My Italian

Chapter 400: Spanish Italian Fleet

After Germany and Spain made public the sale of the Philippines, it caused an uproar in the world. Among them, the United States, which has already regarded the Philippines as something in its pocket, reacted the most.

The New York Times ran a lengthy review about it, saying it was a very bad deal, a decadent Spanish squatter sold one of the only two chairs it had, only to be sold by a rich German idiot who wanted to dress up The kid became a treasure, and the two countries staged a farce.

Of course, no matter how sarcastic the New York Times is, it still cannot change the fact that Germany has purchased the Philippines.

Of course, for the U.S. government preparing for the war, they also feel the urgency. This time cannot be delayed any longer. They continue to wait for all parties to be ready, and they still don’t know what the **** is going to happen.

So on July 14, the 12th day after the USS Maine exploded, the U.S. Navy investigation team released its findings. The Maine was hit by a mine that exploded from the outside, causing the warship's ammunition depot to explode, causing the tragedy of the Maine.

The U.S. Navy’s investigative report was reported by newspapers all over the United States. This kind of attitude of clearly pointing to Spain and saying the murderer made the American people’s disgust for Spain to the highest level. The slogan of revenge resounded even more.

Subsequently, the US Congress directly passed an emergency bill requiring Spain to stop its counterinsurgency war in Cuba within a week.

Such a direct request to other countries to stop the war also shows that the United States is eager to go to war. Perhaps in the eyes of the lord of the US Congress, his ultimatum will make the Spaniard jump over the wall and do things that make him angry.

But unfortunately, the congressmen were disappointed. On the fifth day, the Spanish government issued a statement accepting the proposal of the United States and agreeing to stop fighting the rebels in Cuba.

In order to buy time to prepare for the war, Spanish officials also don't care about their face.

Of course, Spain is so low-profile, naturally, because the purchase of the ship has not been discussed yet.

For the purchase of warships negotiated with Italy, for Prime Minister Castillo et al. Because the discussion was almost over, Italy suddenly appeared willing to sell the two Venice-class cruisers to Spain.

This sudden increase caught Spain a little bit by surprise, because the two Venice-class ships are no longer advanced and have been in service for more than ten years. Admiral Shelvella didn't want these two ships, but when he wanted to refuse, he was stopped by the Prime Minister. The reason is very simple. At this time, only Italy can buy battleships with combat power on a large scale.

Although Spain can also buy warships from other countries, they will not sell ships and send mercenaries who will operate the ships, so Spain can only continue to discuss the purchase of ships with Italy.

In the Prime Minister's Office in Madrid, Prime Minister Castillo, the Foreign Secretary Gibbs who had just returned, and the Minister of the Navy Chervella, were discussing with the Italian ambassador to Madrid, Nicolás.

"Ambassador Nigall, our country's price of 120 million lire for your country's three Turin-class battleships and two Venice-class cruisers is not low. Although they are all battleships that have served for seven or eight years or even more than ten years, we Taking into account the good relationship with your country, the price is still almost the same as the construction cost, I think this is enough to reflect the good relationship between your country and our country."

As soon as Gibbs opened his mouth, he talked a lot about the relationship between Italy and Spain. Of course, there was nothing wrong with what he said. The price of selling old ships for new ships was indeed very high. Unfortunately, Nichol did not think the price was too high.

"Your Excellency Gibbs, you're right, I shouldn't worry about it, but you also know that the sale of warships is also different. Your country's purchase of our warships is not because you can directly exert all of its combat power and come to fight. It is the best point of our country's ships. So in terms of price, this must also be reflected."

Nigall's still dissatisfied words attracted a rebuttal from Prime Minister Castillo. "Ambassador Nigall, our country has given enough sincerity to your country. If your country wants to get a higher price, it is impossible. Our country's funds and time are limited, and it cannot be caught in an unlimited dispute. "

In the face of some threats from Prime Minister Castillo, how can it be difficult to defeat Nigel? At this time, the Spanish government, which has sold the Philippines, is actually in a difficult situation, unless they find a new company, like Italy, willing to sell warships and retired officers and soldiers. A naval power that helps it fight.

At present, there are several European countries that can be called naval powers, not the five of Britain, France, Italy, Russia and Germany. Except for the poor and crazy Italy, other countries will not do this.

However, considering time and other reasons, Nigel decided to give Spain a little step down. "Of course if your country can buy a different way, then I think this negotiation should be able to reach an agreement very quickly."

Unexpectedly, the Italian ambassador suddenly changed his tone, which surprised the three of them. Of course, it is best to have a breakthrough.

"In what way?"

Nichol explained. "That's right, these warships are the main battleships of our navy, and the money after the sale is mainly for our navy to build new ships. So in terms of price, our navy's opinion is very important."

"Our country will not raise the price any more, which is already very expensive."

"Please listen to me first. Are you all right?"

"The selling price may not be able to be raised, but it is also possible to move the price from other places to the selling price."

With such an obvious hint, the three senior Spanish officials in the office could not understand it.

So why did Nigall propose to embezzle other expenses and put it into the cost of selling This is not the navy's cry of poverty. In the face of the navy's cry of poverty, knowing that Italy cannot lack a strong navy Carlo, can't get it in the government In the case of paying, you can only acquiesce to find a way by yourself. However, after Spain killed the price of 120 million lire, the Navy executives came up with the idea of ​​the salary and even the pension.

This is for the sake of building ships, and it is almost like drinking the blood of soldiers. This also shows how hungry the Italian Navy has become. Of course, they also know that this kind of thing can't be seen, and they can't even suggest it. They can only suggest that it was proposed by Spain, and they pretend not to see it.

"I understand what you mean. Well, in view of the relationship between your country and our country, we can raise the price of buying warships to 140 million lire. However, the cost of buying warships is too much, and the cost of hiring your country's officers and soldiers is It's not a little lower, I think twice the salary is very reasonable, and the pension is also doubled, what do you think?"

"It is indeed difficult, but I believe that our government will consider your country's difficulties, and I believe there will be good news within three days."

Nigel left the Spanish Prime Minister's office after giving an obvious implied answer.

In less than three days, Italy and Spain signed an agreement on the sale of warships on the second day. In the agreement, Italy sold three Turin-class battleships and two Venice-class cruisers for a total amount of 140 million lire. In addition to this, there was a secret agreement whereby the officers and men of the five warships were also retired on the day the agreement was signed and employed by the Royal Spanish Navy.

Three Turin-class battleships, two Garibaldi-class cruisers, two Venice-class cruisers, these seven battleships are enough for Americans to drink a pot, but I don't know if they like such surprises.

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