My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 11: Decryption in progress

"I tell you how you killed people," Conan told Landing Morning. "Based on the available evidence, it is possible to infer such a process." Last Monday, the morning of Wei Qingya's death, you got up early in the morning, very Maybe Wei Qingya put a small amount of sleeping pills in her water, causing Wei Qingya to fall asleep. After doing all this, you went to your classmate's birthday party, and returned to home at noon when someone didn't notice, and at this time Wei Qingya didn't wake up. "

"You plugged a silver needle into Wei Qingya's chest. When you were estimated that she was not saved, you pulled out the silver needle. After the needle was pulled out, you could not see any traces on the body surface, and then you returned again. party, and take away the silver needles when leaving. Wait until home at night. "

Conan said with his fingers and landed in the morning. "And after you got off work, Wei Qingya wasn't even dead, so you sent her to the hospital for rescue, because Wei Qingya had a bad heart all the time, and the silver eye's pinhole was naked. I ca n’t see it, so Wei Qingya was rightly diagnosed as a myocardial infarction. In theory, your plan should be perfect and seamless, but you think that no one can see it, so you dare to agree with Wei Qingya ’s last wish and remove the body I handed it to the school to make a specimen, but you never expected that Fang Zege saw black blood in Wei Qingya's pericardial cavity. Then, a small pinhole was soaked in formalin. It was then magnified to give us the most critical evidence. "

"It's really hard to make a story for your child." After listening to Conan's words, Lu Chen was still very calm on his face, just as calm as he used to practice killing mice in the laboratory.

"According to you, did I cause Wei Qingya's heart attack?"

"That's right." Fang Ze interjected at this time, "Since four years ago, you have mixed anti-heart rhythm drugs in the water or food that Teacher Qingya usually drinks, which has caused Teacher Qingya's heart to suddenly feel uncomfortable. Then, in your school you spread the bad heart of Qingya teacher so that everyone has a preconceived impression and prepares for your murder four years later. "

"Yes," Conan continued. "As a medical student who studied hard during college, your dose control is absolutely accurate. The anti-arrhythmic medicine you give Wei Qingya just makes Wei Qingya's heart not It ’s comfortable, but it does n’t lead to death, so after four years of pave the way, your murder will not be suspect. ”

"It's ridiculous," said Lu Chen. "I bought anti-heart rhythm drugs for four years, and also included the previous sleeping pills. These drugs are prescription drugs, and the purchases will be recorded. Haven't the police checked my purchase records before? I have never bought this medicine at all. "

"No, you bought it," Conan continued. "There are anti-heart rhythm medicines and sleeping pills on the pill rack of the Pfizer clinic you work for. As the only doctor in the clinic, take some without leaving any records. The medicine is really easy, but in fact, we don't need to check the records of four years ago. We just need to check the last time Wei Qingya went to the hospital because of heart discomfort. Check the clinic's account according to the time. It can be found that there are some anti-heart rhythm drugs that can't find the buyer, because their buyer is you! "

Lu Chen's calm face began to panic. Indeed, the surveillance video of the community went to the pinhole on Wei Qingya's heart and then to the drugs of the buyer at Pfizer Clinic. These three pieces of evidence were taken out separately. Neither can be sure that he is the murderer, but the problem now is that these three pieces of evidence appear at the same time, and he has no chance to come back!


Lu Chen originally thought that what he had done was seamless, so he dared to give Wei Qingya's body to the school to make a rough specimen, but wherever I thought about it, it was completely secretive.

I was just because of the simple black blood in the pericardial cavity, which attracted Fang Ze's attention. And if Conan didn't come, Fang Ze alone couldn't think of all of this and found it out, but he encountered Conan who was dead every day and solved the case every day.

Lu Chen was paralyzed sitting on the ground, and tremblingly stretched out his hands, he said to the policemen who were present, "I confessed that I was guilty. I killed Wei Qingya. Can I count myself as a surrender, can I win a slave? Take it lightly. "

When several people around the squad team saw Lu Chen doing this, he immediately took out the handcuffs, locked Lu Chen, and lifted him up.

"Whether you can get away with it lightly depends on the court and not on us." Fang team glanced at the senior medical student, turned his head, and looked at Conan with interest.

"Children, can you tell me about this guy's motive for the crime? If this guy just broke up with his wife and wants a divorce, but he can't afford to spend four years designing a murder case. After all, it's not the same as before ~ ~ Divorce is normal and both are young. "

The words of the heavy case team team dropped, and everyone in the guard room also looked at Conan, and wanted to hear how this magical elementary student explained this matter.

But Lu Chen looked up, hoping that Conan wouldn't continue to say, "Please don't say anything, just leave me something to explain, I want to start off lightly."

Conan ignored him, but continued to say, "Fang Ze and I always thought that Lu Chen was in love outside. People will only tear up the wedding photos of the two immediately after the death of his wife, and will leave the house Goodbye, when we first reported it, we took this as important evidence. "

He Fangze paused, everyone was fascinated and wanted to let him continue, but Conan suddenly said, "A little thirsty, do your uncles have water?"

"Yes, yes." A civil aviation policeman hurried over to give Conan a bottle of mineral water, and thoughtfully opened the bottle before handing it to Conan.

Conan took a few sips from the water bottle and continued, "But we soon discovered that this theory is untenable, because if there is only love, then why are husbands and wives in four years? There was no conflict even here, and in the marriage crisis with Lu Chen four years ago, Wei Qingya only mentioned that Lu Chen wanted to divorce in her mother ’s conversation, but she did not mention that Lu Chen was outside at all. There is a third thing. "

Conan looked at Lu Chen who had been handcuffed and continued, "What's more, if Lu Chen really has a love, then when he goes abroad today, he will definitely bring love. He is not alone. . "

所以 "So why did he kill Wei Qingya?" A civil aviation policeman couldn't wait to ask.

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