My Italian

Chapter 263: Treatment options for new territories

Carlo's words were very problematic, because he did not ask about placement or comfort, but a direct plan.

Faced with the question of Carlo, Prime Minister Depretis had communicated with His Majesty before, but he was not satisfied.

Because His Majesty Carlo's request is to drive away all these local people, this method has not been used by other countries except Russia, which has always been known for its barbarians. To be more precise, European countries have not used it in this way in the past 100 years.

Depretis, who claims to be a civilized person, certainly disagrees. There are nearly a million people. It is also a big project for Italy to drive them away. Moreover, the international public opinion that drove these people away is not to mention the time and energy spent, which has made Italy very hurt. Not to mention that there may be various resistances in this, which will drag down the economic development of Italy.

Facing the various reasons given by Depretis, Carlo, the king, also has his own understanding.

These new territories, whose inhabitants are overwhelmingly Green believers, are a destabilizing factor for Italy. Although in this era, Luluyuan is not as arrogant as later generations, but for Carlo who wants to localize it, these are all stubborn elements. Although Carlo does not have an iron fist, he has the iron fist of the kingdom. For the long-term stability of Italy in these areas, it is better to spend a little more now than the incidents that may arise in the future.

And Depretis and others completely failed to understand their painstaking efforts, and only saw the petty profits in front of them, which made him equally dissatisfied.

That being the case, he intends to make the issue public and let senior officials in Italy make their own choices.

In the face of the question suddenly posed by Carlo, Prime Minister Depretis said immediately. "In this regard, the government has already made plans. We can let the religious believers in the area who are willing to relocate and leave, and we can accept those who are unwilling to relocate after swearing their allegiance to the kingdom. In addition, the religious priests in the area. , must be approved by our country, otherwise it is forbidden to preach the teachings. In addition..."

The methods mentioned by De Pretis are basically the current European methods, mainly Austria-Hungary's methods for terrorism. In many places, the government's measures for green education have borrowed from neighboring countries.

After listening to Depretis's remarks, Carlo shook his head and said. "Although this method is good, it takes too long to change the religious beliefs of the local people. It will take at least a hundred years to reverse the religious beliefs of the local people. If you encounter stubborn people, it will be even more troublesome. If you want me to say, it is better to do it once and for all. A large number of local immigrants is the solution to long-term stability.”

"But Your Majesty, this will delay the development of the local area. In addition, the required energy, time and cost are equally high, which will make the government's debt even heavier. Your Majesty will not be unaware of the current government's difficulties, right?"

Prime Minister Depretis' counterattack also hit the nail on the head. Although Italy won the battle and gained a large tract of territory, Italy is currently carrying enough debt. If it continues to borrow, it will only be the interest every year. Out of breath.

Faced with the problems raised by the Prime Minister, Carlo Tong had already made up his mind. "As for the issue of funding, I actually have an idea. If we want to reduce the cost, then maybe we can find a way from those local residents. For example, those fields, plantations or mines, factories, etc. that cannot be taken away, can all help us. reduce the financial burden.”

This is almost a clear indication that the government can figure out what to do with these expelled local residents. If you do not consider external influences, it will actually benefit Italy a lot.

First of all, it can make room for the Italian people. At least 600,000 people can be resettled in Albania and Kosovo. If the industrial construction carried out by the government is added, the resettlement of one million people is not a problem. This has a great buffering effect on relieving the pressure of more people and less land in Italy.

In addition, the vacated area is also good for Carlo. Those minerals, factories, plantations, etc. cannot be distributed by the government for free, so the people who can buy these industries must be rich and powerful. bourgeoisie. These people have built Carlo's basic plan. That's right, Carlo, the Italian king, is the spokesperson for these people. This is what he has understood since he came to this world ten years ago, and the memory of his previous life can at most make him more Take a look at the situation of Italian civilians. When distributing benefits, don't forget them.

After talking about the financial response, Carlo looked at Admiral Salagate and said. "I think the army should have enough measures for these local people who don't cooperate with our country's policies."

Seeing that the question attracted him, Admiral Saragate, who had been watching the play, immediately answered sternly. "For this, those local residents are not worried at all. Our military has collected weapons in the area several times before. For those who lack weapons, we have a way to make them obedient."

Admiral Saragate's remarks represent the Army and have enough confidence in this matter. In this era of unconstrained hands and feet, the battle for public security is much easier to fight than the era when the world is full of news in later generations. (Afghanistan is called the tomb of the empire, which means that it is bound by various rules in modern times. In ancient times, this was not at all, and it was trampled by various invaders.)

Not to mention this kind of action of expelling all, as long as you pull the net to search for a few times, there will basically not be a few fish that slip through the net.

In terms of public security and funding, Carlo has come up with a solution. As for diplomacy, Carlo can't solve this problem alone.

But then again, everything depends on the King Carlo, so what should the senior officials of the government do?

So after saying two ways, Carlo stopped talking.

However, although Carlo stopped speaking, Depretis, the prime minister, clearly felt the power of the king's words. Before Carlo gave a solution, everyone in the venue obviously disagreed, but now most of them are moved.

This way of benefiting most of Italy at the expense of newly occupied territories is really tempting.

No, Foreign Secretary Bakona took over and said. "Actually, the diplomatic influence does not have a big impact on our country. You must know that these are pagans, how much sympathy can you have for them. At the government level, except for the Ottomans, other countries should not have any sympathy for the government. The only thing that can affect us is to remove the influence of time, will it delay the next construction too much time?”

Concerning the Foreign Admiral Saragat said immediately. "As for the expulsion operation, according to our military's method, everything can be completed in three months at the fastest and half a year at the slowest."

It is also because of such an action that the Minister of War has made such a statement, which is of great benefit to the military. First of all, this kind of action can increase the influence of the military among the people. In addition, this kind of action is also a lot of oil and water. Although most of it will be paid, it can also collect a lot of money to subsidize the army’s expenses.

After the Minister of War finished speaking, the Minister of Home Affairs Sabot said immediately. "If we follow the time given by the military, then we will transport the migrants, and the construction task will not be delayed too much, at most three or four months, which is an acceptable result."

Well, in the face of interests, Prime Minister Depretis was ruthlessly abandoned.

In the face of such a situation, Depretis is of course not invisible. Since everyone thinks it is profitable and beneficial to everyone in Italy, of course he will not continue to insist.

As De Pretis' attitude changed, the meeting came to an end, and Italy's policy toward the new territories came out. I just don't know how the local residents would react when they found out about the result.

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