… Send me a chat when I do. If the timing is right, I’ll be able to connect even at home.”

“Oppa! I play games together! I’m good at LxL too!”

“Oh, Lee Yoo-jin, where is Lang?”



“Crazy… hyung, don’t be fooled. It’s a backpacker support bus”

“Am I only going to the tower?”

“The psychopath is here…”

I also heard some shocking facts.

Oh my gosh, when a girl passed Seoyeon University, she went to LxL. I also took pictures when I was in the middle of a game, but I can’t even go near it now. If I ask Eugene to ride the bus later… will it make Hee-na uncomfortable?

Anyway, even such chatter was slowly over, and the atmosphere of chinpato finally emerged and we were about to break up.

By the way.

“Huh? Brother! Isn’t that your brother-in-law over there?”

“What? Heena?”

Everyone exchanged greetings with a promise of tomorrow, and just as I was about to say goodbye to the three people I spent the most time with, Jaehwan spoke out of nowhere. Since his voice was quite loud, everyone in the room began to focus on him.

I also gently turned my head in the direction Jaehwan was pointing. Of course, I didn’t believe that.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

No, Heena can’t be here. He must have misunderstood the other person because he only saw Heena as a professional.


But it was really Heena who walked from far away and shyly greeted my comrades.

She wore full makeup, which was hard to see recently, and even her clothes.

in sincere mode.

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