My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 551: Sell ​​kidney

Violence does not solve the main problem, but it can make people angry first.

Although these debt collectors looked fierce, in fact, their combat effectiveness was a little stronger than ordinary people. In less than three minutes, most of them were beaten by Fang Ze.

"Brother, you are so good." Ge Jiayu saw Fang Ze's performance and hurried to Fang Ze's side.

"You stay here quietly and don't move." Fang Ze gave a cold look at Ge Jiayu, but did not give her a good color.

"Oh." Ge Jiayu's mood just fell into a trough. She faintly felt that this time Fang Ze wouldn't make an appearance for her like last time.

Only a few debt collectors had fled this time because they found it impossible to beat Fangze at all. So Fang Ze could only walk to the front of the off-road vehicle, opened the door, and reached out to capture Hao Wenxi.

"Brother, brother." Hao Wenxi could not have had the previous arrogance at this time, watching Fang Ze kick him out again, and said quickly, "Let's make sense."

"Is it okay to talk about it soon?" Fang Ze dropped Hao Wenxi on the car's hood and asked, "Is the small loan company selling my sister's bill to you or just entrusting you Account. "

"Just entrusted us to collect the accounts." Hao Wenxi said, "The bad debt rate of usury is too high now, and we will not collect the bills."

"You all know that you are asking for usury." Fang Ze shouted to Hao Wenxi, "Can you be the owner of your company?"

"Can't do it, I still have a boss above me."

"Give me the address of your company." Fang Ze asked for the address of their debt collection company from Hao Wenxi, and then told Hao Wenxi, "I'm going to your company to discuss your debt repayment with your boss. After I leave, you will give you The boss makes a call to get your boss ready for me. "

"Hmm." Hao Wenxi saw that Fang Ze didn't plan to hit him any more, and he was relieved.

After talking with Hao Wenxi, Fang Ze turned to Ge Jiayu and said, "You get in the car with me."

"Brother, I'm fine here." Ge Jiazhen turned to look at a man who was rushing over in the distance and said.

This man was the one Fang Ze tried to save Ge Jiayu before, but was stopped by someone's family. Now he saw that the debt collectors were beaten down by Fang Ze, so he ran over.

"You're doing well here, but I ask you what to do with the money you owe others."

"Brother, if you don't want to help me deal with it, just leave it alone. Anyway, I owe usury. If I don't support them legally, I won't pay them back, and they can't treat me like that."

"Oh." Fang Ze almost blew his lungs when he heard Ge Jiayu's words.

You know a lot at this time, what did you do when you were arrested before?

When Ge Jiayu said this, the man happened to come over. From the age point of view, it should be Ge Jiayu's classmate. When he walked to Fang Ze, he immediately shouted an elder brother.

"Did you shout for me, get out of my way." Fang Ze shouted directly at the man, frightened and stood aside.

"Follow me now," Fang Ze said to Ge Jiayu.

"I won't go!" Ge Jiazheng just shouted, Fang Ze had reached out and grabbed Ge Jiazheng's neck, and then carried her directly to the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile and put her in the co-pilot position. on.

After closing the door and driving, Fangze's Wuling Hongguang Batmobile drove out of the village without any delay, then headed for Haiping.

"You let me go." Ge Jiazhen got into the car and was not honest. Now she is completely different from when she entered school six months ago.

"Your parents told me on the phone." Fang Ze turned to look at Ge Jiayu and said.

"I don't know, I forgot." Ge Jiayu watched the car drive very fast, he didn't dare to drive the door himself, and didn't dare to take Fangze's steering wheel. It looks like his brain hasn't completely broken.

"Then give me a quiet stay here for a while." Fang Ze put a hand on Jin Jin without a word and put Ge Jiayu on the seat to make her quiet.

After all, if this girl is noisy for a while, it is estimated that the Spartans in the expanded space should hear it and see what happened.

He reached out and took the phone out of Ge Jiayu's body. The fingerprint was unlocked. Fang Ze took Ge Jiayu's finger and tried to unlock it.

Flipping out of the phone and finding Ge Jiayu's parents' call, Fang Ze immediately called.

Introduced his identity, Fang Ze then told Ge Jiayu's parents that Ge Jiayu owed money, hoping that they could come to Haiping a few days to deal with this matter.

When the call was over, Fang Ze re-plugged the phone into Ge Jiayu's clothes, walked to the back, and told Leonidas what was happening in the car so they wouldn't come out. Ge Jiayu's golden bondage.

