Chapter 470: High fever

Qin Yue returned to the ward, sat beside Jianran, hugged her gently, and said, "Jianran, you haven't closed your eyes all night. I'm here with Xiaoran, you go to lie down for a while."

"Ran Ran has a fever again and again, look at how swollen my hand is... I can't sleep at ease." Seeing Qin Yue, Jian Ran's nose was sore, she approached his arms and rubbed lightly twice.

It has been more than half a year since she returned to their father and daughter. For more than half a year, Xiao Ranran was alive and kicking, cute and sensible, and she never bothered anyone.

Especially after she has her brother lie, because brother lie accompanies her and takes care of her, she is more well-behaved and sensible.

But look at Xiao Ranran now, who has a high fever and has been in a stupor. In two days, he seems to have lost a lot of weight all at once.

Xiao Ranran's original red face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and it looked like a piece of transparent paper, as if it would be punctured with a light poke.

"As long as the needle is not inserted, the swelling will go away." Qin Yue stroked Jian Ran's head, looked at Xiao Ranran, and said softly.

"What did you say?" When Qin Yue said it so easily, Jian Ran was not happy and immediately left Qin Yue's arms.

Xiao Ranran was a piece of flesh that fell from Jian Ran's body. She was born after a few months of hard work, and she was forcibly delivered by caesarean section at that time, so her birth was more tortuous than other children.

Now that she saw Xiao Ranran lying here, Jian Ran was so worried that she didn't think about tea and rice. She must have been angry when she suddenly heard Qin Yue's calm words.

Qin Yue: "..."

It was he who said the wrong thing.

Jian Ran said, "I'll be here with Ran Ran. Go and do your own thing."

Hearing her tone, Qin Yue knew that she was still angry with him, and he grabbed her again and said, "I said the wrong thing."

Jian Ran was silent and didn't want to pay attention to him.

"If you break your body, I will feel sorry for you mother and daughter, are you willing?" Qin Yue held the hands of Jian Ran and Xiao Ranran together in his big palm, and bowed his head and kissed Jian Ran's forehead.

"I..." Of course I couldn't bear it.

Jian Ran pursed her lips and said, "However, when she is so ill, I don't feel relieved if I don't watch her by her side."

"Even if the person standing by her side is me, don't you worry?" Qin Yue asked.

"It's you who don't worry."

After saying this, Jian Ran realized that she seemed to have said something wrong. She looked at Qin Yue and smiled apologetically, not knowing what to say to him.

Qin Yue is not angry because of her words, but because she doesn't know how to take care of herself.

Seeing that Qin Yue's face was ugly, Jian Ran thought for a while and said, "then look at baby Ran, and I'll lie beside her for a while. If anything happens, I'll know as soon as possible."

Jian Ran doesn't want Qin Yue to worry, nor does she feel relieved to leave Xiao Ranran for half a step. The best way is to lie beside Xiao Ranran.

Seeing that Jian Ran was so stubborn, Qin Yue shook his head helplessly. He really had no way to take her, but he could understand Jian Ran's feelings.

Jian Ran lost Xiao Ranran, but now she has finally returned to Xiao Ranran's side. Those who have never lost it can't understand that kind of feeling.

Jian Ran lay down beside Xiao Ranran, closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but as soon as she closed her eyes, Xiao Ranran still looked sick.

She opened her eyes again and said slowly, "seeing Xiao Ranran so sad, I can't wait to get sick and hurt for her."

"Fool, when you get sick occasionally, it's actually detoxification. Which child doesn't have a cold or a fever." Qin Yue said it easily, but he was more worried about Xiao Ranran's situation than Jian Ran.

Not long after Xiao Ranran was born, because she was forcibly taken out of her mother's body in advance, her health was very poor. At that time, she had a high fever.

Back then, Xiao Ranran's situation was similar to what it is now. The high fever subsided and then subsided, and the fever subsided again and again.

At that time, because she was too young, when he was holding her, she didn't seem to be as big as his slap. The doctor wanted to put a needle in her body, but he didn't know where to start.

After several days of rescue and treatment, Xiao Ranran's condition not only did not improve, but became more and more serious, and she might die at any time.

One day after the first aid, the doctor even told Qin Yue that the child's condition had deteriorated too seriously and might not be saved, so he should prepare himself mentally in advance.

Hearing the doctor's words at that time, Qin Yue was so angry that he picked up the doctor and threw it out of the ward. At the same time, he put down his harsh words. If his daughter was in trouble, he would not stay in this hospital.

His Jane ran's life and death are unknown. Xiao ran is the only most precious "gift" that Jane left to him. How could he let her go.

He spent a lot of money and material resources to find many doctors at home and abroad, whether they are famous doctors or local doctors, as long as they have a good reputation, they all come to see Xiao Ranran.

After his efforts and the efforts of the doctors, Xiao Ranran's condition finally improved after a period of time.

After lying in the hospital for more than half a year, Qin Yue breathed a sigh of relief when the doctor said that Xiao Ranran could be discharged. At that moment, he was sure that Xiao Ranran was all right.

Xiao Ranran is all right, then he will take Xiao Ranran with him and wait for their Da Ranran to come back.

Since then, Qin Yue took Xiao Ranran with him wherever he went, and found a dietitian to follow them to prepare a special diet for Xiao Ranran.

Start with diet, slowly adjust Xiao Ranran's physical condition, and replenish the nutrients that are not absorbed enough in the mother's body.

After a year or two of conditioning, Xiao Ranran's physical condition has improved a lot.

When Xiao Ranran's mother, Da Ranran, came back, she would see such a healthy and lively little guy.

These are all things that Qin Yue accompanied Xiao Ranran step by step. I believe he doesn't need to say more about how deeply he has feelings for their daughter.

He didn't tell Jian Ran about these things, saying it was meaningless, it would only make Jian Ran sad.

The most unsightly thing for him is to see Jian Ran sad and sad. He hopes that she will be happy forever and be happy with their baby.

In the past few years, Qin Yue's biggest wish was to develop Shengtian into the first international brand.

Now, his biggest wish is for his wife to stay by his side, for the children to grow up healthily, and for a family of three to live a normal life.

But there are still some people who can't see him well and just want to disrupt his peaceful life.

So if he wants to live a good life with his wife and children, the best way is to get rid of those stumbling blocks and never have future troubles.

He wants everyone to know that whoever tries to destroy the peaceful life of his Qinyue family will never have a good life!

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