My Italian

Chapter 249: Surprise

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Admiral Cadorna did receive the news earlier than Rome. In the morning when the Ottomans started to move in Adrianople, he received the news at his command. And let him be well informed in addition to distance reasons, there are Bulgarians to help.

As for the reason, you don’t need to guess. I also want to use this news to stimulate the Italians. After all, most of the Bulgarians are in Adrianople, so helping the Italians is helping themselves.

The Bulgarians were right, and when the news of the Ottoman attack in Adrianople was heard by Admiral Cadorna, he immediately realized the problem.

The Ottomans wanted to rescue the besieged Macedonian army, so they attacked the Bulgarians so desperately.

As the supreme commander of the Macedonia region, Admiral Cadorna has enough experience to know what to do, and now he must increase the offensive against Skopje.

The meaning of this is not that the previous coalition's offensive against Skopje was not enough. You must know that whether it was the main Italian army or the flanking Bulgarian and Montenegrin troops, the offensive against Skopje was just as fierce. But Nai He seemed to know that this was his last battle, and the local Ottoman defenders seemed to have eaten gunpowder and braced themselves against the coalition's offensive.

Even if the casualties are not small, it is still not allowed to retreat in the slightest. Therefore, it is a pity that the coalition forces are still unable to break through the outer positions of the Ottoman defenders.

The experienced Admiral Cadorna naturally knew the intentions of the defenders. The opponent wanted to take advantage of the surrounding terrain and stubbornly block the offensive of the coalition forces.

Cadorna had to praise for this, the commander of the other side, Admiral Yilmaz, did a very good job, because as long as you open the map, you can see that Skopje is actually in a basin-like terrain, surrounded by mountains and hills The terrain, so that its defenders must stick to the surrounding periphery if they want to hold the place.

Therefore, the Ottomans cannot use the battle plan of the Previn fortress of the tenth Turkish-Russian War this time, they can only defend the periphery and cannot stick to the city. Besides, the two are different, Skopje is a city, not a fortress. Under the current firepower, the local buildings with brick and wood structures could not withstand the artillery attack of the coalition forces.

In the face of the Ottomans' tortoise shell-like defensive tactics, in fact, there are many ways to solve it. Take the most secure solution at present, Italy is a step-by-step, with artillery as the guide, aligned to carry out fierce strikes, and then use infantry to launch it. Offensive, such an offensive casualty figures are absolutely very good. The only disadvantage is that the time is too slow, and then the ammunition consumption is not small.

However, this method is definitely not a good method for the current Admiral Cadorna, because it takes too much time and does not meet his requirements at all.

For this reason, he thought of another way, and he called the secretary to ask.

"Is Simone in the future?"

"It hasn't arrived yet. When I called to ask before, Lieutenant General Simeone had already left for a long time, and it is expected to arrive soon."

Hearing the secretary's answer, Admiral Cadorna continued, "When he arrives, bring him to see me immediately."

"As ordered, Your Excellency."

After the secretary left, the chief of staff of the Italian Army buried his head again to deal with the documents that were about to be buried on the table. This is his workload today.

As for Lieutenant General Simone, whom General Cadorna was waiting for, he had just arrived in the town where the army headquarters was located.

Simeone sat in the carriage and looked at the very busy town. He led the team back from the position two days ago, and was summoned by His Excellency the Chief of General Staff as soon as he took a breath.

When the driver of the car showed his ID to the town checkpoint sentinel, he noticed that the town was busier than the last time he came. After passing the checkpoint, the carriage went straight to the army headquarters.

As soon as his feet stepped on the entrance of the command office, an officer who had been waiting at the door immediately greeted him.

"Lieutenant General Simeone, hello, the general is waiting for you in the office."


Simeone, who was greeted, immediately followed with three steps and two steps.

After entering the command post, a raucous scene appeared before him, full of officers walking fast, and Simone walked through them all the way to Admiral Cadorna's office.

When he came to the door, the secretary knocked on his door.

"What's up?"

Admiral Cadorner's voice came from inside.

"Your Excellency, Simone is in the future."

"Invite him in now."

As Admiral Cadorna's voice fell, Simeone stepped into the office.

"Simeone, go well on the road."

Seeing Simone's Admiral Cadorna, he asked him with a smile.

Facing the question of Admiral Cadorna, Simeone answered naturally. "Very well, Your Excellency."

After a brief greeting, the two soldiers, who are soldiers, immediately started the topic.

"According to the current offensive, how long do you think we can break through the enemy's defense line, Simeone?"

