My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 190: 4 betting dogs (2 in 1)

Several people talked for a while, Cheng Xun finished checking the relevant news on the Internet, walked over in despair, and sat down.

"What do you intend to do in the future?" Fang Ze asked looking at Cheng Xun.

"I'm going to find a way to Africa." Cheng Xun said firmly, "Sanhe is gone, and I can't stay in the country now. Working is impossible. It's better to go to Africa to try my luck. Those who collect debts It's impossible to come to Africa and ask me for debt. "

"Can you ask, how much money do you owe in total? You can pay it back slowly. If you really go to Africa, if you run into war, your life will be gone." Wenbo looked at Cheng Xun and persuaded.

Cheng Xun heard Wen Bo's words, looked up at the sky, thought for a moment, and then hesitantly said, "I can remember about a million, and I can't remember how many loans I can't remember."

"You can owe so much money, brother, you are really a personal talent." Several people in Wenbo were stunned.

After all, although Cheng Xun has fallen into this state, the people who can carry debts close to ten million yuan are not ordinary people.

At least let them go out to borrow money, and definitely less than 10 million.

"At this time last year, I still lived in a 150-square-foot house and opened a hot pot restaurant. I didn't expect to know where to go for just one year." Cheng Xun poured a glass of wine and sighed.

"Why don't you say little gambling and love, big gambling hurts." Wen Bo echoed.

"Whoever started with a big bet is not a small bet." Cheng Xun said, "At this time last year, I was dragged by a friend to accompany him to gamble, but it was just a few hundred or hundreds. .But I didn't expect that at that time, it seemed like my destiny was coming. I played for a month and I won more than 200,000. "

"More than 200,000. At that time, my hot pot restaurant had a net profit of just over 100,000 a month, and I had to worry about this and that. I had to deal with various inspections. At that time, people blew a few words, and then I floated, All the deposits at home were taken out, put in, ready to take a big fight. "

"What happened?" Wenbo asked.

"As a result, all of them were washed white in the night and lost 80." Cheng Xun said bitterly, "In fact, in that night, there was not much difference between losing or winning. I still want to go to my brother after all. To this point. "

"How to say?"

"Do you know why gambling is hard to come out after you know where to gamble?" Cheng Xun looked at the four and said, "Because it is like a devil, it will destroy you in a very short period of time and take more than ten years to establish Rising money concept. "

"Gambling, at the beginning, it's not that you lose money, but you win it!"

Cheng Xun became very excited and said in a nearly roaring tone, "The more obsessed people go to gambling, the more they actually win when they first start playing. You think about it, you worked hard for half a year, You just saved 100,000 yuan. You think you are already great. "

"At this time, you came into contact with this industry. It must have been a little bit of fun at the beginning. But if you hold the form of casual play, suddenly, rely on this, one night. You made 100,000 yuan in a while, what would you think? "

Cheng Xun stared at Ruige, Wenbo said, "You will doubt your life, and you will deny all your past efforts. Because you worked hard for half a year, you only earned 100,000 yuan."

"Now, one hundred thousand dollars a night, pleased ?!"

"Cool!" Cheng Xun asked and answered himself, and then said, "I thought I was very cool at that time. I made a lot of hard-earned money overnight. At that time I was gone. I thought I was what I was. The destiny's son throws his own house into the house, and he loses it overnight. "

"But in fact, what can I do if I win tens of millions at night, and I still want to win if I win, I will continue to gamble. You just want to close it then, because you do n’t have anything like At the same time, it was easy to make millions, so you will want to close it. If you really make so much money, you will not think so. "

"Actually, after losing all the deposits, I won't bet anymore, nor will I be reduced to what I am now." Zhu Longlong said to Cheng Xun.

"Easy to say," Cheng Xun said to Zhu Longlong, "everything is trapped step by step."

