My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 667: We need the truth

Because the injured person could not be found for a while to prove the magic of the healing potion, and in order to obtain enough experimental samples, the experiment to verify the effect of the healing potion was performed by monkeys.

Staff from several research institutions brought up four experimental monkeys, and used different tools to create four different types of wounds on the four monkeys.

Of course, in Harrison's live room, the four monkeys were already injured when they appeared. Because if they dare to broadcast live on how to make wounds to these monkeys, some environmental protection groups may be chasing Harrison and scold them for several years, so Harrison asked the research institution to lift them up after wounds were wounded.

After the experimental animals arrived, a researcher put on sterilized clothes, and then put a drop of healing potion on the wounds of the four injured monkeys.

Filmed by four professional cameras, the wounds of these four monkeys, just like yesterday's Amelia's wound, began to heal at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"This kind of potion seems to enhance the healing ability of the person being cured." A biologist looked at the professional testing instrument in front of him and began to guess.

"If it just enhances the monkey's own healing ability, there is no way to explain how the monkey's body may have the energy to supply such a fast healing wound." Another biologist said, "At this rate of healing, these monkeys' metabolism The speed must be terrifying, and the body needs a lot of nutrients to supplement the lost energy. But these monkeys have not lost much energy in their bodies. "

"So this magical healing potion should not only increase the healing speed of the organism itself, but also supplement the organism itself with sufficient energy to supply the energy lost at this metabolic rate."

"This involves deeper fields. We can't draw a certain conclusion with the instruments we have now." Several biologists came to a conclusion after discussion.

The healing potion Harrison received from the Demon Hunter is very effective for humans and animals. And this kind of cure is to enhance the user's own healing ability, so there is no particularly great sequelae in high probability.

At most, the metabolism has accelerated for a period of time, and it is likely that the body will become old for a few days. But compared to the benefits and speed of healing, these consequences are almost nothing.

It is foreseeable that once the preparation method of this potion is researched and can be popularized, in a large number of accidents, as long as the potion is used in a timely manner, people who are seriously injured in the accident will not He died because he could not get timely help.

As long as you don't die on the spot, the healing potion will pull you back from the death line.

After Harrison read the conclusions of the experts in the live broadcast, the entire live broadcast immediately began a fierce discussion.

But just as Harrison was about to make his own comment, the signal between the live broadcast suddenly broke off. No matter how good the network is, people can no longer see the video content in the live broadcast room.

Of course, this is definitely not that the tubing blocked the live room, but that Harrison's network was down.

As long as the brain is not broken, anyone knows that this is a shot from the government and cut off Harrison's signal. The next step is to find a reason to put Harrison under house arrest, and then take the healing potion.

There weren't many healing potions given to Harrison by the Demon Hunter. After using some of the experiments, the remaining healing potions were not enough to fill a reagent tube.

However, these healing potions are enough for a top institution to study its ingredients, but most people think that the sudden shot by the government is definitely not about these healing potions, but to confiscate them and eliminate the evidence.

Because it is very likely that the consortium behind the current ruling party is also involved in coaxing the demon hunters to obtain healing potions from them.

As a result, most people who watched Harrison ’s live video yesterday and today begin to believe that there are not only monsters in this world, but also demon hunters who guard humans and hunt monsters.

But at present these demon hunters are being deceived by the shameless government and consortium, and because of some fruits and food, these treasures, which should belong to all humanity, are delivered to shameless and selfish people.

Minutes after Harrison ’s live broadcast was cut off, powerful netizens in some parts of the United States and Australia have begun to carry out some scattered protests.

The more organized groups that frequently protest have also begun preparations, and plan to have another demonstration on the same scale as Occupy Wall Street.

Various action slogans have also started to spread on the Internet one after another. For example, we need the truth.

We need healing potions and potions for eternal youth.

Save the simple and good demon hunter.

Help Demon Hunters integrate into modern society.

For a while, the community was excited, and the whole world was hotly debated. When the U.S. government held an emergency secret meeting and started the discussion, it was found that no department had contact with the legendary demon hunter.

In this case, even if some departments have secretly contacted the demon hunter before, they will definitely speak up. After all, the matter has been exposed, and the existence of the demon hunter has been confirmed. Instead of waiting to be found out, it is better to say it yourself earlier, relying on the advantage of the first contact, to exchange benefits with other departments.

But no department came out to admit that they had contact with the Demon Hunter.

In this case, a spokesman for the White House could only tell the truth. At present, no government department has found any contact with the demon hunter, and there is no relevant record.

But this rare truth, no one believed this time, but because of the results announced by a White House spokesman, it caused a wider range of protests.

After all, this kind of thing that people have identified ~ ~ will not be believed by people according to the results of people's identification.

Even if there might be no legendary hunter in the world.

The longer we spend in this technological world, the more we hope for an ancient and extraordinary legacy. ..

Because only this kind of inheritance that allows ordinary people to step up to the sky can lead people with rebellious spirit to fight against the increasingly upper class.

Therefore, superhero-related movies and comics are so popular and popular.

But when people know that there are really superheroes in the world, they find that these superheroes have been deceived by the country and those consortia.

Whether it is for justice, eating melons, or their own interests, the people want to let these good demon hunters know the truth.

So a long, large-scale march protest began in the United States.

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