My Italian

Chapter 424: US ship purchase request

The end of the Spanish-American War brought the world back into peace. In the ensuing time, of course, Italy also developed step by step.

It should be noted here that this year is an extraordinary year for the Italian shipbuilding industry. This year, the Italian shipbuilding industry has received more total orders than the British Empire, ranking first in Europe.

This is a major event in the shipbuilding industry. You must know that the British Empire has never fallen since the Dutch took the first position in European shipbuilding. After more than a hundred years, this glory finally does not belong to the British Empire. How is it not big news.

The booming Italian shipbuilding industry has two internal and external reasons. The internal reason is that Italian shipyards use the most deterrent weapon in order to receive orders, that is, price. Any qualified businessman is very sensitive to price, let alone a large item like a boat, he needs to pay attention to the price.

Italy has achieved the lowest price in Europe for the same type of merchant ship, which makes it impossible for any shipping company to ignore Italian shipyards.

Of course, in addition to price, Italy is also doing well in other aspects, such as the design of merchant ships, relying on excellent Italian ship designers, the Italian shipbuilding industry has brought forth new ideas for civilian ships, and strives to meet customers with various needs. Even for the needs of ships transporting one kind of ore, special transport ships have been designed.

Relying on the two magic weapons of price and customer demand, the Italian shipbuilding industry has no disadvantage in the European shipbuilding market.

Of course, these two weapons alone are not enough to win the first place in Europe. Fortunately, the Italian shipyards also have an external cause, and that is the help of the government. That's right, the navy promoted the integration of Italian shipyards, which allowed the strength of the major shipyards to grow rapidly. The major shipyards that have grown in strength are taking this advantage to grab orders in the European shipbuilding market.

After all, I am the cheapest with sufficient quality, and it is difficult to guarantee the quality of ships with a lower price than me. Marine merchants from various countries will weigh the pros and cons.

The prosperity of the shipbuilding industry in Italy naturally drives the development of other related industries, such as the steel industry, chemical industry, wood processing and many other industries. Moreover, the shipbuilding industry is also a labor, capital and technology-intensive industry, which has a very good role in promoting the development of Italian industry, and is also conducive to absorbing a large number of people and relieving the pressure of the Italian population.

For the great development of the Italian shipbuilding industry, Carlo, as the king, naturally seems to be happy in his heart. But the good news seems to be more than this. When Carlo was checking the development of the shipyard, he saw that the guard reported that Foreign Minister Bacona had something to see him.

If the foreign secretary wants to see himself, there is nothing to say, just see him.

However, when Carlo saw Bacona, he found that his foreign secretary came in with a strange expression, but when he opened his mouth, even Carlo's expression was similar to his, which was really weird.

"Your Majesty, our ambassador to the United States sent a telegram that the U.S. government wants to purchase our country's warships and technology."

"The United States wants to buy warships?"

Well, this news is indeed strange enough that Carlo can't help but ask again.

"Yes, Your Majesty, here's Dagerty's telegram from Washington, so please take a look."

Carlo took the telegram and immediately read it. I don't know what to look at. This old beauty has a big appetite. He wants to buy three Genoa-class battleships, three Garibaldi-class cruisers, and even the blueprints of these two battleships. .

"Why did the United States suddenly propose to my country to buy ships? And it still buys so many. What happened should be investigated clearly."

That's right, this sudden willingness to buy made Carlo not dare to agree, so it's better to ask first.

After receiving Carlo's order, Foreign Secretary Bakona went to collect intelligence.

"Your Majesty, this is the cause."

It didn't take long for the foreign secretary to appear in front of Carlo the next day with intelligence.

After receiving the information, Carlo had an indescribable taste, which can be described in one sentence, Yankee, you also have today.

The problem lies in the Hawaiian Islands. Isn't this a war between the United States and Spain? When the United States was preparing to deal with the Spaniards in the Caribbean Sea, some people held the mentality of raking grass and fighting rabbits, and planned to use the opportunity of the United States to defeat Spain to solve the Pacific Ocean of the Hawaiian Islands transfer station.

So when all countries were attracted by the United States and the West in the Caribbean Sea, the President of the Republic of Hawaii, Dole, announced that Hawaii would be merged with the United States.

Well, isn't it a bit embarrassing for an American to be the president of Hawaii?

In fact, this is nothing. This is because the last queen of Hawaii, Queen Leukalani, opposed the privileges of the United States in Hawaii, so she was overthrown by the sailors of the USS Boston. (In 1887, Lauren A. Thurston, a member of the Kingdom of Hawaii and Secretary of the Interior, presided over the formulation of the Bayonet Constitution. The new constitution increased the influence of European and American residents and weakened the power of the monarch.)

And after the absence of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the United States established a puppet government entirely executed by the Americans, the Republic of Hawaii. In fact, after the overthrow of Queen Liukalani's rule, the local Americans tried to push for the annexation of Hawaii to the United States, but was rejected by then-President Grover Cleveland.

The reason for the refusal is very simple, because Hawaii has half the Japanese, and Japan is also eyeing Hawaii.

I thought that the annexation of Hawaii could be achieved logically with the victory of the Spanish-American War, but I didn't expect it to be messed up. The defeat against Spain made the United States look like a fool in front of the world.

And poor performance in the war dragged down other U.S. interests.

For example, Japan, which also has interests in Hawaii, took this opportunity to send a formation consisting of the battleship Fuji and the cruiser Yoshino to Hawaii to demonstrate. They believe that the merger of the United States with Hawaii is a violation of international law and that the relationship between Hawaii and the United States needs to be redefined.

In addition, the Japanese fleet also brought a big killer, the former Queen of Hawaii, Liu Kalani. The Queen of Hawaii, who was forced to abdicate, had been living in London before, but this time she was brought over by the Japanese, obviously with the help of the British.

The queen even announced on the Japanese warship that she had previously announced her abdication because the people of the Republic of Hawaii had promised to guarantee the independence of Hawaii, but now they have backed out and will rebuild the kingdom of Hawaii.

Well, with the blending of Japan, this Hawaii has made waves again, and the American army who has just been hit hard is full of fire. At this time, the former Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt took the opportunity to express his own The United States cannot be so insulted, we should build a stronger navy to protect our safety and interests. "

And Roosevelt's words made the American people boil. Well, mainly the capitalists boiled. They now need more markets to accommodate the goods in the factories.

With the support of capitalists and the public demonstrations they led, the U.S. government decided to take a stand on the Hawaii issue. Any cat or dog can bully it, and the blood of the Yankees was inspired.

However, although I plan to work hard, this Hawaii is far in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and this is the naval strength of the competition. This is a bit embarrassing. At present, the strength of the US Navy is not enough. This requires blood and ships.

So the U.S. government immediately thought of Italy.

That's why the United States asked Italy to buy warships, and in order to boost the confidence of the people, it also gave Japan a good look. That's why the U.S. government wanted to package new Italian warships.

Seeing this, Carlo didn't know what to say. Just one sentence, Yankee, you have today too!

If I don't kill you, my conscience will hurt.

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