"I have come to this way. In fact, I only took four steps in total." Cheng Xun put out four fingers to Zhu Longlong and said, "The first step is to lose all the deposits. I am afraid they will be joked when they meet each other during the Chinese New Year. So I just want to return to the book, I will definitely not continue to play after returning to the book. "

"In the second step, I mortgaged the hot pot restaurant with my wife in concealment, and borrowed a large sum of money to recover the money. At that time, I was lucky, and the money was successfully returned. But after I succeeded, I was thinking, I will play like that. Just like that, if I win, I can buy a necklace to please my wife and brag about my relatives. As a result, you can also guess that if you play a few more, you will lose cleanly. "

"Third step." Cheng Xun said with a third finger. "The hot pot restaurant is gone. Relatives are aware of this. My wife is making a divorce. I can stop it at the time, but I stop it. How do you mingle in this society in the future? People who know me will mention me later. The first sentence must be: Cheng Xun, the second player who lost his hot pot restaurant. "

"The words are terrible, so I'm not reconciled. I didn't have a way out at the time, either I was laughing behind my back for a lifetime, or I turned it over, so I mortgaged my house, overdrawn my credit card, and found someone to loan it again. Millions, fight with a mentality of being unsuccessful. "

"Then I went to the fourth step." Cheng Xun sighed. "Now I want to go ashore, I don't want to bet anymore, I don't want to be shameless. But are those who loan sharks willing, those who are creditors willing, I can only repay them by gambling. I can only continue to gamble, because this is my only way out. "

Cheng Xun patted Wenbo's shoulder and said, "Brother, my brother's destiny has been decided from the moment I dared to gamble with my family, it has nothing to do with winning or losing. Nah, when I fell into the hole, I just saw the rope that climbed out of the hole in front of my eyes. It will not be managed. Will this rope break in the middle and throw you into a deeper hole? Go inside. "

Cheng Xun was a bit drunk at this time, took a few more sips, and stood up. "Brother has to go. I remembered that this lottery will stop selling in one hour. I heard that there is more than one billion in the prize pool. Brother, I will use my last family to fight. You guys Bless my brother. "

Cheng Xun said, took a few chicken legs on the table and hid them in his trouser pocket, and then clamped a bottle of wine in his arm. He was lifting his leg and was about to go. Then he remembered something, turned his head and patted Fang Ze's shoulder. ,

"Brother, my brother also left you a sentence before leaving. A little less gambling in the future, when you asked the girl named Qin how much clothes I and the little brother were wearing, my brother did not give You demolished the stage. Now tell you the truth, my brother is now the most expensive possession of my brother. At this time last year, I gave it to my daughter-in-law for my birthday. I finished it at 860, which was worn by your little brother It's a copy. "

After Cheng Xun said, he left with a bottle shaking, like a legend, to go for the last stroke of his life. In any case, he has left his story and warned the latecomers Men.

"Feng Xiaoxiao Xi Yishuihan ~ The strong men will not return when they go away ~" The sad music sounded. In this situation, combined with Yingjing's bgm, the four of them had a feeling of living in the novel at one time.

and many more!

Where's the bgm?

As soon as Fang Ze turned his head, he saw Rui Geer playing music on his cell phone.

"If you don't find a good bgm for a while, just use this to make up for it." Rui Geer said, "But the probability of this old man buying a lottery ticket is probably about the same as the probability of Jing Qin's assassination of Qin King, so it should be right. "

"This old man is really a legend." Wenbo said with emotion, "The so-called vicissitudes of life are just such people."

"The so-called self-injustice cannot live," said Fang Ze to Wenbo. "Hear not, you three beg dogs."

"Three of our hairy gambling dogs," Wenbo countered, "are we not gambling?"

"Who said no?" Fang Ze looked at the three, raised his fingers and said, "I summarized what the brother just said. You can listen to yourself if you are gambling dogs."

"You said." The three looked at Fangze without fear.

