My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 546: Spartan! stupid gay!

"Ki guys." Fang Ze looked at no one and explained (pulled) to King Leonidas, "Ki guys are our strong fighters who are good at using spears and sticks. It ’s a good name. On top of this, there is a more honorable name of the dead guy, which is specifically used to call those guys who dare to fight on the battlefield. "

"Oh, that's the case." Leonida patted his chest proudly after he heard Fang Ze's words, "then we Spartans can be called dead guys."

"Low-key and low-key." Fang Ze was not worried at all that these Spartans could see Fang Ze's bullshit. After all, they don't know how to surf the Internet, and they don't know anyone here, so there is no chance to understand the real meaning of the guys.

After all, the Spartan self-tortured nation completely prohibits any recreational activities in its city-state, just to ensure that every Spartan is born for war, so they will not produce anything that is not important. Excessive curiosity.

"Are you worried that the people here don't understand us and think we don't have the determination and ability to become a dead guy." Leonida raised his hands and said to each other, "Come and arrange for us to perform, I can't wait Let your people know what a real **** guy is and what a Spartan dead guy is. "

Leonida shouted, "Sparta!"

"Sparta!" Shouted along with the other Spartan fighters of Leonidas.

"stupid gay!"

"Dead guy!" The spartan's very penetrating shout passed through the door wall directly to the second floor stadium, and was heard by almost half of the stadium's people.

"Who is shouting?" Lei, who had just arrived from a foreign country, heard the voice, and asked Xiao Hei curiously.

"It's a group of guys invited by my good guys to wait for the show later. So you only need to sing a song later, and don't have to talk a bit to delay time."

"Since someone is performing, then singing is fine." Lei said watching Xiaohei, "Do you think I don't want to get a lot of fans in the cover area? My voice is not suitable for singing. Since some people Act, I'll talk for a while. "

"Little Lei, it's hard to come." Xiao Hei patted Lei's shoulder and said, "Since you don't sing, it would be great to perform a broken stone on your chest."

"Go to your sister." Lei looked at and had a good relationship with Xiao Hei, and immediately joked and went back.

Xiao Hei, who had finished talking with Lei, walked in, and Fang Ze talked about the performance time, and asked what bgm was needed during the performance.

Although the people brought by Fang Ze did not undergo any rehearsals, there were no previous works for Xiao Hei to see. But Xiao Hei still believed Fang Ze unconditionally.

Fanze took Leonidas back to the underground parking lot, and then picked out the eighty of the strongest Spartans, with weapons, and went out with their kings Leonidas and Fanze. parking lot.

Fortunately, Fang Ze's car was parked in a remote place, and no one was around. Otherwise, when 80 people were getting off a car one by one, others would be scared to death.

Lei's presence was a complete surprise for the show. After all, as an up-master with millions of fans, although he has been using love to generate electricity all year round, the quality of each video is very high and the audience is wide.

So everyone applauded and welcomed.

However, it is impossible to rely on the stars alone for any show, and still have some hard skills.

Eighty Spartans are the hard work of this performance.

Eighty-one Spartans descended from the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, except for King Leonida, who was not only wearing red cloaks and trousers to accompany Fangze, and eighty others wore their shields and spears .

Spartans have no entertainment, but that doesn't mean they won't perform.

If it was a group of Athenians performing a dance live, then perhaps the slow pace of ancient dances would make modern audiences unacceptable. But standing on the stage at this moment is a group of Spartans who bring the most primitive and wild war dance to modern people who have never participated in war, enough to shock anyone.

"It's amazing." Lei, who was standing in the audience watching the Spartan performance, applauded sincerely. "It looks like the real Spartan."

"We are real Spartans." King Leonida next to Fang Ze heard the words of Lei and said seriously, "We are not only real Spartans, but a group of dead men."

"Oh!" Lei heard a bit of abdominal pain when he heard Leonidas say such funny words with such serious words.

"Don't, don't. I think it would be nice for you to call yourself **** guys, dead guys sound a little too ridiculous."

"If you don't approve, you can call us gays temporarily. But one day, we will let you be, only Spartans in this world can be called dead guys." Leonidas continued Said to Lei seriously.

"Yes, yes." Lei said that the strong man in front of him was too funny ~ ~ To be able to say such fun words in a serious way, he said that he would like to admire.

"These people you invited are all retired soldiers?" Xiao Hei watched the performance of the Spartans for a while and quietly walked to Fang Ze and asked. In fact, it is not just him. Many people who have been soldiers on the field are also guessing the identity of this group of Spartans. After all, the temperament of regular soldiers is too difficult to hide, even if it is just a group of cold weapon fighters.

"Yes," Fang Ze whispered to Xiao Hei. "They are actually a group of active-duty soldiers. It's just that we are not Chinese soldiers. We will go to the battlefield a few days later. These days we will temporarily rest here before going to the battlefield."

"A mercenary, going to the Middle East?" Xiao Hei thought he had guessed the true identity of the group.

"Almost." Fang Ze simply followed Xiao Hei's speculation.

"You're awesome." Xiao Hei did not expect that Fang Ze could actually hire a group of mercenaries to perform at his diffuse exhibition.

"Sparta!" "Dead Guy!" On the stage, the Spartans wielding spears and shields roared again.

"Spartan." The audience in the audience did not know why this group was performing, the cos Spartan coser had to call himself a dead guy, but this did not prevent them from yelling together.

The show was a great success.

Although not many people were present today, the Spartan shocking performance has been filmed. After the end, a performance clip will be posted on the Internet, which is enough to bring considerable traffic to the exhibition.

When the show was over, Fang Ze also took the Spartans away. Although it is still early, but the accommodation of three hundred people is not a good problem to solve, so it must be resolved early.

PS: Five chapters are over.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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