My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 212: Sunken ice cubes

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Everyone saw Fang Ze's abrupt move and felt very strange. When he was about to ask, he saw that Fang Ze was thrown into Coke. Most of the ice cubes floated on the surface of Coca-Cola, but a small but solitary piece sank into the bucket.

The waiter's face changed.

Fang Ze reached out and took the ice cube that had sunk into the bottom of the bucket. He looked at the people who were staring at him and said, "The next time is to witness the miracle. Believe me or not, after breaking the ice cube, there will be a ring Hidden inside. "

Theoretically, thunderous applause should be waiting for Fang Ze next. But unfortunately he is not Liu Qian, and there is no Dong Qing around.

So it was cold.

so awkward. Fang Ze had to open the ice cube silently.

This piece has become a bit crispy in the corrosion of Coke, and Fang Ze easily broke it.

I haven't seen the ring, but it doesn't matter.

Fang Ze's Athena Sight noticed that one of the ice cubes that had been divided into two pieces was significantly different. Fang Ze held the ice cube firmly and crushed it.

A frozen ring appeared in Fang Ze's hand.

If this ring appeared in another way, it would be very romantic and beautiful.

Because there are many male compatriots who like to play with Sao operation when proposing marriage, one of the methods is to hide the ring in the ice cube, and then two people hold the ice cube with their hands and let it melt to reveal the ring inside.

Of course, the premise of this method is that your girlfriend must be patient and not afraid of freezing.

Fang Mingxin saw the ring that Fang Ze was holding in his hand and was wrapped in ice. There were no tears, and no one was crying. He walked over and looked at Fang Ze and said, "You can let this ring May I have a look. "

"If nothing else, this should be your ring." Fang Ze handed the ring to Fang Mingxin.

After Fang Mingxin got the ring, he carefully peeled off the icing on the ring surface, exposing the diamond ring inside.

This is indeed a pretty ring, the ring is silver-white, and the diamond on the diamond ring is a little pink.

Although according to the rating, this is only a weak level of pink diamonds, but the value is also quite high, and Darryl's pink diamonds always need to be queued to buy.

"This is indeed my ring." Fang Mingxin stood up with the ring and looked at the waiter Xiaofan.

Things were already obvious at this time.

The so-called ice maker may be just an excuse. The real purpose of this waiter called Xiao Fan is to steal the room's heart-warming engagement ring. After getting the ring, he uses the ice maker to wrap the ring in ice. Block.

Fang Mingxin held the diamond ring and said her speculation. She pointed at Xiao Fan and said, "Is it because I came back early and you have no place to hide the ring, so you just threw the ring in the ice machine? Into the ice. "

Xiao Fan didn't say anything. Now that the matter is revealed, she has nothing to say. If she dared to be arrogant now, she would anger Fang Mingxin and call the police.

According to Article 117 of the Criminal Law, the theft of public and private property is worth 60,000 yuan, and the standard sentence is ten years' imprisonment. For each additional crime amount of 4,200 yuan, the sentence increases by one month.

Although Fang Ze did not know the specific value, this ring was definitely more than 60,000 yuan.

In actual sentencing, the court will not be so strict, it will be sentenced to more than ten years, but the sentence will definitely not be less.

According to the law, stealing is far more important than the corruption sentence, although there is actually no difference between the two.

"The ring was found." Zhang Dong looked at the ring and was found by Fang Ze. First, he thanked Xie Fang Ze, and then said, "Since the ring has been found, then everyone is scattered. This waiter did not steal anything, it was At our swimming pool, we have to find a place to handle it separately. Everyone should go back, and students should change clothes and go home. "

Sink, wait.

Fang Ze looked at Zhang Dong and saw that the ring had been retrieved. He started rushing without saying a word, and let everyone all go out of the dressing room first, a little puzzled.

At this time you should not ask why I knew the ring was hidden in the ice and asked me to explain it?

Then I can pretend to be happy.

What do you mean by disagreement to tell everyone to leave first?

Fang Ze watched seeing that the ring was found back, and the crowd that was gradually dispelled could not wait to be the protagonist of the pretense.

Then a small villain with a broken heart in his head came to question whether Fang Ze was a waitress's accomplice, and was immediately bowed down by Fang Ze's unpredictable explanation.

Then, in the admiration of the crowd, Fangze left the scene with his head held up, leaving a piece of urban legend.

But none of this happened.

Zhang Dong chose to deal with this matter coldly. Since the ring was found, Fang Mingxin's anger was reduced by more than half, and the rest was ready to be handled.

Fang Ze and Guixianren came out of the women's locker room. The manager of the swimming pool came over. The other side expressed gratitude and gave Fang Ze an annual card for the swimming pool.

It is weird that the manager did not ask Fang Ze's basis for inference, but just left Fang Ze's phone number and said that in the future, if this case is an intelligence case, Fang Ze might be required to come as a witness or something.

However, Fang Ze guessed at this time that about nine out of ten things would not be reported.

Several people came out of the swimming pool. Su Jie looked at Fang Ze with curiosity and asked, "How did you know that the ring was hidden in the ice cube? ~ And why is there the sunken ice cube? That ice cube of the ring? "

Su Jie was able to fill in the role of the dragon who should have been beaten in the face, allowing Fang Ze to have a chance to explain, but unfortunately there was no pretense.

So Fang Ze said lazily, "Fang Ming made sure that he was wearing a ring, then the ring would definitely be in the locker in the locker room. After all, how could a professionally trained swimming instructor not know? Be sure to pick up your personal jewelry before entering the water. "

"If the reasoning is based on this theory, the ring can only be hidden in the locker room, and the only best place to hide the ring in the locker room is in the ice."

"The density of ice cubes is smaller than that of cola, so it usually floats on the surface of cola. But that ice cube sinks into the cola, which proves that there is something in the ice cube."

"Well?" Su Jie heard Fang Ze's words and raised an objection. "Why am I going to a fast food restaurant and Cola, every time the ice cubes sink to the bottom."

"Because the cola in the fast food restaurant is covered, the ice cubes floated on top of the cola at the beginning, but when you are almost finished drinking, the ice cubes will be at the bottom. The next time you drink Lift the lid and look. "Fang Ze replied casually.

"It turned out to be this way." Su Jie suddenly realized, but there were still some things that he didn't understand.

"Why the waiter hid the ring in the ice cube after stealing it. According to Sister Mingxin, the waiter found that she had returned early and there was no way to put the ring in the ice machine, but in fact the time It's obviously too late. "

PS: Tell everyone a little secret. After reading this chapter, enter "My landlord you can't afford it" in the book search field and choose to search. There will be surprises.

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