"First, I still want to win if I win, and I want to lose it if I lose. All the sinking is due to more wins at the beginning." Fang Ze looked at the three and said, "You take out your mobile phones. Let ’s take a look at all of your game records. Is it because you are quick to get started and win a lot? Most of the reasons for playing the game overnight are you want to lose the game and win, you still want to win. Needless to say, I have always wanted to fight. "


Fang Ze's words made the three opposites irrefutable, and he bowed his heads, saying that Fang Ze was right.

"You see, you said that you are not yet a gambler, and I dare say that you played the qualifying points all night, but it was actually lower than the beginning."

"Well-founded and convincing." Wenbo looked up and said to Fang Ze, "But if there is only one match, we are said to be gambling dogs, it is too biased."

"No rush, let me say slowly." Fang Ze then said with a spanner finger, "What are the activities of the game, especially the activities of opening boxes and drawing cards? You ca n’t open a profitable item. If you do n’t have it, if you happen to have spare money, do you still want to open it? ”

Well, the three looked at each other and found that it really was like this.

"You see, you already have two conditions for betting on dogs. You also said that you are not betting on dogs. That is to say, there is an upper limit and a lower limit for the game. If you open an open box, it will open you instantly. It is estimated that you will spend all your living expenses on the activity of becoming the first prop of the full service. "

"No." Listening to Fang Ze's lesson, Wenbo turned to Fang Ze and said, "Don't you also stay up all night to climb points, spend money out of the box, why do you say we are gambling dogs."

"Yeah, it's six o'clock, we should go back." Fang Ze looked at his watch and said, "I slipped, I slipped first."

Fang Ze said, taking the opportunity to pick up the cat box, Fei also ran out of the small restaurant.

The four returned to the house. Because there was no interference from the next door, they slept comfortably, then got up the next day, and went to the game show to participate in the finale of the last day.

"Are you there?" Fangze was sitting in the car, and someone sent a message on the Penguin, it was naive.

"Yes, but I'm going to the game show in a little while. I don't have time to reply. Is there something wrong?" Fang Ze asked.

"Game show? Are you in Jinling?"


"That's right, I have a job you can't pick up. A German investor wants to visit some factories in Jinling City. The original accompanying translator can't come because of something. Can you do it, the price is one. Three thousand hours. "


"Saturday and Sunday two days, the total time to check out on Sunday night ~ ~ No problem." Fang Ze thought about it, if you have this extra money, then you can live in the hotel on Saturday and Sunday. , And then live directly until Wednesday after watching Luo Tianyi's concert, and then return to Haiping.

"That's okay. I'll send the contact phone number to you in a while. You are responsible for communicating with that side. If there are any problems with the salary, please contact me and I will solve it for you."

After chatting with Xiao Tianzhen, Fang Ze thought about it and moved the Xiao Tianzhen Penguin from the original default group to a friend's group. Then turn off the phone, ready to participate in this last day's game show.

With fat people, through the crowd, Fangze finally squeezed into the front of the booth, and above the booth were two rows of computers, with a huge screen in the middle, with a row of eye-catching words: Extreme Strike Back .

"This is our domestic chicken game?" With his wide shoulders, Rui Geer just squeezed out a more relaxed standing environment for four people.

"It's okay to look at the picture. The model has matured abroad. If you change it, you can localize it, and you can't watch the money." Wenbo said watching the screen demonstration on the big screen.

"Don't start without one person, one person, one dog, and the charged nuclear-powered armor runs all over the map."

"This only depends on the conscience of the operator." Wenbo muttered quietly, "But if I can talk about it, our country ’s game operators and game planners will find ten, and hacking nine of them will not guarantee one. Injustice. "

"It feels like the game circle in our country is very bloody." Rui Geer said, "Always used to curse, planning is used to chop, programmers are to be sacrificed to heaven, artists do not send welfare to be deprived of chicken legs. , Isn't there a better way to live? "

"Yes," said Fang Ze, "the game customer service of the Goose Factory."

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