"Why did you call my house ?!" Ge Jiayu was released from the golden **** and didn't immediately respond to how Fang Ze would point, but shouted at Fang Ze the first time.

"Do you have the ability to pay back the money?" Fang Ze looked at Ge Jiayu coldly. "Twenty-six thousand, I ask you if you have the ability to pay back."

"No skill." Fang Ze's words immediately made Ge Jiayu's words stop.

"That's not enough. You have no ability to pay it back. I can only tell your parents. Otherwise, you intend to keep hiding. The current loans are on credit. I tell you that if you don't pay back the money, you can't read it. I found your school on loan, and guess what will happen to the school. "

"It's a big deal I call the police." Ge Jiayu reluctantly replied.

"Sorry, there are regulations above, the police are not allowed to access civil economic disputes." Fang Ze told Ge Jiayu, "You can only fight a lawsuit. I guess you don't even have the money to hire a lawyer. And you won It ’s just that you do n’t pay the extra money. The rest must be paid. I ask you if you can pay back the remaining money? ”

"No." Ge Jiazhen finally stopped talking.

"That's not enough." We used to find a debt collection company today to put out a list of all the money lenders you owe, and then wait for your parents to arrive tomorrow and think about how to pay back the money.

"I, my parents are both farmers, and they have no money." Ge Jiayu hesitated, holding back tears from his eyes.

"You know your parents are farmers. How dare you guarantee a loan to others!" Fang Ze pointed to Ge Jiayu. "An adult, wouldn't he consider the consequences before doing things? I do n’t know how many he weighs. !"

"Brother, I heard my sister say that your family is in good condition. Otherwise, if you lend me the money first, I will pay you back slowly."

"No." Fang Ze looked at Ge Jiayu and said, "I'm a medical student and I know a lot of people in hospitals. If your parents come without money tomorrow, I can help you to contact a hospital and sell a kidney. Returned. "

Fang Ze started to pretend to call the hospital. He asked a little bit about the recent nervousness of the kidneys. If he can match, how much can he sell? Ge Jiazhen, scared aside, has no blood, really Thought Fang Ze was going to sell her a kidney.

Hao Wenxi said that the debt collection company is not in the city center, nor is it a serious company. The address is inside a suburban factory.

This factory used to produce instant noodles. Although it is a miscellaneous brand, but the price is cheap, so it has been selling well.

However, in recent years, the take-out industry has become more and more developed, and the domestic instant noodle market has been shrinking rapidly. Even a few large factories are getting worse and worse, let alone such small factories.

The owner of this factory is also a wonderful workman. The workers in his factory are all from a village with him, so it is not easy to cut staff. As there are so many young people, the debt collection business started simply. After all, in the country, debt collection is just harassment and there is no need to fight with a knife, so you do n’t have to be ruthless, as long as you have a thick skin.

In this way, a small factory that was about to close down was forced to survive by the boss.

After receiving a call from Hao Wenxi, the factory owner Hao Wenshuo immediately started calling the people in the factory, one by one, blocked the door and greeted the villain ~ ~ boss. "A thin-skinned young man said to Hao Wenshuo," This man is probably a retired special soldier, so he can fight so well. But we can fight again, but we have hundreds of people, he is exhausted, do n’t worry. "

"I'm not worried." Hao Wenshuo said indifferently. "What good can this world be. Even if he knocks us all down, as long as he doesn't pay back the money, we will go to the petition and say that the retired special forces will bully ordinary people. Who's afraid of who. "

"That's it." The people around him should immediately reconcile.

At this time, Fangze's Wuling Hongguang appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Here comes a van." Hao Wen grinned grinning, "Sure enough, he came alone, and asked the brothers to wait for his car to come over, we will surround it, we do not move. You take a camera, If he dares, we will fight back, and even if something dies, it will be a crime of assault. "

ps: Some readers have raised the issue of being vegetarian in Spartans

Let me first conclude that the Spartans eat meat. Their most famous dish is the "black soup" cooked with pork blood, pork, vinegar and other ingredients (it is said to be terrible, even a foreigner who loves food tastes it and then says "I now know why Spartans So not afraid of death, it can be said that it is the ancestor of the dark cooking industry.)

There are rumors that the Spartans are vegetarian, mainly because the Spartans despise the luxury of life and overeating, so they are very restrained in eating meat.

In terms of nutrition, because humans cannot provide several amino acids, lipids, and plants, so if you are a vegetarian, under normal conditions (lack of soy products), normal people may be malnourished, let alone need to be protected. Spartans in heavy armor.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

(= Reading Yue)

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