Chapter 590: Cut off everything

I have nightmares when I fall asleep.

For a long time in the past, Jian Ran would do this every day.

It wasn't until she returned to Qin Yue that her frequent nightmares disappeared.

Jian Ran knew that horrible feeling all too well and didn't want to try it again.

Jian Ran didn't dare to sleep because of fear.

She got up from the bed and rummaged through the suitcase, planning to take out the clothes in the suitcase and hang them in the closet.

If you find something to keep yourself busy, you will stop thinking about sleep and Qin Yue, and maybe time will pass faster.

After opening the suitcase, Jian Ran realized that the suitcase contained not her clothes, but items related to her designs.

There are her beloved paintbrushes, the drawing boards given to her by Qin Yue, and many of her hand-drawn design drafts... These things may seem like useless garbage to others, but to her, they are treasures.

Every discarded drawing is Jian Ran's hard work, and the drawing board was given to her by Qin Yue himself.

Seeing the drawing board, Jian Ran thought of the scene when Qin Yue gave it to her.

Qin Yue got off work early that day, rushed to the PM company to pick her up, invited her to go out for dinner, took her for a walk after dinner, and finally returned to the car. She lay in his arms and almost fell asleep, and then he put her He took out the drawing board: "Jian Ran, this is for you. See if you like it?"

Almost all the items she uses in her daily life are prepared by Qin Yue, but this is the first time that he gives her a drawing board like a gift.

"I like it! Of course I like it!" How could she not like the gift he gave her personally.

"Just like it." At that time, Qin Yue smiled and said this.

Later, Jian Ran learned from Uncle Wei that Qin Yue selected the materials and made this drawing board himself.

The gift is not expensive, but Qin Yue's care in making this drawing board can be seen in every detail.

The more she wakes up, the more she understands how much Qin Yue has cared about her affairs over the years.

When she thought of this, she felt as if her heart was being grabbed hard, making her a little breathless.

Jian Ran didn't want to read anymore, so she immediately closed the box and planned to find something else to distract herself.

There are no clothes in the suitcase, so buying clothes is what Jian Ran needs to do most at the moment.

She took a pen and notebook to register. It was so cold in New York, so she had to quickly buy thick clothes for Xiao Ranran and Ozawa.

But when Jian Ran opened the wardrobe, she was shocked again. The wardrobe was full of clothes, including coats, cotton-padded coats, and down jackets. There were all styles, and the styles and colors were all her favorites.

Not only in her wardrobe, but also in Xiao Ranran's wardrobe and those of Xiao Ze and Xiao Qinghe upstairs.

So even after the divorce, Qin Yue still did not treat her "ex-wife" badly. He prepared everything for her before and still does now.

In the past, Jian Ran could accept it calmly because she was his wife.

But now that she has nothing to do with Qin Yue, why should she still enjoy Qin Yue's consideration and care for her?

She wanted to make it clear to Qin Yue that he should stop doing these things to her in the future. She no longer wanted to be a burden and burden to him, and he could pursue a new happy life.

As for her, she has lost him, so she hopes Qin Yue can find his happiness as soon as possible, as long as he can be happy.

Jian Ran picked up the phone, turned to the extremely familiar number, and stared at the number for a long time.

She wanted to call him several times, but she never had the courage to press the call button. She was afraid that when she heard Qin Yue's voice, she would involuntarily reveal her true inner purpose.

Her purpose was not to let him pursue his own happiness, but to selfishly want to hear his voice again, even if it was on the phone.

After hesitating and struggling for a long time, Jian Ran couldn't muster up the courage to make the call.

After a while, it was almost getting dark outside. She gritted her teeth, typed a line of text and sent it out: "Mr. Qin, I can take care of my own life and don't need you to arrange it. I ask you to take care of me in the future." Someone who deserves your care.”

This text does not mean to directly reject Qin Yue, but every word seems to have a thorn in it, which can not only hurt Qin Yue's heart, but also make Jian Ran's heart drip with blood.

Jian Ran typed with almost trembling hands, and clicked the send button to send with trembling hands.

Now that she is divorced, she must sever all relations with Qin Yue and keep her distance. She must never let him be inexplicably hurt because of her.

After the text message was sent, Qin Yue did not reply to her message just like she had sent him many times before.

Jian Ran stared at the phone with very complicated emotions. She hoped that he would reply to her once, but also hoped that he would not reply to her.

Finally, she shook her head and smiled: "Jian Ran, Jian Ran, how can you be so contradictory as a person?"

Jian Ran had just put her phone down when it rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw that the number was familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

She answered and heard Tang Yi's voice: "Hello, Miss Jian! I am Tang Yi, Mr. Qin's assistant. I wonder if you still remember me?"

Of course Jian Ran remembers him: "Mr. Tang, what can you do?"

"It's like this. I arranged your house in the United States privately for you. I prepared everything for you behind Mr. Qin's back."

"I was thinking that even if you and Mr. Qin divorced, the little lady is still Mr. Qin's child, and I couldn't let her freeze and starve, so I decided to help you prepare a house privately."

"As soon as I got to work, I was scolded by Mr. Qin for being nosy. Miss Jian, I won't do it anymore, and please don't misunderstand that Mr. Qin did it for you."

"Miss Jian, I'm just worried that you might misunderstand Mr. Qin, so I called you to explain. Can you understand what I mean?"

After speaking, Tang Yi quietly looked at the CEO sitting at the desk. The CEO's expression still looked cold, with no emotion at all.

But Tang Yi knew that their CEO would never be as calm as he seemed on the surface, otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to call to explain.

To be honest, it was not that he had nothing to do all day long. On the contrary, he was so busy all day long that he had almost no time to stop.

If their president hadn't ordered him to prepare the house and prepare everything, how could he have the leisure to meddle in other matters?

"It's better if it's not him. Thank you for your kindness." Jian Ran said politely and cut off the call.

When she cut off the call, she seemed to hear something break. Maybe it was the heart she kept in her chest.

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