My Italian

Chapter 101: contact (middle)

The Kunjiang River originates from the Kapuas Mountains in the middle of the island, with a total length of 1,143 kilometers. After the river enters Pontianak, there are plains and lakes along the banks. It is an excellent piece of fertile soil. Gold makes this place the first choice for Chinese immigrants.

After the reclamation and cultivation of the Chinese, the Kunjiang River has now become a land of fish and rice, and the rich Kunjiang River Basin immediately attracted the peeps of the Dutch. I robbed, and what I didn’t say was to fight to the end.

At present, Lanfang has pulled the mobilized armed forces to the Kunjiang area of ​​Pontianak, intending to use the Kunjiang River to defend against the river.

Therefore, during this period of time, Liu Enguan has not slept at all. Every day, he needs to keep his spirits high, collect supplies, buy weapons and ammunition, boost morale, and other things.

No, in a tributary of the Kunjiang River, someone noticed the movement of the Dutch, and Liu Enguan immediately arranged for someone to check it out.

"Lu Er, ask Li Si to bring a group of people to Gannan to see if there are any Dutch people."

The Lu Er in Liu Enguan's mouth is Liang Luyi, and now he is his right-hand man. "Don't worry, Chief, I'll let him, Li Si, take someone there."

After speaking, Liang Luyi took big strides and walked out. After a while, he heard his loud and energetic voice. "Li Si, where have you died, come out quickly."

Liu Enguan smiled and shook his head to continue with other things.

But it seemed like it was doomed. Just when he picked up a document to read, he heard the sound of going upstairs, and the Bamboo Building was not very moving.

Before Liu Enguan could ask a question, the bamboo door was pushed open, and he saw that it was Luo Yibo, one of Lanfang's leaders. Due to the special nature of Lanfang's system, it is composed of various companies (similar to the Jianghu Association), and its leaders are respected as leaders. Before he could speak, the leader Luo spoke up.

"Chief, your cousin Luo Yibo is here. He also brought a European and said he must see you."

My cousin came and brought a European to see me. Liu Enguan, who was confused by Luo Yibo's words, said. "Tell me, what's going on?"

Facing Liu Enguan with a puzzled look, Luo Yibo then revealed the circumstances of his meeting with his cousin. It turned out that Luo Yibo led people to patrol Kunjiang, and happened to meet Liu Jingsheng, who claimed to be Liu Enguan's cousin, who came by boat. Even more surprising, there was a foreigner beside him.

However, after some inquiries, Luo Yibo found out that this was really the chief's cousin, so he immediately asked his people to bring these two over here, and he quickly set up a boat and ran to report.

Hearing Chief Luo's report, Liu Enguan pondered for a while. His cousin came all the way from his hometown with a European. He immediately realized something and hurriedly said. "When they land on the shore, welcome them in immediately. Forget it, I will pick them up in person."

It didn't take long for the boat carrying his cousin Roybe to dock. Liu Enguan, who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately stepped forward and grabbed his cousin who had just disembarked. "Brother Jingsheng, long time no see."

"Enguan, you've become slender."

After simply saying hello to his cousin, Liu Jingsheng, who is not good at words, immediately pulled the foreigner who was accompanying him. "This is Major Kerla from Italy, what kind of embassy attache."

It turned out to be from Italy. After hearing what his cousin said, Liu Enguan, who was slightly disappointed, still greeted him with a spring breeze on his face. "Hello, Major Kerla, I'm very pleased to have your Excellency here."

"Hello, Mr. Liu, this time I took the liberty to ask your cousin to help, mainly to enjoy the beauty of Lanfang."

Major Kerla's Chinese is not bad. Although he still has a big tongue, he can at least understand it, but what he said almost made Liu Enguan laugh. Lanfang is a beautiful place in the backcountry, even a three-year-old wouldn't believe it.

