My Italian

Chapter 318: Shanghai

Today's Huangpu River is very different from the past. In addition to the many majestic battleships on the river, a large number of people gathered on the dock to watch.

If it weren't for the brave soldiers to guard the order, I still don't know what troubles will happen. However, even if there are soldiers and brave guards, it still attracts bursts of applause.

There is a reason why the people are so enthusiastic. The soldiers sent by Yiren to help Daqing have arrived.

Therefore, in addition to the people, court officials and foreign envoys in Shanghai gathered here to prepare for the arrival of the fleet.

"Welcome Lieutenant General Alvaro to Shanghai, and wish you and our countries good relations from generation to generation."

Shanghai Daodaotai Nie Jizhen, as the highest-ranking official of the Qing government in Shanghai, welcomed the arrival of Lieutenant General Alvaro, commander of the Italian Expeditionary Force, with the official in Shanghai as the host. This Nie Daotai, who previously served as the general manager of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau, is also a technical talent in Westernization. Of course, what is more interesting is that he married Zeng Guofan's youngest daughter.

However, Lieutenant General Alvaro didn't know much about Qing politics at all, so he was more concerned about the next issues.

"Your Excellency Nie, I wonder if our station is ready?"

What Lieutenant General Alvaro asked was exactly what he was most concerned about at the moment. Before leaving, he sent a telegram to the Qing government, requesting that a transit supply point be set up in Shanghai to provide Italian officers and soldiers with supplies and a place to rest temporarily.

The Qing government also responded quickly, saying that it must be done before he arrives, which is why Lieutenant General Alvaro asked this question.

"General, please rest assured, I have already ordered someone to prepare a place that can be used by the army at any time."

Don't look at Nie Daotai's appearance as a trivial matter, in fact, in order to settle the arriving Italian army, the Zhabei camp just rushed out yesterday. After all, the foreign soldiers invited can't be the same as those Qiu Ba, who can just set up some tents. So Nie Daotai started construction work, and summoned craftsmen to spend more than ten days in Zhabei to build a strong barracks that could accommodate nearly 20,000 people.

"Then thank you for your help, and I wish you and my two countries a good relationship from generation to generation."

Since his own requirements have been met, there is no harm in saying a few words of thanks without money.

And Nie Daotai smiled and listened to Lieutenant General Alvaro's thank you words conveyed by the translator, and said insincerely. "Don't dare, don't dare!"

After skipping the chat with Nie Daotai, Lieutenant General Alvaro immediately found the Italian counselor Berrigin who had been waiting here.

Like other countries, Italy's diplomatic envoys in Qing also followed the arrangement of the envoy in Beijing, Tianjin and other political centers, and the counselor in Shanghai, the economic center. So under normal circumstances, Counselor Berrigin is Italy's top foreign minister in Shanghai.

But although it is unusual now, the north where Minister Jia Liwen is located is more important.

"Counselor Berry King, how is the preparation of the materials needed by the expedition army?"

Lieutenant General Alvaro was much more accommodating in his conversation with Counselor Burrigin, at least he did not need to pay attention to diplomatic etiquette.

Hearing Lieutenant General Alvaro's words, Counselor Berrigin, who was having a headache, could only tell the truth.

"The situation is not good. Because of the rampant behavior of Japanese spies in Shanghai, only about 85% of the current purchases have been completed. Those Japanese spies frantically attacked the warehouses that hoarded our country's procurement materials and killed those businessmen who helped us."

Lieutenant General Alvaro frowned when he heard the words of Counselor Berry King. "Didn't the Qing government crack down on these spies?"

Speaking of this, Counselor Burrigin was very angry. "Why not, those Qing police officers also patrolled and protected them, but..."

Having said that, Counselor Berry Jin glanced at Nie Daotai who was left behind. Although the other party did not understand Italian, he still had to be careful.

"How can I put it, the police in Qing Dynasty are very incapable. If you put hope on them, then you will achieve nothing. And as far as I know, those Japanese spies are more rampant in the public concession, and the British and American police in Shanghai are even more ignorant of them. "

The actual situation is almost the same as what Counselor Berry King said. It is fine in China. At least at the official level, efforts are still being made to crack down on these Japanese spies. Procurement merchants in the public concession, that is the blood mold. Under the hint of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the patrol room has been slow to work recently, especially after receiving the alarm from a businessman who has a procurement contract with Italy, the old lady is faster than them.

But what is the solution? Britain and the United States do not want to see Italy involved in this war. If they want it to cooperate with Italy, don't even think about it.

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Alvaro couldn't help but utter a foul language. "Damn bastard!"

The words of Counselor Berrigin put Lieutenant General Alvaro in a good mood. He was in no mood at all for the welcoming ceremony that followed.

Even the banquet that Nie Daotai held for him, he shied away on the grounds that he was busy with military affairs.

In fact, this is not an excuse, Lieutenant General Alvaro is really busy with military affairs.

He had important matters to discuss with Major General Pulev, commander of the expeditionary army army and commander of the First Guards Division.

"General Pulev, I have a plan that needs your cooperation."

Although the military rank is one level higher, Lieutenant General Alvaro is still very polite to Major General Pulev.

"Your Excellency Commander, please speak."

In the face of the polite Lieutenant General Alvaro, Pulev was also unequivocal.

Lieutenant General Alvaro was not polite, he pointed to the newly paved map of the Far East. "Major General Pulev, you can also see that the preparation of various materials is not sufficient at present. In addition, the situation of the Japanese army in Weihaiwei is very urgent. That Li Zhongtang sent another telegram to urge us. So I decided to focus on materials, priority to send a troop to support Weihaiwei."

Major General Pulev also knew something about Lieutenant General Alvaro's words, but he still had some doubts. "I can understand that we will give priority to sending some troops north to share the pressure on the Qing people. However, the Japanese army besieging Weihaiwei has already occupied more than half of Weihaiwei. The Japanese army has more troops than our troops. I am a little worried about the casualties."

Pulev simply said, will this batch of reinforcements lead to the formation of oil-licking tactics and prevent the army from exerting its full strength.

"Don't worry about this, I will bring the main battleship with me, and I will give some help at to share the pressure on land."

Lieutenant General Alvaro's explanation was not finished. The Japanese army also landed, and the need for maritime supply lines was even more urgent.

And this time he was going north to force the Japanese fleet to fight, unless they didn't want the Japanese army in Shandong, or else they wouldn't watch them surround Dengzhou.

Of course, Lieutenant General Alvaro cannot say these words, which is not conducive to the unity of the two armies.

However, from Major General Pulev's answer, we can also see that the major general should also know.

"Then send the Fourth Infantry Regiment as the first echelon to go to Shandong with Your Excellency the Commander."

Lieutenant General Alvaro nodded in satisfaction when Pulev replied. "That's fine, I'll fix it for a day tomorrow, and leave early the day after tomorrow."

"I will concentrate on replenishing the materials of the Fourth Infantry Regiment, and I will not make your Excellency wait for a long time."

In a few words between the two generals, Cosenz was about to embark on an unknown journey with his 4th Infantry Regiment.

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