My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 783: My brother cannot be like this

Although the foundation of the United States is the military and science and technology, the industry that obtains military spending and scientific research funds for the Americans is the financial industry.

Only by continuously pumping blood from the world to support themselves can Americans maintain their global hegemony.

Therefore, the financial industry, Wall Street is more important to the United States than the White House.

After all, even if the White House was bombed, it would be a big deal to rebuild one, but Wall Street was bombed. Trying to rebuild another Wall Street can be a hassle.

After it was determined that it was impossible to obtain help from countries other than Huaxia, in the face of worsening conditions day by day, the US government sent a delegation to negotiate with Huaxia, hoping that Huaxia could coordinate the guardians of civilization to New York as soon as possible.

However, proud Americans will not easily lower their heads.

"What, we promised only half of the terms." After the experts who negotiated with the US negotiating group passed the American response back to the imperial capital, many big names were angry.

They had previously thought that the US government would reject most of China's conditions, but they did not expect so many.

Of course, the negotiations between countries were originally asking for prices and returning money on the ground, so the Americans promised half of it, which is enough to show how much they value this matter.

But the problem now is that the half of the conditions promised by the Americans are actually conditions that are easy to operate and repent.

In other words, if Huaxia helps the US government to remove Baron Nash, the US government that has been slowing down can also do some small moves and rely on most of the conditions.

Especially the incumbent US President is a capricious person, so in the event that if they cheat again, Huaxia may not be able to find such a good opportunity to force Americans into submission.

In the face of this situation, Huaxia directly withdrew from the negotiating group without any thought, and announced that when coordinating with the Guardian of Civilization, he found that indeed no Guardian of Civilization could go to New York to hunt Baron Nash.

"It's almost burning eyebrows. I didn't expect American pride to be so full." Fang Ze also knew the results of the negotiations for the first time, because the time given by the big cat was two weeks, and now it has only passed less than a week. Nash Baron hadn't restored his strength to an uncontrollable level, so Fang Ze was not in a hurry.

This situation is now betting who can be more calm.

From the perspective of Huaxia, the undeveloped Huaxia does need the United States to take the lead in order for Huaxia to continue its development.

One day in the future, China will be on the top of the earth, but not now.

So Americans now want to bet that Huaxia will not let New York be destroyed by Baron Nash, and Huaxia wants to drag the Americans to a point where they cannot afford it.

After all, even if the global economy collapses because of the disappearance of Wall Street, it is the United States itself that collapses first.

So Fang Ze returned to Xihe Street.

"Mr. Landlord." In the underground base of the Demon Management Bureau, Rocky looked at Fang Ze who was coming back and asked, "Do you have a technology on the earth that can make people change their heads?"

"No." Fang Ze felt inexplicable after hearing Rocky's words, and couldn't understand why Rocky asked so suddenly.

"Without such technology, can you explain what happened to my stupid brother?"

"Thor?" Fangze said strangely. "Thor should have been recovered. Is there something wrong with him?"

"I'll show it to you." Luo Base Station suddenly screamed in disguise before Fang Ze.

Then just as Rocky's cry appeared, an angry voice sounded, "Who dares to touch my brother!"

Accompanied by this sound was the fully-armed Thor. He held a flashing hammer and watched nervously watching everything around him, as if to tear a non-existing enemy into pieces at any time.

"No one bullied your brother." Fang Ze pointed to Rocky, "It was he who called it intentionally."

"What ?!" Thor shouted in shock, and Fei also ran to Rocky's body and hugged him, "My dear brother, how can you torture yourself like this and promise your brother. Never in the future Just kidding, do you know how worried I was just now? "

"It's all messy." Fang Ze was a little dazed when he saw the scene.

According to common sense, shouldn't Thor be righteous to teach Rocky a meal after Rocky did a prank?

How does the current daycare become a child control that is perverted to the depths, and protects Rocky as a baby.

"What's going on?" Fangze asked looking at Rocky.

"I really want to know what's going on!" Rocky looked at Fangze in a sullen mood. "This guy has become like this since he found it outside. He will help me even if I eat a shrimp. Peel off all the shrimp shells, for fear that I will get scratched by the shrimp shells. "

"That's because I swear that I will never let you be hurt." Thor heard the words of Rocky, raised his head and said, "Rocky, promise me, never put yourself in danger. Otherwise I will fight for my life. Will protect you. "

"Why did you take the wrong medicine?" Although Rocky wanted to get care, Thor's care for him was obviously too much. Rocky wondered if his brother was stimulated.

"If I want your Chujun position!" Rocky looked at Thor and shouted, "Are you going to protect me?"

"Yes," Thor said firmly. "If your brother really wants to be the prince of Asgard ~ ~, then I go back and tell my father, if he does not agree, I will leave Ah forever Skid never goes back. "

"Look down." Rocky looked at the crazy Thor and covered his forehead. "You must have been changed. My brother cannot look like this."

Thor's changes aroused Fang Ze's curiosity. He found Xia Yike and asked where they found Thor at that time, what college or professor there was. Otherwise, how could Thor be completely different.

"It's in the cinema." Xia Yike answered Fang Ze's question. "When we found him, he had just come out of the cinema, and it seemed like he was invited to watch the reunion III once."

"I said." Fangze finally understood why Thor had such a big change.

Anyone who knows that his brother eventually died in front of him and was misunderstood by himself before his death will also change his attitude towards his brother.

Thor originally regarded Rocky as one of his closest family members. Now it seems that he has successfully evolved into a brother.

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