My Italian

Chapter 396: Sudan problem settlement

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"What did you say?"

Carlo looked at the Foreign Secretary in front of him with a look of surprise.

Seeing his monarch's surprised expression, Bacona was also deeply touched. Who would have thought that the Spaniards would make such a request to lease three Turin-class battleships from Italy.

Yes, the solution that Prime Minister Castillo came up with was to borrow battleships. It has only been three years since the Sino-Japanese War. The glorious deeds of the Italian army borrowed by the Qing people in the Far East War are still mentioned by various media from time to time.

As the Prime Minister of a country, Castillo, how could he not be clear. So after Admiral Chelvella talked about the lack of battleships, he immediately thought of Italy.

No way, this impression is too deep, it can't be changed at all. That's why Spain wanted to test Italy's attitude through diplomatic channels.

"By the way, what exactly is Spain going to do, do you have any other ideas?"

For the Spanish loan, Carlo does not know the specific situation yet, and intends to find out first.

In the face of Carlo's inquiry, the Foreign Secretary, who knew that this matter was of great importance, immediately replied. "According to the information sent by our embassy in Madrid, the Spaniards obviously want to adopt the methods of the Qing people, but the prices are much lower than the generous Qing people, the Spaniards are not rich and want to be paid in other ways. "

Hearing this, Carlo couldn't help but ask. "other methods?"

"Yes, otherwise, the reason is Spain's own poor financial situation."

Well, Carlo can understand this, who makes Spain's financial situation the worst in Europe.

How bad Spain's financial situation is, we can see from the government bonds it issues. Spanish government bonds are the most unpopular in the bond market at present, and the interest rate is also the highest among the bonds of various countries all year round. The purchase of Spanish government bonds is basically a gambler's mentality, all of which are greedy for its high interest rate.

Moreover, the size of the national debt that Spain is carrying is also very large. The scale of 8 billion pesos is completely overwhelmed by the bad Spanish economy. The word borrowing to survive is very suitable for Spain.

Therefore, for the Spanish government, which has no money in its pocket, it is of course best to be able to pay in other ways.

However, for Italy, it is impossible to rent warships and personnel without money. At present, Italy is still financially tight. The previous drought has consumed 800 million liras of funds. If the Spaniards want to pay in other ways, they also need Italy. Promise is.

"We can talk to Spain about leasing warships, but in terms of remuneration, your foreign ministry must ask for remuneration that can be cashed at any time. Your foreign ministry must be flexible in this regard."

In the face of Carlo's words, His Excellency the Foreign Secretary also responded positively.

"Yes, yes, yes, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will pay attention to the actual situation and act."

"Admiral Yagier, is there any problem with your navy?"

After negotiating with the Foreign Secretary, Carlo asked the Secretary of the Navy, who had not spoken for a long time. Spain wants to lease warships, of course, it needs the consent of the Navy, so in addition to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of the Navy must also come to discuss it.

"Your Majesty, everyone in the navy is willing to pay for the kingdom. Of course, we still have a little request."

The navy represented by Admiral Yagier also has some ideas of his own.

Since he wanted to use the navy, how could Carlo not satisfy his wish? Carlo said immediately. "Let's talk about anything, as long as it's not too difficult, I'll consider it."

"Your Majesty, can you sell the three Turin-class ships directly to Spain?"

Admiral Yagier spoke out about the Navy's wishes. And Carlo and Bacona understood the Navy's plan as soon as they heard it, didn't they just want to trade the old for the new.

Don't blame the navy for this idea. Although the three Turin-class ships have worked hard over the years and are still the most powerful battleships in Italy (the Genoa class has not yet been in service), the Turin-class has been in service for almost ten years after all, and it has also experienced After one big battle and more than ten small battles, the battleship has long had all kinds of unresolved dark wounds. And if Spain uses it again, it will be two major wars, and the damage will inevitably be more.

This is, of course, quite uneconomical for the Italian Navy. Although the warships and officers and soldiers dispatched have also made money, considering the current government situation, there is a high probability that the money will be used by the government for other purposes. And it also needs to take into account the next government financial situation, so if you want to upgrade the warships, the navy needs to think about ways.

So after some deliberation, the Navy intends to take advantage of the opportunity to sell the Turin class for money while the Turin class is still valuable. The Navy is trying to raise some funds to prepare a new warship.

"I don't know if this can be done, but it needs the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Although the Navy has a good idea, it still needs the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so it can only be pushed to Bacona.

Seeing this question being pushed by His Majesty in front of him, and looking at the looking forward to the Secretary of the Navy, Bacona could only answer. "I will talk to Spain about this. According to Spain's current urgency, it shouldn't be a big problem. But this is not certain. After all, you know how bad Spain's financial situation is. I wonder if you can talk about one. appropriate price."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's not too bad, we can accept it. Besides, we still have to provide officers and soldiers on the ship. It is impossible for Spain to give too low a price."

