There are people standing there.

Although he is a little kid, he is inexplicably enviable.

Renault is no exception.

Although he said he wouldn't do that kind of thing, it was inevitable that he would feel a little envious when he saw Ken Tai, who was personally invited by the girls to stay on top.

. . . . . .

After taking a bath, it is the scheduled rest time. Although it is said that according to the usual co-lodging, it will definitely be more lively in the future, but today's battle and long-distance travel have made everyone tired and returned to their rooms one after another. inside.

The boys' room is a large room, and everyone lays on the floor to rest in one room.

After making up the beds, the boys also lay down and rested one after another.

Reno, on the other hand, didn't feel too tired. He silently left the room and came to the corridor next to him, looking up at the starry sky in the summer night, in a daze.

Inexplicably, thinking of Misaka Mikoto a little, Renault simply picked up the phone and called Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto didn't expect Reno to call when they were sleeping together, and chatted with him very happily.

Nearly 40 minutes have passed since Mikoto also talked about her activities today.

Saying good night, Renault, who hung up the phone, also got up to go back to rest.

At this time, I just saw the other side of the corridor, Green Valley, who had left the room early, came back with a worried face.

"What's wrong? A troubled look on his face."

"Ah!" Green Gu, who came back to his senses, saw Reno sitting in the corridor, and was also a little surprised, "Kun Leo, haven't you rested?"

"It was a little early and I couldn't sleep, so I sat outside for a while and made a phone call. How about you? Where did you go during this time? You must be very tired tomorrow."

"That... Because of some concerns, I went to the Mandalay cat teacher."

"The little boy thing?"


It turned out to be because of this, but it really fits Green Valley's character.

"That little devil hates heroes, and the person who wants to be a hero has never given us a good face since we met. It was the same this afternoon, and he didn't say a word." Pointing to his side, let Green Valley After also sitting down, Renault said, "I guess there is some psychological shadow that makes him hate heroes, which is completely opposite to you, a person who is motivated to become a hero."

"Kang Tai's parents are both professional heroes, but they all died in the line of duty."

In a short sentence, Renault instantly understood the reason.

"I see. It's really too heavy a burden for a child. No wonder it's like this. If you don't guide him, you may become more reticent and rebellious."

"Then, what should we do?"

"If you want to help him, find a way yourself. The worst thing I'm not good at is teaching children. Especially that kid who is very difficult to get along with, I don't want to be punched in the crotch by him."

Patting the bright-faced Lugu on the shoulder, Renault stood up: "Okay, it doesn't matter if you want to do these things, but let's go to rest first, tomorrow's training won't be easy."

Back in the room, most of the people were already asleep, and only a few were still talking in a low voice.

After Lugu lay down in bed, looking at the dark ceiling, thinking about things, he slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, at 5 o'clock, the whole facility rang loud and clear.

Then, the muscular brother Guihu held a loudspeaker and opened the door of the boy's room.

"Wake up!!!!!!"

The lodging has officially begun.

Chapter 127 The Stupid Class B (1/2)

The moment the door of the room opened, Renault woke up, but was still startled by the loud shouts amplified by the speakers.


"What happened?"

"It is too early......"

After Renault got up, the others also woke up one after another.

The tiger with the loudspeaker looked at the crowd and said, "It's time to get up, little guys. At 5:30, I want you to show up in the square outside on time. Hurry up and change your clothes and wash!"

After speaking, regardless of everyone's reaction, he got up directly.

Looking at the wide open door, everyone looked at each other and immediately got up and changed their clothes.

They don't think they can take their time. If they are really late, the punishment or something is likely to be terrible!

Therefore, at 5:30, everyone in class A appeared on the square on time. Although many people were still yawning, they did arrive on time.

The head teacher, Aizawa Shota, had been waiting here for a long time. He looked at the crowd and said, "Good morning, classmates, we will officially start the intensive dormitory today. The purpose of this dormitory is to strengthen everyone's abilities and obtain [[ Temporary license]. This is the preparation necessary to counter the increasingly obvious hostility, and it must be raised with care.”

【Temporary License】!

As soon as this word came out, it immediately made everyone who was still a little sleepy completely awake.

Temporary license! This is the certificate that only the second graders have the opportunity to take the test, and they are only the first grade now, are they going to take the test?

The more people think about it, the more excited they become, doesn't it mean that when they encounter an enemy in the future, they don't need to

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