My Italian

Chapter 440: Ship purchase negotiation

Chapter 440 Ship Purchase Negotiations

Inside the foreign ministry in St. Petersburg, a negotiation has just concluded.

"Ambassador Gorek, although there are some differences between our two countries, I think mutual understanding is the most important outcome of this meeting. I look forward to the next meeting with the ambassador, and I hope we can resolve the differences between the two sides."

Russian Foreign Minister Ramzdorf stood up and held the hand of Italian Ambassador Golek, and said the above words.

"His Excellency Ramzdorf, I hope the next meeting will reduce the differences between our two sides. See you again."

Ambassador Goreck left after replying.

After the Italian ambassador left, Ramzdorf immediately called for his servants. "Prepare the carriage, I'm going to the palace."

Negotiations with Italy to purchase warships are also very important for Russia, so it is necessary to inform Tsar Nicholas II of the specific situation.

It was only after Ramzdorf arrived at the palace that he realized that not only the Tsar was waiting for him, but also the Minister of the Navy Tertov, the Minister of Finance Vishnegradsky, and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Pobedonostsev. and so on here.

"How was Ramzdorf talking with the Italians?"

Pobedonostsev, the chairman of the Council of Ministers, asked the incoming foreign minister. Pobedonostsev, who was a teacher of Nicholas II, was very trusted by the tsar, so he became the head of the civil service and served as the chairman of the Council of Ministers. In the years after Nicholas II ascended the throne, Pobedo Bedonostsev adopted a high-pressure policy internally, and replaced a large number of officials with enlightened ideas to ensure the stability of the ruling class. But his move also caused hostility from the bourgeoisie, and many people could not wait to get rid of it.

"It's not that good. The Italians insist that if we buy only one battleship, we have to pay 10.5 million rubles. The price of two battleships is reduced to 19.5 million rubles. And the price of selling the drawings and technology of the battleship has also dropped to 450 rubles. Ten thousand rubles." (1 ruble for 2.8 lire)

Hearing the words of the foreign minister, Tsar Nicholas II spoke up. "You mean that Italy is reluctant to sell one battleship alone, but insists on selling two together?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Italy reduced the price of two Genoa-class battleships and blueprints from 26 million rubles to 2 million rubles, but the price of a single ship has not been lowered, killing the price of 10.5 million rubles. "

Upon hearing the words of the Foreign Minister, Nicholas II looked at Admiral Tertov, the Minister of the Navy, and it was obvious that he wanted to hear the opinion of the Navy.

"Your Majesty, if it is a single ship purchase, then the price given by the Italians is too high, but if it is a double ship, then the price is also in the past. As for the drawings and technology, I think it is very important for the navy and the shipyard. All are very helpful. As we all know, Italy’s record performance has been very good in recent years. Although its construction cost is relatively high in all countries, it is very good in terms of cost performance. Therefore, our navy believes that we can continue to negotiate with the Italians.”

Admiral Tortov's words gave Nicholas II some ideas. But just when he was about to speak, the chancellor of the Exchequer Wischnegradsky suddenly opened his mouth to stop him.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Finance has no opinion on the purchase of Italian warships, but the price of two warships plus technical drawings is as high as 24 million rubles, which is too high. Our Ministry of Finance has only prepared 20 million rubles for the two warships, which rises to 24 million rubles. 24 million, what to do with the extra gap?"

The words of the Chancellor of the Exchequer made the atmosphere at the scene anxious, because everyone knew that this was causing waves.

And when Admiral Tortov looked at the young tsar who hesitated again, he secretly thought that he was not good, and hurriedly explained. "Your Majesty, this purchase of warships is very important to the safety of the Far East. The relationship between our country and Japan is very tense now. This unreasonable country already has four battleships in the Far East, and the country currently has only two battleships in the Far East. It is an absolute disadvantage, so our country urgently needs to supplement its strength in the Far East. As for purchasing technology and blueprints, it is also important to improve our shipbuilding level. Both are urgently needed by His Majesty's Navy."

In the face of Admiral Tortov's affectionate speech, Nicholas II was a little moved, and he turned to ask the Minister of Finance. "Can't the Treasury have four million rubles?"

In the face of the tsar's words, Finance Minister Vishnegradsky immediately cried out. "Your Majesty, the Treasury's money has a place to go, and there is simply no spare ruble for the Navy."

Facing Finance Minister Vishnegradsky's grievances, Pobedonostsev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, spoke at this time. "Four million rubles is not too much, can the Ministry of Finance not squeeze a squeeze? It should be able to send it."

