My Italian

Chapter 165: Which one do you want?

, the fastest update of my latest chapter of Yidaili!

After seeing everyone else go out, Admiral Golek revealed a wry smile. "Two designers, you have given me a problem."

The admiral's words made the two designers not know what to say, but as the heads of the two major shipyards, it was time to find a way.

"Your Excellency, according to our warship plan, it only takes 24.8 million liras to build one."

The person in charge was the head of the Venice Naval Shipyard. Seeing His Excellency the Admiralty, he was in a dilemma, and he took out the ultimate move.

And seeing that the enemy was so unreasonable, as the person in charge of the Andoshar Shipyard, he was not polite. "Our plan requires only 25.4 million liras."

Don't blame Andoshar Shipyard for a higher price, because the power requirements in its plan are a lot, and this money can't be saved at all.

Admiral Golek, who was worried about how to choose, watched the two shipyard leaders start a price war. He was a little angry and laughed. Although the price is very important, the current battleship selection problem should be solved by price. , Well, he was indeed a little moved. However, considering the power behind this warship purchase, he temporarily put aside the idea of ​​determining by price.

"Two, but that's it. I need to talk to two, not three designers."

Therefore, the two shipyard leaders could only stop their intention to win by price, and could only look at their chief designer, hoping that they could win in the future.

After the two shipyard leaders left, Admiral Gorek spoke. "Three, I honestly want all of your design plans, but the Navy currently only has so much money, so I want to ask if you can combine the plans and come up with a more perfect warship."

Well, facing the words of Admiral Gorek, the three designers exchanged eye contact. In fact, for Admiral Golek to let them stay, there is this psychological preparation.

"It will take time, though, and it won't be much worse than a redesign."

Brin was the first to speak, and his words were tacitly agreed by Bran and Vittorio.

Because the idea of ​​Admiral looks simple, but it is very difficult in practice. It requires precise calculation to change one place, not to mention that two design drawings must be combined to extract their respective advantages. Brin opened his mouth and said three months, which is according to the circumstances of all going well.

Faced with the words of the three designers, Admiral Gorek answered after thinking about it. "Then you go to prepare first, let me think about it."

Faced with the Minister of the Navy who holds the final decision on the new battleship, the three designers had no choice but to wait for the Admiral to consider it himself.

However, although there was no decision on the spot, Admiral Gorek would not just let the three go away, and then the Minister of the Navy sent the three out of the house in person.

Outside the naval building, two carriages were waiting for the three designers. After the three people left, this did not appear in front of the two carriages.

And the two old enemies naturally need another cordial greeting, "Brin, this time I feel that your work is very different from your previous style. Did you ask someone for help?"

Bran, who was talking, glanced at Vittorio who was standing aside, his intentions were very obvious.

Facing the ridicule of his old opponent, Brin did not deny it. "So what if you asked someone to help you? That's because you have no one to help you. I don't know how many people got angry with this stinky mouth. Who is willing to work with you."

The two famous Italian warship designers talked to each other outside the naval building like children, not afraid of the guards watching jokes.

Afterwards, the designers belonging to the two shipyards each got on the carriage and left.

Vittorio, who was sitting with the chief designer Brin in the carriage, was in a trance and a little silent.

Brin, who found that his situation was a little different, asked with concern. "What's the matter, Vittorio?"

In the face of Brin's question, Vittorio answered casually. "It's nothing, I just feel a little sick and want to go back and rest."

Facing Vittorio's answer, Brin didn't care too much. "Well, go back early and have a rest. Today's matter is not over yet, we have a lot of things to do."

When the three designers left in the carriage, Admiral Gorek, who was the Minister of the Navy, also sat on the carriage, and next to his seat was a package containing the drawings from the two designers.

The carriage came all the way to the palace, and Admiral Golek took the package and led the guards to Carlo.

That's right, Admiral Gorek intends to ask His Majesty the King's opinion when he is uncertain. Of course, this is not because he thinks that the king's knowledge of warships exceeds his own, but when he is undecided, he lets the king choose according to the situation, which can also increase the king's goodwill towards the navy. old stubborn.

"Your Majesty, please see, these are the two design drawings that our navy is most interested in."

Admiral Golek opened the blueprint, and like Carlo introduced the performance of the battleship in the two blueprints. Carlo stood beside him and listened carefully to his explanation.

After Admiral Gorek finished explaining, Carlo couldn't help but praised. "Very good, these two drawings are very good."

This is a sincere compliment from Carlo. Although he doesn't know much about the Navy, he still knows a little bit. It is necessary to know whether the warships currently equipped by various countries can compete with them. As long as this warship is built, it will be a well-deserved benchmark in the world.

If nothing else, the speed of 18-19 knots alone is beyond the reach of other battleships. This has reached the speed of cruisers of various countries, with the speed of cruisers, as well as the armor and firepower of battleships. Who can be its opponent?

"Your Excellency, do you mean to let me choose?"

Since Admiral Golek went to great lengths to show himself two blueprints, his intention is self-evident.

"Yes, Your Majesty. It is very difficult for us in the Admiralty to choose, so it is up to His Majesty to decide."

In the face of Carlo's inquiry, Admiral Golek did not deny it at all. Of course, he still has a little thought. If His Majesty sees that he likes both, what if he says he will build two of them?

Although this chance is out of reach, I am afraid of anything. If this is the it will not be another navy to make a profit.

But unfortunately, Carlo did not say what the Admiralty wanted to hear, but asked him instead. "Then what is your navy's choice?"

In the face of Carlo's question, Admiral Golek said truthfully. "We let the designers of both parties work together to try to come up with a battleship that combines the advantages of both."

"If that's the case, then follow your method."

Carlo also played a Tai Chi, throwing the problem back. Because he, like Admiral Gorek, is very satisfied with these two plans, so let's leave it to professional people to do professional things.

And Carlo's words surprised Admiral Gorek a little, he didn't expect the king to give him such an answer.

So he stepped forward and put away the design drawings, ready to go back to the Admiralty to study it.

But at this time, the voice of the king came from behind. "Perhaps the new warship should consider the advantage of speed more."

Carlo's words made Admiral Gorek smile.

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