After buying these, he saw that there was still time, so he dragged Reynolds to the snack area.

"Seaweed, chips, cookies...and this, and this, and this. Wait Reno, and there's that!!!"

After a few minutes, the one-faced trolley was not enough.

With a dark face, he finally grabbed the wave coil that was still trying to get something. Reno took her, who was holding a large bottle of Coke, to the cashier to check out.

While paying the money, Renault looked at the embarrassed wave snail beside him: "If it weren't for these Mikotos who also like to eat, I would never let you in the car."

"Hey hey~~~" Wazaru smiled and stuck out his tongue at Renault.

After leaving the supermarket, with several bags hanging in the car, Renault finally returned home.

"I am back."

Along with the sound of Renault entering the door, footsteps also came.

"Welcome back!" Before Mikoto could change her school uniform, she came to the door with a look of joy.

"Ah, Hwa-senpai, are you here too?"

"Hehe, Mikoto-chan, I'm here to eat!" After changing his shoes, Wazao Luoju approached with a smile on his face, and hugged Mikoto in his arms.

Suffocated by the facial cleanser, Mikoto struggled for a while before breaking free.

How tall is this woman?

After observing the sturdy upper wall of the wave snail scroll, Mikoto couldn't understand more and more, so she could only lead her into the house.

Seeing that Renault was carrying several bags, Meiyun immediately came up and helped Renault bring the ingredients into the kitchen.

After putting the things down, Renault squeezed Meiyun's face and said with a smile, "Okay, you can stay in the living room, I'll deal with it here."

"You really don't need me to help you?"

"Today is to eat hot pot, there is no need to be so troublesome, go and rest."

Meiyun nodded obediently and went back to the living room.

While Renault was in the kitchen, Yuriko walked in just after processing the ingredients.

"Come back? How was the store today?"

"It's alright, so-so." After Yuriko came in, she glanced at the many ingredients in front of Reno, turned around and took an apron to put on.

"let me help you."

"Don't take a break?"

"I'm not good at dealing with wave coils, so stay in the kitchen."

Yuriko's reasons are impeccable. Indeed, Yuriko's character is the one that Yuriko is the worst at dealing with.

Therefore, today's dinner at Renault's house was prepared by two brothers and sisters.

When it comes to hot pot, although Japanese-style hot pot is quite good, Renault still prefers traditional Chinese hot pot.

And if you want to prepare Japanese-style hot pot, it takes a lot of time to prepare the soup base.

In contrast, the one in front of you is simpler. Just buy a large bag of authentic Sichuan hot pot ingredients online, and you can guarantee that even if the repair card comes, it will be spicy for you.

In winter, it is still this hot hot pot, which is more refreshing to eat.

Soon, all the ingredients were cleaned, cut, divided into bowls and plates, and brought to the table one after another.

The red oil soup base of the hot pot also warmed up early. As the soup boiled a little, the hot but fragrant taste poured into everyone's nose.

Sitting at the dining table, Mei Yun couldn't help swallowing.

Although she was going to practice singing in two days, she still couldn't resist the temptation of this hot pot. Even Renault's proposal of Yuanyang Hotpot refused.

"Then let's start."

Today's meal at Renault's family begins.

"Ah!!! That beef tongue is mine!!!"

399 Drag the family and bring a mouth to the emperor (1/2)

After eating and drinking, the pots and pans that can go into the dishwasher go directly into the dishwasher, and those that cannot go into the kitchen are thrown directly into the kitchen.

At this point in time, no one has the heart to wash pots and dishes.

A cup of tea per person, sitting on the sofa in the living room, lying down comfortably, even Yuriko Lingke's expression at this time is extraordinarily calm and stable.


However, the sudden hiccup of the wave spiral drew everyone's attention to the past.

"Hey hey hey, I'm tired of eating." Wave Luojuan touched the slightly bulging belly under the sweater and smiled contentedly.

After speaking, she stood up, reached out and took a bag of potato chips from the coffee table and opened it.

"..." Looking at her behavior, Renault couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you say it's a struggle?"

"Dinner and snacks are different!"

As he spoke, he stuffed a piece of potato chips into his mouth, and Misaka Mikoto, who was watching, also leaned over, took a few slices into the bag and started eating.

Renault understood that girls' stomachs were bottomless pits, so he should not tangle here.

After resting for a while, Renault went to take a bath first.

After taking a shower, I went directly back to my room, turned on the computer, plugged in the headphones, turned on the music, and read the news for the past two days while listening to the song.

Sure enough, after arresting Yoshihashi Liye yesterday, the Hero Public Security Committee investigated the company under Yoshihashi Liye early this morning, blocked it at a very fast speed, and arrested a large number of people.

At the same time, all parts of the country are also searching and arresting members of the supernatural liberation front.

Which industry, what level of people, as long as they are discovered

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