My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 854: wedding

The front line of life and death is Huaxia's new chicken-eating game. With its epoch-making graphics, unique gameplay and 100% guaranteed no plug-in gaming experience, it has attracted millions of players in a short period of time.

"Come here, we must have chicken today." Mei Linghui shouted to her roommate in the dormitory.

Under his call, soon a friend in the dormitory turned on the computer, ate together and started playing games.

Unlike eating chicken in the Jedi survival is just a slang word, eating chicken in the line of life and death is really eating chicken.

If the player can reach the final round, then in the final round, the last player killed by the first place will become a lively big yellow chicken after death and be made into chicken on the screen.

So the more you get to the finals, the more nervous the players are, fearing that they will be made into the opponent's chicken.

However, Mei Linghui had good luck today. When they reached the finals, the four-member team did not reduce their staff. Instead, the only team on the opposite side reduced their staff halfway, leaving only two.

"I pull the gun line, your firepower is suppressed!" Mei Linghui shouted the command while controlling his game character.

Just as he touched the opponent's position, one of his roommates accidentally leaked under the enemy's muzzle, was knocked down by a shot, and was quickly replaced, turning into a big yellow chicken.

"What the hell!" Mei Linghui shouted, and then threw a thunder at the opponent's position. As a result, she was lucky enough to blow down an enemy on the opposite side.

The remaining things are even simpler. Three-to-one, the enemy's hiding place is still within the throwing range of Mei Linghui's throwing object, so Mei Linghui throws two flashes over, and the three people quickly double-teamed together and successfully The opponent fought into a big yellow chicken.

"It's time to eat chicken." Four people in the dormitory were happy waiting for the chicken to appear on the screen.

But to their surprise, there was no chicken on the checkout page of the game today, nor did the word "eat chicken" tonight, but a candy bar appeared!

Happy marriage and eat sugar today.

Mei Linghui froze, what the hell. How come there are dog foods sent to the game, is this still special?

On the endless ocean of the South China Sea, a huge scientific research ship is sailing on the sea. This ship belongs to the Research Department of Xixia Soil of China. This time, the main purpose of this visit to the South China Sea is to conduct experiments related to Xixia soil, so as to try to plant Huaxia islands in the South China Sea at an early date.

"Captain." At this moment, standing on the deck and watching the surrounding crew shouted back to the captain and the other crewmen standing behind, "An iceberg floated ahead!"

"Nonsense," the captain shouted without turning back. "We are not here in the North and South Pole, where is the iceberg?"

"Captain, it's really an iceberg!"

The crew were about to jump. "And there are characters on that iceberg."

"Let's take a look. If your kid lied to us today, you'll wash the deck tomorrow."

The captain spoke and came over with a few crew members.

Then, they really saw a huge iceberg on the sea!

The name of this ship is not Titanic, and of course it won't be stupid to hit the iceberg. In fact, modern ships basically have the ability to avoid icebergs.

However, it is not this that makes everyone care. But where is the iceberg in the South China Sea? But here it is eighteen thousand miles across the north and south poles.

"Captain, there are still words on this iceberg." The other crewman looked good, and when there was still words on the iceberg, he called out immediately.

"Show me the telescope." The captain reached out and took the telescope and looked at the distant iceberg.

There is indeed a word on the huge iceberg floating in the distance. It is a huge Chinese character written in Chinese characters. There are many nests on the iceberg below the Chinese character, filled with candy.

This is Nima's. Such a show of affection, I am afraid to be killed by the crew on the surrounding ships who have not returned to the land for a long time!

Of course, what the captain didn't know was that not only the ships that ate the dog food today, but also the players who ate chickens on the front line of the South China Sea.

For example, the red lanterns with 囍 characters hanging under each street lamp in the entire emperor are normal operations. Astronomy enthusiasts who originally planned to observe the moon today are also surprised to find that since the last Sino-US moon graffiti event Today, there is another huge Chinese character graffiti on the surface of the moon, almost covering one fifth of the moon ’s surface. It can be clearly seen even with ordinary astronomical telescopes, as if someone is making a high-profile to the world. Announced that I'm getting married.

However, Fang Ze felt that his wedding with Lin Xiaoxin was actually very low-key.

It is just that a huge 520 iceberg was created again by using the snow monster skills at sea, and a space shuttle was drawn on the moon with a space shuttle, so that Wang Cheng hung a hi lantern under the street lights of the entire imperial capital ~ ~ Changed tonight ’s chicken tonight on the final settlement page of life and death to sugar tonight.

It's all simple operations. It's all about bringing this happiness to people all over the world and making everyone happy together.

The venue for the wedding of Fang Ze and Lin Xiaoxin is on the fourth floor of the underground base of the Demon Management Bureau. Although the place is large, it is mainly used to place various decorations, and there are not many places left for guests.

In this regard, Lin Xiaoxin and Fang Ze are relatively consistent. Their wedding only invited very close friends and close relatives.

So not many people came to the scene today, they are all familiar faces.

Of course, there are some unfamiliar faces, such as some big names who have control of state power. They took time out of their busy schedules to come and give blessings to Fang Ze and Lin Xiaoxin before leaving.

Because Xiao Hei did not return for the time being, Fang Ze's best man was old. Lin Xiaoxin's bridesmaid is her good girlfriend Yao Pan.

After a series of tedious processes, the improved Chinese wedding ceremony held by the two finally reached the time of the last couple to worship.

Because it was a modified Chinese wedding, Lin Xiaoxin didn't cover her head. Fang Ze could see that Lin Xiaoxin was standing still because of her shame at this sacred moment.

Alas, why is this little guy still ashamed?

As Fang Ze thought about it, he bent down, and then heard Lin Xiaoxin whisper, "I have stood for so long, my feet are numb, when is it over?"

Uh, excuse me, it turned out that I understood it wrong.

"Stay for a while, and it's over," Fang Ze whispered.

Just when the two were worshipping the heavens and earth, and they were about to stand up, suddenly a voice came out at the wedding scene, "Well, Dad, are you going to get married!"


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