Facing the question raised by Admiral Cadorna, Simeone, who had observed carefully on the front line, answered after thinking for a while. "If there is no change in the middle, it will take at least half a month."

Simeone's answer satisfied Admiral Cadorna, as he had also inspected the first-line positions, which was the same as what he observed.

The main reason for the two military commanders to answer in this way is that the current offensive is not going well. Although in the early stage of the battle, Italy used the advantage of heavy artillery to make the Ottoman defenders have to give up their positions, but relying on the advantages of the mountain terrain made them difficult to fight in the second half of the offensive.

The main problem is that the coalition's offensive is already within the range of the Ottoman artillery. With each attack, heavy artillery from the Ottoman army brought the Allied offensive to a halt.

No one wants to launch a deadly offensive under the bombardment of the enemy's various artillery. Even the Bulgarians, known for their valour, were the same.

This has happened before. The Bulgarian army wanted to increase its attack power. As a result, under the bombardment of various enemy artillery, the troops of a brigade were beaten back before they reached the position, with nearly half of the casualties, leaving the Bulgarians. Did not dare to attack the next day.

Some people may ask, since the Ottoman artillery is so ferocious, where is the coalition artillery.

Thanks to the mountainous terrain, although the number of coalition artillery far exceeds that of the Ottomans, there is little chance that the artillery entering the mountain can exert its full strength.

Because the weight of the artillery is not light at present, it is also inconvenient to move, and in the face of the various artillery placed in the bunkers by the defenders in the mountain battle, the coalition artillery that is mobile at any time is required. The coalition heavy artillery is even less likely to enter the mountains, and can only be composed of light artillery, which greatly reduces its attack.

Therefore, when the enemy has a terrain advantage, the artillery cannot suppress the opponent, so that the combat effectiveness of the front-line officers and soldiers cannot be exerted. At present, I can only slowly grind the enemy, and at the same time grind myself.

And Admiral Cadorna waited until Simeone finished speaking before speaking. "It's the same as what I thought. It's difficult to defeat the enemy quickly with the current method alone. So if we want to defeat the defenders as soon as possible, we must find another way."

Hearing Admiral Cadorna say this, Simeone still didn't know the purpose of finding himself this time.

"Chief of the General Staff, what can you do, give the order directly."

"Don't worry, I am looking for you because I need you to make this sharp knife and tear open the enemy's line of defense."

Speaking of this, Admiral Cadorna asked after thinking about it. "How many troops do you have in your Third Army at present?"

"At present, there are still 32,000 people in my Third Army with combat effectiveness."

Hearing Simone's answer, Admiral Cadorna couldn't help frowning, because this force was a bit small. You must know that the third army has a full force of 42,000 people, but considering that the third army had fought before After several fierce battles, the loss of its troops is relatively large, which is also reasonable.

Thinking of this, Admiral Cadorna then said. "I will let the Third Mountain Brigade operate together with your Third Army, under your command."

Speaking of this, Cadorna took a look at the other party, picked up the baton and talked about the next task that Simeone needs to do.

"After your Third Army joined the Third Mountain Brigade, you used the cover of darkness to gather at Kumanovo, east of Skopje, where the Bulgarian army is located. After you are in place, I will, before you launch an assault, Let each division step up the offensive and hold the enemy back. Then you, as surprise soldiers, unexpectedly break through the enemy line in the east together with the Bulgarians, and after breaking through the enemy positions, you continue to approach the city of Skopje, if you have a chance, take it Go down to the city. The main difficulty of this operation is concealment. I will drive away the locals along the way before you start, and then you need to rely on yourself. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, but I have a small request."

Facing Simeone's words, Admiral Cadorna asked. "If you have any requirements, you can ask them now."

"I need ammunition for at least seven days of Speaking of which, Simeone explained. "The main reason is to increase the firepower output, and to prevent possible unexpected situations. "

"No problem, I will let the logistics department prepare the ammunition you need for you. Are there any other questions?"

"there is none left."

In fact, after Admiral Cadorna said the plan, Simeone thought about it carefully. He also knew that the first condition of the action was concealment, and when he heard Admiral Cadorna's preparations for him in advance At work, he thought this battle could be fought.

Then the two discussed for nearly two hours, mainly about the details of the plan, the deployment of troops, etc., and the marching routes were all within the scope of discussion. After Simeone finally walked out of the admiral's office, he immediately boarded the long-awaited carriage and rushed back to the Third Army headquarters overnight. According to the plan he negotiated with the general, the Third Army and the Third Mountain Brigade needed to launch an offensive early the day after tomorrow. The time was tight and the task was heavy. Naturally, he had to keep moving.

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