My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 172: Song God Black

Good intelligence is easy to handle, some things can be discussed.

So Fang Ze sat flat opposite Fat Ding and said to Fat Ding, "Fat Ding, let's discuss one thing."

After hearing Fang Ze's words, Fat Ding opened his eyes and looked at Fang Ze with confusion. Although he didn't know what Fang Ze wanted to say, he was ready to fry at any time.

"That's it. We are going to travel outside soon. I will prepare all kinds of delicious food for you. The only requirement is whether you can sing or not."

Shake his head decisively.

I am a fat tiger, right. Fat Ding is destined to be a big singer, how can he deprive me of singing freedom.

"I can find a place now for you to sing, one at a time, and then if you are on the road, can you sing and wait for us to sing when we come back."

Fang Ze said, took out a bag of high-grade cat food, dangling in front of Fat Ding's eyes. Fat Ding Bai shook his body a little pale, then nodded hesitantly.


It looks like there is no problem.

Fang Ze picked up Fat Ding and took a sharp sip. As a result, Fat Ding twisted and ran out of Fang Ze's arms, without giving Fang Ze a second chance to suck.

So proud.

Fang Ze watched the fat Ding hopping on the coffee table and waiting for him to keep his promise, and called out to Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, do you know where there is such a soundproof practice room nearby?"

"Why, some friends want to use it?" Xiao Hei asked.

"No, I use it myself, and I've been hooked on singing recently."

"Well, you are funny, just learn to sing with your broken gong." Xiao He mocked Xia Ze, and then said, "Come directly to my house, I have a higher singing room at home recently."

Xiao Hei still has a singing room at home?

Fang Ze thought about it. There are three houses in total. One is a dwelling, the other is a storage room, and the other is to watch a movie and play games.

But since Xiao Hei said it, let's go and see.

Fang Ze brought the box of fat cats and let the fat cats get inside. This little guy is arrogant.

He came downstairs carrying the cat box. The Xiaohei family had already opened at this time. Fangze went in and went through two houses to find Xiaohei who was playing a game.

"Well, have another cat?" Xiao Hei looked at Fat Ding.

"Friends kept it." Fang Ze carried the cat box, because the lid of the cat box was not closed, so Xiao Hei could see the fat inside the cat box.

"What a beautiful lion cat." Xiao Hei glanced at Fat Ding and said, "Why did you bring the cat with you when you sang?"

"This little guy is afraid of life. When he first came to me, I was afraid he would be alone."

"The cat is afraid of something, and it won't bite the furniture, at most it's angry and gives you a slap on your face."

"It looks like you are very experienced." Fang Ze teased Xiao Hei.

"I'm an expert in raising cats in the cloud." Xiao Hei reached out and tried to tease Fat Ding, but Fat Ding looked at Xiao He's fingers like a puff of air. He didn't respond at all and ignored Xiao. black.

Xiao Hei saw the performance of Fat Ding and embarrassedly retracted his fingers.

"By the way, where is the practice room?" Fang Ze looked at Xiaohei and asked, "Wouldn't it be the kind of k-slot machine you bought at the mall, and put it at home?"

"Why would I use something so lo," Xiao Hei snapped and said to Fang Ze, "Come with me."

Fang Ze carried the cat box and followed Xiao Hei, passed through the place that was supposed to be a bathroom, and came to a new three-bedroom, one-story house of more than 140 square meters. At this time, the house was completely transformed into a house. Professional singing room, but also with a little studio meaning.

Half of the house is a soundproof room for practicing songs, all surrounded by transparent glass-like sound-proof materials. The other half is a bunch of professional recording equipment.

"When did you do this?" Fang Ze asked Xiaohei.

"Last month, the family was going to move to another city, so I bought the house and changed it into a practice room."

"Why are you doing this?" Fang Ze asked Xiaohei when he looked at it. "Even if the idle egg hurts, you don't just buy a house and play around."

After Fang Ze pointed out and pointed out that the wall was open, the interior wall said, "You changed it, don't smash the load-bearing wall, I don't want to bury the ruins with you. I still have great youth."

"You can rest assured, can I have no points in my mind?" Xiao Hei explained, "the designers I have looked at have looked at the architectural drawings, and the load-bearing wall has not moved."

"Well," Fang Ze looked at the super-luxury indoor singing room in front of him, and said, "I will see you bought the whole building in my lifetime."

"If you live long enough, you will find that the earth is mine at that time." Xiao Hei said, touching his chin, "I will then set up a lo*ic*n detention center ~ ~ like you All of you are locked in, and then let you see every day how your little loli becomes an aunt and an old granny. "

"Well, loli controls your rice, so hate it."

Fang Ze said to Xiao Hei, "Hurry out, I'm going to sing."

"Don't, together, there is no reason for guests to catch up with the host." Xiao Hei said to Fang Ze, "I make the singing room here to practice my singing voice, so that I can become a big singer soon."

"Brother, wake up, the sun is rising from the east today." Fang Ze patted Xiao Hei's shoulder and said.

"Anyone who has a dream is great." Xiao Hei took out his mobile phone and said to Fang Ze, "Do you know why I want to make this practice room?"


"Look!" Xiao Hei Xianbao took out his mobile phone, and then opened a singing software produced by Goose Factory to show Fang Ze.

The page of the software is Xiao Hei's personal account, which shows that Xiao Hei's account has more than 100,000 fans. In addition, each song released by Xiaohei has two or three hundred thousand plays and hundreds of thousands of flowers.

Fang Ze looked at Xiao Hei in shock, but he didn't really think that this guy is still an internet star? !!

"How's it?" Xiao Hei said proudly.

"I listen to your level." Fang Ze opened a song that Xiao Hei sang.


Then he discovered that Xiao Hei's singing was not a song at all!

Have you ever seen anyone sing the lyrics into a poem. Xiao Hei just pressed all the lyrics together with the accompaniment, and the sound was awful.

Isn't this the way people who can't sing are forced to KTV to sing?

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