"This is no problem. Since Your Excellency Major wants to see the beautiful scenery, I will let someone I know take you around. But you are a guest from afar, and I like to make friends the most. Can you honor me as a landlord? , I will show you one or two."

"Very happy to."

After a brief conversation between the two, they were immediately determined to have a private conversation. At this time, Liu Enguan opened his mouth to a person beside him. "It's not easy for my cousin to come here with a lot of teachers and teachers. He will serve me well."

The person next to him naturally winked, and immediately complimented Liu Jingsheng with a smile on his face. "Brother Liu is exhausted. He must be exhausted. I will take you to have a rest, and let the kitchen get some game for Big Brother Liu to taste."

After Liu Jingsheng was taken away, Liu Enguan waved his hand and gave guidance. "Mr. Major, this way please."

After briefly taking Major Kerla around for two laps, Liu Enguan immediately took him to the bamboo building where he lived. After instructing the guards on the way, the two came to the main room.

After the guest of honor was seated, only after the servants brought coffee, Liu Enguan spoke. "Major Kerla is not here to see the scenery. I think Your Excellency is more interested in the weapons and warehouses on us."

"Yes, Your Excellency is right."

Major Kerla didn't hide it at all, he just admitted it.

Hearing Major Kerla's direct admission, Liu Enguan stood up immediately. Aggressively said. "Then talk about your purpose, don't lie to me with words that can't even coax a three-year-old child."

"I want to see if you have the strength to resist the Dutch."

Clap, Liu Enguan slapped the revolver he was carrying on the table and said with a bad expression. "Then now, Your Excellency thinks, do we have the strength to stop the Dutch."

In the face of Liu Enguan's intimidation, Major Kerla ignored him at all, only to see him answer with shaking his head. "I'm angry and bluntly say that your equipment is too poor, many people don't even have a rifle, and it is impossible to stop the Dutch unless there is help from outsiders."

Major Kerla took the word "outsider" very seriously, and he believed that Chief Liu could understand his words.

Sure enough, Liu Enguan's aura was gone in an instant, but he retorted directly. "Could it be that with the help of your Italian country, you can make the Dutch retreat."

"Your Excellency is right, we Italy alone can make the Dutch retreat, and not only make them retreat, but also restore Lanfang to its maximum territory."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Facing Major Kerla's words, Liu Enguan burst out laughing.

"What do you have in Nanyang, no soldiers and no ships, why should the Dutch listen to you?"

In the face of Major Kerla looked at Liu Enguan in front of him and said word by word. "Who said we have no soldiers and no ships, but you just don't know."

"You don't make drafts for bragging. If you want the people of the country to have soldiers and ships, I would have heard the news long ago. Don't think that our Lanfang is not well-informed in Nanyang. As long as there is trouble, we will know immediately."

"It's really ignorant. If we don't show our strength in Nanyang, we think we can't do anything. Let me tell you, our fleet is on its way. If you want to get help, you should speak early, or wait for us to leave, then you Just face the Dutch yourself."

As soon as Major Kerla finished speaking, he got up and made a preliminaries.

Seeing that the Italians were leaving, Liu Enguan hurriedly stepped forward to stabilize him. "Wait a minute, Your Honor. I don't think your country's help will be free?"


"Then what are the conditions?"

"This is very simple. As long as Lanfang declares independence and asks for help from our country, then our country will naturally help you. It will also expand your territory several times."

"So what's the price?"

"You announced your willingness to join Italy and become my country's overseas province in Nanyang."

Now Liu Enguan understood that there were wolves before and tigers later, and they all wanted to eat Lanfang.

After speaking here, Major Kerla took out a document and handed it to Liu Enguan. "This is the condition of our country. At least compared to the Dutch, our country has no plans to abandon it after you are finished. Your Excellency, think about it."

After informing Liu Enguan of such a straightforward threat, Major Kerla got up and left. He believed that the Lanfang chief Liu would read the documents he gave him.

After seeing Major Kerla walking away, Li Enguan couldn't help but open the document.

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