My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 184: Moon cat

The two aunts talked about all kinds of enthusiasm, but a few of Wenbo could hear the clouds and fog.

It was very quiet last night. They slept so fragrantly. Why did they listen to the two aunts and they had a noisy night last night?

This is too weird.

The three of them who do not know the truth can only attribute this to the way they hurried all day yesterday. Everyone was really tired, so they slept more heavily.

I bought a little breakfast on the road, and the four drove straight to the game show and arrived at the show at seven o'clock.

The official opening of the exhibition was at 9 o'clock, but at 7 o'clock it was already crowded, and the long dragon began to be photographed at the entrance.

In June, the weather was very hot, and within a few moments, several people were already sweating.

"Fortunately, this Nima is not anime show." Wenbo said, "If it is anime show, the number of people is estimated to have doubled. Everyone is wearing hot c-suits, and half a life before they go in. Gone.

"The problem is that there are beautiful and little girls in the show. What can be here?" Rui Geer said.

"There are also younger sisters at the game show, but they are usually officially invited to the platform, and you can see them when you go in." Zhu Longlong said, "I don't know if I can see Miss 2b today."

A few people talked for a while, and finally the time for the start of the exhibition began, and everyone rushed in like zombies in the biochemical crisis.

The biggest difference between the game show and the man show is that the man show is mainly based on soft girl paper that costs several times to purchase the surroundings, while the game show is mainly based on games that have not been officially listed on the scene.

It takes only a few minutes to buy one, and time is mainly wasted in line. To experience a game, everyone needs at least ten minutes, so you not only need to line up, but also the time that each player in front of the man uses when trying to play the game.

Generally a game show, there are many booths, many new games are launched, but you can play the logistics model in a day, and most of them are the ones that they have been playing for a long time.

The four people in Fangze separated because they liked different games.

Fang Ze carried a cat box, crowded the crowd, and soon came to the front of a masterpiece, waiting to play the game.

Fearing that many people could cause stomping accidents, patrolling security guards constantly walked around. A young security guard saw the cat box in Fang Ze's hand.

"What are you doing?" The security guard came over and asked.

"Cat box." Fang Ze opened the box and let the security guard look at the fat inside.

"No cats are allowed here," said the security guard looking at Fang Ze. "You go out and store the cats now."

"This is not an ordinary cat." Fang Ze said to the security guard.

"Not a normal cat, but a Martian cat?" Security's counterpart said it was ridiculous.

"Oh, in fact, it's a cat from the moon." Fang Ze said, lifting Fat Ding out of the hair box, and then closing the lid of the cat box, so that Fat Ding stood on it.

The security guard didn't figure out what Fang Ze meant at one and a half minutes, and saw that many tourists running around the game immediately stopped and looked towards Fang Ze.

"Wow, saber!" A young girl rushed over and looked at Fat Ding after being dressed by Fang Ze, and said excitedly.

Saber, Altria Pendragon, is the most popular image in the famous series fgo.

The so-called lunar people are actually the audience of the moon-type worldview, and fgo is also included in it.

That's why Fang Ze joked that Fat Ding was a moon cat.

As for how big the so-called lunar people group is, you can see from the competition that this year ’s most famous anime website recommended which anime character is the most adorable image of this year, that is, in the adorable battle.

Because of the huge number of moon people and the powerful group, this year's Mengzhan men's and women's group Mengwang are from the fgo series.

This group is so overbearing and unreasonable.

So after Fang took out Fat Ding wearing Altolia's iconic clothes, a large number of Moon people watched around and took pictures one after another, resulting in security guards having no way to expel Fang Ze.

After all, with the rise of the two-dimensional power, even in the game exhibition, there are a large number of two-dimensional games appearing, attracting many two-dimensional groups to visit.

The security guard asked for a moment, and then stared at the turbulent crowd, and agreed that Fang Ze could take the cat with him at the venue, but only if he was optimistic and didn't crawl around.

At this time, Fat Ding meowed twice because there were too many stupid humans around, and then got back into his cat box and refused to let others take pictures again.

Fang Ze was empty, and he took the opportunity to line up in his favorite game team. For a few months, the players also recognized that Fang Ze was the owner of your Altria cat, and kindly gave up his position. Let Fangze plug in. Come in and play the game ahead of time.

On the first day of the game show, everyone experienced a few games passed ~ ~, and the real finale was on the third day. On this day, it is said that a famous domestic game manufacturer copied chicken The game will be announced. Although Fang Ze is not convinced by the domestic game makers' ethics, it is hot and hot to eat chicken now, so it is okay to take a look.

Four people arrived at noon the next day and saw that there were no good games being released, except for the game show, and they were prepared to participate in the activities on the third day.

"Come here, pick it up for me." Several people agreed to meet at the gate, and then everyone saw Rui Geer carrying a lot of bags in hand.

Several people in Fangze quickly took the bag, and Rui Ge wiped his sweat and said, "I'm exhausted. It took me a lot of energy to grab these things."

Fang Ze casually opened a few and took a look, and found that these were all popular games around the game, so he took out a twenty centimeter-sized game and asked Rui Geer, "How much did you buy?"

"That, it's cheap, 866." Rui Geer answered.

"Well." The few of them looked at Rui Ge with their eyes, and then asked, "Is it 860 with just one hand ?!"

"Cheap." Rui Geer said with a smile, "Compared to the official website, the price is 40% off, almost the same as Bai picked."

"Your mother-in-law is reluctant to stay in a hotel, but you are willing to buy one." Wenbo said.

"Can it be the same?" Rui Geer patted the table and said, "Every night I can sleep anywhere, even on the street. But doing such things is related to faith, it's not necessary."

"You guys, don't tell him that," Fang Ze pointed at Rui Geer, "you haven't seen him for the third time.

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