Admiral Yagier is very confident about the selling price. After all, it depends on Italian naval officers and soldiers to fight. Would the Spaniards give a low price?

Since the navy is so confident, there is nothing to say, just follow the navy's method.

Later, Carlo and the three continued to discuss other issues, but after the general direction was decided, everything else was easy to talk about.

When it was almost time to talk, I heard a knock on the door.

Before Carlo could ask a question, the voice of the guard came directly from outside the door. "Your Majesty, British Ambassador Mandison asked for an appointment. He said he had made an appointment with you."

The bodyguard's words made Foreign Minister Bakona a little embarrassed. Relying on the influence of the British Empire, Ambassador Mandisson directly discussed many matters with King Carlo, completely ignoring him as the foreign minister.

"Then let's talk about it today!"

Carlo felt that the conversation was almost over, and it was appropriate to end it at this time.

"Okay Your Majesty."

Since the king has said so, what else can they say, just pack up and leave.

After the two left, the Ambassador Mandison came over with a stern expression.

"Your Majesty Carlo, I remember that Your Majesty promised before that your country will not act on the Sudan issue? Then I want to ask, why does your country's affiliated parliament occupy part of the Sudan's territory?"

The Mandisson ambassador scolded Carlo as soon as he opened his mouth, and it seemed that he was coming to Xingshi to ask for guilt.

For Ambassador Mandisson's performance, even the calm Carlo flashed a trace of anger. The ambassador didn't take him Carlos seriously either. Anyway, he was the monarch of a country. Is this one confused and dare to speak like this?

No, there is something wrong with the attitude of this Ambassador Mandisson. He is not usually like this. Is this trying to provoke himself?

Although the true attitude of the ambassador is still unclear, it does not prevent Carlo from answering next. I saw him smiling. "What else am I doing? It turns out that this is the case. Ambassador Mandisson, you are right. I did say at the time that our country would not hinder your country on the Sudan issue. But I can't restrain Sudan from taking the initiative to provoke Abiy. Sinia Kingdom.

At that time, Sudan took the initiative to launch an attack on the Kingdom of Abyssinia, and the Abyssinian army then counterattacked all the way to Khartoum. The Sudanese knew they were defeated, so they were willing to cede their land and pay compensation. In the peace talks between the Sudan and the Kingdom of Abyssinia. Moreover, the Abyssinian Kingdom's attack on Sudan is also helping your country. Otherwise, your country would not have captured Khartoum in May. Although Abdullah ran away, Sudan's combat power was basically destroyed. It has been eliminated, so your country should thank the Abyssinian Kingdom. "

That's right, Carlo is also reasonable, and he directly described the Abyssinians as taking advantage of the fire to rob Sudan, and directly described it as a lively spirit of helping others. Of course, in this day and age, we do not pay attention to asking for nothing in return, so it is reasonable to get a little reward.

Carlo's shamelessness made Ambassador Mandison more and more angry. "Your Majesty Carlo, I also ask your Majesty to note that the land of Sudan is a colony of the British Empire. Although it fell into the hands of the rebels before, this does not mean that we will recognize the treaty signed by the rebels."

"I'm sorry, Ambassador Mandisson, I want to correct, Sudan is not a colony of your country, it can only be counted as land in Egypt, and the land has been out of Egypt for more than ten years, then we have reason to believe that this has constituted a new government. . Even if your Excellency is dissatisfied, at most I can only talk to Egyptian officials about Sudan."

That's right, Carlo dared to promise King Menelik II of Abyssinia to keep the territory he occupied, and that's why. The Sultan was previously established by the Egyptian monarch Ismail Pasha. Although it mainly recruits adventurers from various but nominally this is Egyptian territory, what does it have to do with the British?

Carlo's words made Ambassador Mandisson get stuck. This was indeed his negligence. "But although Sudan is Egyptian territory, but your country has occupied Sudanese territory, then Egypt may send mercenaries to retake the area."

In the face of Ambassador Mandison's somewhat old-fashioned excuses and threats, Carlo stood up immediately. "If so, the Abyssinian kingdom may also send mercenaries to retake the area for it. If there are any catastrophic consequences, do you think it is reasonable to do so?"

Carew's sudden toughness caught Ambassador Mandison by surprise.

More importantly, the attitude in Carlo's words made him unable to accept it, and he could not take this responsibility. "Perhaps Your Majesty is right. This kind of thing is best discussed between Egypt and the Kingdom of Abyssinia."

Ambassador Mandisson's words convinced Carlo that the British did not particularly care about the Abyssinian kingdom occupying part of the Sudanese territory.

Of course, Carlo may press down on the dispute over the kingdom of Abyssinia occupying part of the Sudanese territory, but there is nothing he can do about the dispute between the United States and Spain.

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