Chapter 19: Water to the Little Angel

“Qunyue, how many scores can you test now?”

Quanyue was caught off guard by Shinso Hitoshi’s sudden big move. He hurriedly tried to change the subject, only to find Shinso Hitoshi clutching the problem. Thinking of his horrible results, Quanyue covered his face, “You won’t be real.”

“You call, if it is because you want to take the U.A., I think I’d better understand your culture class.”

“No, no, I don’t have any idea of ​​going to UA to study first.” Quanyue noticed something was wrong and quickly denied, “I just ask! Just ask!” He really didn’t want to go to UA to study, he just wanted to take the UA exam For a moment, experience a little…


Experience it.

His quirk and physical quality determined that he would never be an outstanding Heroes in his life, but he also yearned to go to the places where his parents had studied and worked hard. U.A High School is heavily guarded, rejecting interviews from various forces, and rarely opening to the outside world. Even Shinso Hitoshi only stood in front of the U.A teaching building on the opening day, and did not see the internal environment at all.

If you want to go to U.A, the entrance exam is the best and the only way to enter U.A high school with integrity.

“So, how many points can you test?”

“…Probably a little bit.” Quanyue reported his grades a little bit higher. Shinso Hitoshi on the other side of the phone said helplessly: “The score is very dangerous. If you continue to loosen up and do not study hard, I don’t think you can even report your third choice…”

“Stop it!” Quanyue gave the needle all over, “Don’t talk about grades. Say something else is good.”

“Goodbye, I’m going to review.”

Someone didn’t see any lingering, and simply hung up the phone neatly. Only Quanyue was left with a big mouth, “hey hello” into the microphone for several times, and fell on the phone for a long while, sat down at the desk with a calm face, opened his textbooks and notebooks, and stared in a daze with his homework like the heavenly book.

Isn’t it just learning. He can too!

A quarter of an hour later, Deng Deng Deng ran downstairs and shouted, “Sister Nara is going to buy something?”

“Xiao Ye can just go to read a book. Now the third year of junior high school is the main study.” Nara’s sister was preparing bibimbap, she searched for a long time, and found that the soy sauce was gone. Bibimbap without soy sauce can be said to have lost a lot of flavor. “Strange. Did I forget?”(Read more @

“Sister Nara, I’m going to sell it!” It’s not that Quanyue doesn’t want to learn, but he sits at the desk and sees the laptop. When he sees the computer, he wants to browse the Heroes forum. Once he checked the forum, he could laugh for hours without thinking about learning at all.

Sister Nara reluctantly told him the brand of soy sauce and told him to be careful on the way. The soy sauce she wanted was only offered at a hotel, passing from the orphanage, and the nearest way was from the seaside park. It was getting dark, and the street lights were lit up on the road. Quanyue wore a mask and rode out.

The seaside park has also darkened, and the sound of the tide hit the coast, and a string of footprints on the messy beach can be clearly seen. The face of the owner of the footprints is black and white, wearing only a dirty vest, and holding a huge piece of scrap iron in both hands.

“It’s still there.” Quanyue stopped. After seeing this boy appearing next to All Might, he went to the school to observe it. It is indeed their student of Aldera Junior High, who seems to have been involved in the silt incident some time ago. I felt familiar at the time, maybe I saw it on TV.

The quirk-free boy who was used as a negative example.

No quirk boy Midoriya Izuku panting and carrying the waste to one place, wiped a sweat with his arm, he was obviously a little tired, but he cheered up and let himself move on. Originally weaker than ordinary people, and without quirk, finally won the favor of Japan’s No. 1 Heroes All Might… Absolutely! This opportunity must not be lost! Never let All Might down!

If Midoriya Izuku’s body had an alarm, he would definitely scream to remind him that he was overloaded. Everyone’s body has a valve. Anything beneficial or unhelpful beyond the valve will cause varying harm to the body. Quanyue, who had received a little basic medical education when he was a child, knew this very well. He frowned as he watched Midoriya Izuku hobbled forward.

“Hey, your body is not working anymore.” He shouted: “Don’t move anymore, you need to rest.”

Midoriya Izuku paused, still moving forward.

not enough! not enough! If you want to exercise, if you want to clean up this beach, if you want to not let All Might down, if you want to respond to his hopes for yourself, what you have done now is far from enough!

You have to work harder.

Quanyue saw that Midoriya Izuku had no sign of stopping, so he could only move on to buy his own soy sauce. Having said that, he is not familiar with this person. Do you want him to run down and drag him up to rest on the ground?

The sea breeze is a bit fishy, ​​and there is still a lot of garbage in the seaside park that has not been cleaned up. A huge shadow enveloped the boy, like a mountain of five fingers pressed on his back. A big drop of sweat fell on his forehead, and the trails of footprints on the beach looked like the bustling crowd had just evacuated.

Is it dying already?

Isn’t it just that?

“I don’t understand, are you crazy?” A plastic bag was handed over, “Water.” It was dark at night, and Midoriya Izuku’s eyes were blurred by sweat, and the person in front of him was only a rough black shadow, and his voice seemed extremely impatient.” Hey, don’t really be exhausted here. No matter what you do, be modest.”

“Thanks…thank you.”

The other party didn’t say a word, didn’t even bother to say the polite “No thanks”, and left on his bicycle.

Midoriya Izuku seemed to be full of breath again. He must be a good person. I have to work hard to become a hero, whether it is for myself, for All Might, or for the kind people just now, I have to make some achievements. There are more good people in this world. He opened the bag and saw a bottle of water and a bottle of…soy sauce?

Miao Miao Welfare Institute.

“Xiao Ye, where’s the soy sauce?”

“…” Is it too late to get it now? Quanyue seems to have been scratched by the cat. Why on earth should I buy water? This… This obviously has nothing to do with me. Will there be no food at night? I don’t want to cook. QAQ

“Since we can’t eat bibimbap, we can only eat other things.”

“Sister Nara…I…”

“Xiao Ye, let’s cook.”

Quanyue regarded death as home, entering the kitchen as if entering the battlefield, and went away awe-inspiringly.

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