My Italian

Chapter 115: good momentum

The morning sun shone in the room, and the neatly dressed Carlo glanced at the little maid who was still sleeping, sighed, closed the door softly and left.

After Carlo left, Nia opened her eyes, and tears flowed out of her eyes.

Obviously, Carlo's comfort last night did not make her forget the pain.

The Queen Mother's words were like an awl, which deeply hurt her heart. The reality must be faced. After all, Cinderella only appeared in fairy tales.

Carlo didn't see all of this. Of course, his heart was just as heavy at the moment. As a king, he had to make a choice.

Next, Carlo submerged himself in work, trying to ease his emotions.

So during this time, everyone found that His Majesty was a workaholic, dealing with various affairs day and night.

In the face of Carlo, who has become a workaholic, no one could dissuade him. Only the Queen Mother Margherita came to persuade him once, and then she stopped coming.

Carlo will continue this state until the end of the year, when all the Italian data are freshly released.

Carlo looked at the data in front of him with a happy expression.

"Your Excellency the Prime Minister, the government's work this year is very good, and all indicators are developing well."

In the face of Carlo's praise, Prime Minister DePretis dare not take credit.

"Your Majesty's reputation is too much. This is the result of the efforts of all my colleagues, especially the two plans promoted by His Majesty, which have made Italy taste the sweet fruit."

Although DePretis didn't say it clearly, his attitude satisfied Carlo, because it was a gesture, the Prime Minister acknowledged his credit, and at the same time, there was a hint of bowing his head in his words.

Although it was very obscure, Carlo could hear it after playing around with these old foxes for so long.

Since the Prime Minister is interested, of course Carlo has to go down the stairs. "Although there are other colleagues and external reasons, after all, Your Excellency is the Prime Minister of Italy. Without your supervision and support behind the scenes, Italy could not have achieved today's achievements."

Well, after a few words of praise and praise, the Prime Minister left.

After the Prime Minister left, Carlo carefully read the government's annual work report.

In this report, the most conspicuous thing is that the economic situation is very good. This is not a small good, but a great one.

Today, Italy's total foreign imports and exports reached 5.117 billion lire, of which the export growth was very dazzling, reaching 2.541 billion lire. In this export list, Germany has replaced France as Italy's largest exporter, reaching 517 million lira. Of course, it is also Italy's largest importer, with Italy's imports from Germany reaching 604 million lire.

However, compared with Italy, which mainly exports agricultural products and various raw materials and primary processed products, Germany mainly exports coal, iron ore, and various industrial products.

That’s right, Germany’s number one export to Italy is coal. The coal needed by the Italian industry basically comes from Germany, France and Austria. However, due to the trade agreement between Germany and Italy, German coal has already squeezed out the share of the other two countries.

Italy imported more than 7 million tons of coal from Germany with a value of 171 million liras. At present, only Sardinia in Italy has a small and medium-sized coal mine, and the lignite mined can only be used as domestic coal, and its annual output is only about 1 million tons. In addition to this coal mine, other coal mines in Italy add up to less than 500,000 tons. Coal shortage is the current situation in Italy.

In addition, iron ore from Germany is also an important source for Italy. Of course, German iron ore itself is not very rich, so not much is exported to Italy. But who made Italy's domestic iron ore barren, so the Germans started a second-hand business, importing high-quality iron ore from northern Europe, and then selling it to Italy.

Some people may ask, why doesn't Italy import from Northern Europe itself, but have to buy it from Germany. It is important to open the map to know that the distance between Italy and Northern Europe by sea is nearly seven times the distance from Germany to Italy. Although shipping by sea is cheaper than rail transportation, it is more cost-effective to go to Germany when the distance increases so much.

Therefore, some capable people started the business of exporting iron ore to Italy. Although the profits were not high, they could not stand the large volume and still had considerable profits.

Of course, Germany can only start the business of high-quality iron ore, while Italy also imports iron ore from other countries, such as Austria-Hungary, Spain, Turkey and other nearby countries.

In fact, Italy not only imports minerals, Italy is also the second largest importer of grain in Europe, which is also due to the climate. The Italian climate is not friendly to staple crops such as wheat and corn, so Italy has a big gap in this regard. On the other hand, more economical crops such as figs, olives, grapes, etc., Italy has an advantage.

Therefore, on the one hand, Italy exports economical agricultural products, and on the other hand, it imports food from Eastern Europe to meet domestic demand.

Therefore, Italy is both a major agricultural exporter and a major food importer. But in general, this is more mountainous and less densely populated (relatively), and Italians have to make a choice.

Of course, this year, the total value of Italy's export of various agricultural products reached 349 million lire, and the import of various grains reached 312 million lire. For Italy, agriculture is not only a way to make money, but also the key to life.

Of course, in addition to the traditional trading countries, this year's trade volume with a country has grown tremendously, and that is the Qing country in the Far East. This year, the total trade volume between Italy and Qing Dynasty reached 361 million lire, of which Italy's export value was 147 million lire and its import value was 214 million lire.

Italy's exports are mainly arms, mainly various machines and spare parts. After the end of the Sino-French war, the Italian arms finally caught the eye of the Qing people, and artillery and rifles finally opened the way.

One more thing, His Excellency Governor Zhang, who is in charge of Guangdong and Guangxi, purchased 9,000 rifles and 48 artillery pieces from Italy after the war, as well as the corresponding ammunition, and became the main user of Italian As for the machines and parts, this It is very clear that it is also a benefit brought by the Sino-French war.

As for Italy's rapid increase in imports from Qing, it is also good news. Because Italy mainly imported raw silk, tea, tung oil and other special products from the Qing country, which was also thanks to the Sino-French war, Italy was able to import these products from the Qing country. You must know that before this was the business of Britain, France, the United States and other countries, Italy was able to grab a certain share, but also with the help of the Qing government.

Although it is business talk, when the price is similar, the hint from the government is enough to make those businessmen who rely on adults have enough heart deviation.

That's why Italy can grab a lot of share. For this reason, its minister in China has protested to the Italian minister and the Qing government more than once, denouncing their partiality.

However, the Qing government had just won the battle, and now he is in high spirits, and the foreign minister's protests have been thwarted by Tai Chi.

With the rapid growth of exports, the Italian economy has a very good momentum, which is best reflected in the government's fiscal revenue. This year, Italy's fiscal revenue reached a record high of 1.42 billion liras, which is a full proof of economic growth.

In addition, overseas immigration has also dropped a lot this year, to 161,000.

This also shows that the Italian economy allows more people to live in the country without having to travel far to settle down abroad.

These data are also affirmation for Carlo. If it weren't for his promotion, how could Italy have a foot in the Far East.

Facing this achievement, Carlo is not proud, because it is the key to ensure the continued growth of the Italian economy.

But before that, Carlo still has one big thing to do, and that is to turn over the New Year's work for him as an adult.


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