My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 712: Snake girl

"What's wrong!" Sec was frightened by her brother's sudden loud screaming. She thought the huge monster was awake, but looked back, but found that the huge monster was still asleep.

"Sister, not a person, not a person!" Hours, minutes, and hours are pointing to Hours and Seconds, because they are too nervous to organize the language, so what they say makes Hours and Seconds misunderstood.

"You're not human!" Sec yelled while holding the **** her way back.

"Don't hold it!" Shi Fang slapped two of them, calmed himself, and shouted at the girl in Sec's arms, "This girl is not a person, look at her tail, shit, legs!"

"Legs?" When Sec understands the hours, she glances down at the girl's legs in her arms, and immediately raises her head.

"She has no legs!" Sec's hand holding the girl shook immediately, but even then, she didn't throw the girl to the ground.

Yes, this girl in a red cape has no legs, and there is a slender snake tail below the waist!

This also explains why when the second just picked up the girl, the girl almost leaned out of the second's arms.

If it wasn't because the red cloak of the girl had covered the girl's snake tail before, the two would not dare to hold the girl up and try to take it away, even if they had the guts.

"This girl must be a snake demon!" Shifen shouted at the girl, "Hurry up and put her on the ground, then the two of us will run away."

"But she's fainted!" Secchi looked at her arms with a good look, but she didn't look like a bad girl, or she couldn't bear to throw the girl in the pouring rain.

"Sister!" Shouted anxiously, "You are not the heroine in the anime, even if you meet the monster boyfriend of the descending system, you should also meet a male monster. But now you are a woman in your arms. Monster, you do n’t do lily, what are you holding her for? ”

"Would you like to hold it?" Shi seconds said, pretending to reach out to hand the girl in her arms to the hour, but the hour immediately waved and refused. "Let's leave quickly, I'm afraid this huge monster will wake up for a while Come. And if this girl with a snake tail is still the daughter of this monster, then the monster wakes up, and we must be the ration of this monster today. "

"Then we can take her to a place that can shelter from the rain, and then report it to the police?" Shizeng still couldn't bear to throw such a girl here. Although she said she had a snake tail, she didn't look like a bad person .

It turns out that people who look good can easily make others feel good and think they are not bad people.

The same is true for snake tails.

"Yes, that's it!" Seeing that they had been here long enough, fearing that the monster really woke up, they immediately agreed.

But as the brother and sister were about to leave, a slightly familiar voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Wait a second, you don't have to leave in a hurry."

Who? !!

The siblings looked behind them together.

A man wearing a black suit and holding an umbrella gradually emerged from the rain, gradually becoming a physical entity from a virtual as if projection. It's as if it was transmitted directly from elsewhere.

"Well, I didn't expect to be an acquaintance." Of course this man was Fangze.

After seeing the previous Guanghua that penetrated the sky, he immediately realized that there might have been a change in the place where the guest arrived, so he chased over where Guanghua appeared.

After a long distance observation of the giant monster on the small square and the snake-tailed girl held by the hour and second, combined with the powerful descendants that Da Meow said, Fang Ze immediately guessed who the guest might be this time.

Fearing that he was coming over and being noticed by the onlookers who were sheltering from the rain and taking pictures in the pavilion at this time (actually, he was worried that walking over was not enough to force the frame). before.

"Is this the guy you met in the hotel last time ?!" Before the second had elapsed, Shimin immediately called out, undermining the image of Fang Ze's painstaking creation of an expert.

You're a **** guy, your family is a **** guy!

On the surface of Fangze, the clouds were light and windy, and he still looked like a master, but in fact he already wanted to scold his mother.

I'm mad, but I still have to pretend.

So Fang Ze did not respond to the words, but just waved.

In an instant, the original pouring rain disappeared instantly.

"The rain stopped?" Every hour and every second I noticed that the raindrops on my body were gone for a moment, and I felt a little strange. I looked up, but found that only the rain in this small place had stopped, and the rest was still It continues to rain.

"I need two people to help me now, can you help me take care of this girl for a while?" Fang Ze glanced at the girl who was held in her arms by the seconds, thinking that the giant monster was also captured by others, but This girl half-man and half- snake looks best not to be seen by others.

After all, a monster that is obviously not a normal earth creature at a glance and a half demon that is very similar to humans are completely different from the panic caused by normal society.

"What if this huge monster wakes up!" Shiji tremblingly pointed at the huge monster.

"If you have me, don't worry." Fang Ze finished speaking not far away, and a lot of people slammed in the direction of the pavilion sheltering from the rain.

Suddenly, the equipment that all the people in this pavilion could use to take photos broke away from the owner's hands, floated instantly, and flew to Fangze.

Crackling ~ ~ Each of these electronic devices fell to the ground in front of Fang Ze. At this moment, there is no rain because of Fang Ze's force, so I don't worry about these devices being damaged.

Of course, the current electronic devices can take photos and upload them to the Internet at any time, so the photos and videos they have taken before have been sent out. Fang Ze is doing this now, just to prevent them from taking their own detailed appearance and hours. The girl's snake tail in her arms.

"Bottom!" Even though the nerves of brothers and sisters are extremely thick, the face of such live demonstrations is like a super movie in an animated movie, and I still feel a great shock.

The brothers and sisters looked at each other, and instantly thought about why their friend appeared in the room where Fang Ze was, and also lost the memory for a period of time.

Because this guy is just like the rumors that existed before the Internet, the Demon Hunter exists!

My friends must be cleared of memory because they saw something that should not be seen!

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