Chapter 595: Hateful accident

Zhan Nianbei opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes were colorful lights, which reflected - [Zhan Nianbei, happy birthday! 】A few big shining characters.

"Dang Dang Dang..." Qin Xiaobao turned around in front of Zhan Nianbei and spread his hands, "Zhan Nianbei, look over there."

Zhan Nianbei looked sideways and saw a heart-shaped cake and his favorite dishes on the restaurant table.

It turned out that Qin Xiaobao asked him what day it was on the way home, probably to remind him that today was his birthday.

She remembers his birthday clearly, but he doesn't remember it at all. Over the years, he has not been used to celebrating his birthday.

A few years ago, the soldiers in the military region would organize birthday activities for him. Later, it turned out that he was not interested, so everyone stopped doing it. To this day, no one remembers what day his birthday is.

So when Zhan Nianbei saw the birthday surprise Qin Xiaobao prepared for him, he was still a little excited in his heart. After all, no one wants to be forgotten.

Simple decoration, a common heart-shaped cake and a few ordinary home-cooked dishes were the birthday banquet Qin Xiaobao prepared for Zhan Nianbei.

Although the setting couldn't be simpler, Zhan Nianbei thought for the first time that it would be nice to celebrate his birthday.

"Zhan Nianbei, how are you? I'm very touched!" Qin Xiaobao said proudly with a bright smile on his beautiful face, "I know I am excellent and considerate, but if you cry... you are really Cry if you want, I won't laugh at you."

Zhan Nianbei chuckled: "You made these broken lamps just to make me cry. You underestimate me too much."

Qin Xiaobao glared at him: "Zhan Nianbei, will you kill someone if you say a few nice words?"

Zhan Nianbei knocked her on the head: "What are you doing with these formal things? I'm more concerned about practical gifts."


Of course he was moved, but he wasn't moved like Qin Xiaobao said he was moved to tears, but he wanted to thank her with practical actions.

After saying that, Zhan Nianbei stretched out his long arms to pick up Qin Xiaobao and strode towards the room.

Qin Xiaobao hugged his neck and said with a smile: "Zhan Nianbei, don't worry. Let's eat the birthday cake first and make a wish first before doing anything else."

She has also prepared a big show later. If he is so impatient, her real gift package today is not in vain.

Zhan Nianbei: "I can't wait."

Qin Xiaobao acquiesced.

But, but, but... Just when they were both fully prepared, the accident happened!


It happened without warning!

Zhan Nianbei's eyes were red with anger: "Qin Xiaobao, you did it on purpose!"

This little woman, she must have deliberately wanted to kill him today and make him die.

Qin Xiaobao was wronged: "Zhan Nianbei, please don't slander me."

"Qin Xiaobao, I really want to strangle you to death." Zhan Nianbei was so angry that he lost his mind.

At this time, men generally cannot use their brains to think clearly.

Qin Xiaobao was so angry that he shouted: "I don't usually come here today. There are still several days left. Who the hell knows what kind of ghost we encountered today?"

At such a critical moment, her aunt came to visit. Not only was Zhan Nianbei not in love, but Qin Xiaobao also felt uncomfortable.

Her menstrual period has always been on time, but who knew it would suddenly come early today.

She thought that God must be punishing the two of them on purpose and not seeing them doing well.

The two people who were supposed to be putting on a warm and passionate drama now looked at each other, and their eyes were almost bursting with fire.

Zhan Nianbei believed that Qin Xiaobao was deliberately teasing him, so he really wanted to crush Qin Xiaobao's neck and express his feelings.

Qin Xiaobao was also angry. She was angry that she had put so much thought into giving him a romantic birthday party, but was yelled at by Zhan Nianbei.

"Qin Xiaobao!" Zhan Nianbei squeezed these three words out from between his teeth.

"How about I think of another way?" Qin Xiaobao said in a low voice while shrinking his neck.

"You..." Zhan Nianbei glared at her viciously and turned to go to the bathroom. The bathroom door was slammed shut by him.

"Who are you? I don't mean to have such a bad temper." Qin Xiaobao made a face towards the bathroom, "You are so mean to me, I hope you will be beaten in the bathroom and eat shit."

Soon, Qin Xiaobao heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. Zhan Nianbei must have been flushing cold water, which was quite pitiful when he thought about it.

Qin Xiaobao also got out of bed immediately, put on pajamas, and used sanitary napkins. At the same time, he was still cursing: "Zhan Nianbei, who knows how to show no mercy to women? You deserve to be showered with cold water. If you die of cold in the bathroom, I will too I won’t shed a single tear for you.”

As he thought about it, a picture appeared in Qin Xiaobao's mind. Zhan Nianbei died of cold in the bathroom because he took a cold shower...

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