Vishnegradsky, who was a tsarist teacher, spoke with great weight. On the one hand, the indecisive tsar respected his opinions very much, and on the other hand, he was also the main supporter of promoting the expansion of the empire in the Far East.

Of course, on the other hand, he is also very familiar with various government departments and knows that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has selfish motives. Because at that time, the American businessman Trump was the one who highly recommended it. To say that the two had no financial relationship, they would bully the young tsar and do not understand the situation. He was very clear about this old fox. Of course, most of the sudden trouble this time was in revenge for the Navy's strong opposition to shipbuilding in the United States at that time. It must be known that the government had already negotiated with the American businessman at that time, and the meat of the mouth was mixed up, which must have attracted the dissatisfaction of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

"There is still a squeeze. Of course, if Your Excellency Ramzdorf can continue to lower the price, it will be even better."

In the face of the chairman of the Council of Ministers, who is very important and not easy to fool the Lord, Wischnegradsky can only give up, not wanting to offend this important minister. Unlike the Navy Minister, who has his own needs, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers is the head of the Minister (a bit similar to the Prime Minister's position), and he is not someone to offend.

And after the chancellor backed down, the meeting was almost over.

And the great tsar's little father finally made a decision. "In the negotiation with the Italians, you can try to purchase two warships. In addition, the blueprints and technologies of the warships are also what our country needs. Of course, the specific negotiations also require Mr. Ramzdorf. You need to worry about it."

For the order of the tsar, Ramzdorf could only answer. "Yes, Your Majesty."

After the meeting, naturally they went back.

And Ramzdorf planned to go home early because he came to the meeting after negotiating with the Italians today.

But after he got home, he got a message from the housekeeper.

"You said Ambassador Rivera was waiting for me?"

"Yes sir, Ambassador Rivera has been waiting for you at home for an hour."

Ramzdorf certainly knows who this Ambassador Rivera is. As the ambassador of Russia's most important ally, Ambassador Rivera is friends with many high-ranking Russian officials, including Ramzdorf, of course.

"Ambassador Rivera, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

As soon as he came to the living room, Ramzdorf looked at Ambassador Rivera sitting in the hall, and immediately greeted the French ambassador with a smile on his face.

"Your Excellency Ramzdorf, I'm really sorry to bother you this time."

As soon as he heard Ambassador Rivera's words, Ramzdorf had a three-point guess in his heart, and he said calmly and enthusiastically. "It's nothing, it's too late for the Ambassador to come and welcome me."

"His Excellency Ramzdorf, I also have something to ask for this time."

Ambassador Rivera's words made Ramzdorf vigilant in his heart, but he said it in his mouth. "What can I do for you, Your Excellency Ambassador?"

"I heard that your Excellency is talking with the Italians about the purchase of Genoa-class battleships and technical drawings. Our country wants to share the worries of your country and is willing to bear half of the cost of technical drawings. What do you think?"

The French ambassador went straight to the point and directly stated his intentions.

Ramzdorf was not surprised that Ambassador Rivera knew that he was negotiating with the Italians. The close relationship between the two countries over the years has made many people friends of France, and when it comes to negotiating the purchase of warships with Italy, Russia has It's not hard to find out if you don't hide it.

Of course, France is so kind to bear the cost of a technical drawing for Russia, which must have ulterior motives.

However, although he was clear in his heart, Ramzdorf did not reveal any sound on his face. "This is great. Thanks to your country for your selfless help. I will say that the alliance between Russia and France is the strongest friendship in the world."

"Yes, the friendship between your country and our country is the strongest. Then your country should be able to share the technology and drawings of the Genoa-class battleship with our country."

Well, Ambassador Rivera has finally explained his purpose. That's right, Ambassador Rivera is so generous this time, because he came for the technology of the Genoa-class battleship.

After Russia decided to buy ships from the France had this idea. On the one hand, Italy is France's main competitor in the Mediterranean Sea. Knowing about the opponent's latest battleships will allow France to have a more direct understanding of this opponent.

Second, although France has always believed that its naval technology is not bad, the ten years of green water navy has really made the French navy lag behind several major powers in warship technology and naval tactics. And through the hands of the Russians, to understand the technology of absorbing Italian warships, for the current France, it can take a few detours.

However, although France has various plans, it needs the cooperation of Russia.

But in the case of the Foreign Secretary, there is a little bit of a jam. "Ambassador Rivera, your country's actions will make it difficult for our country. Because if this news spreads, it will put our country in a very embarrassing position, which is quite risky for our country."

Facing Ramzdorf's embarrassed expression, Ambassador Rivera, who had been in Russia for several years, decided on something more convincing.

"His Excellency Ramzdorf, a trifle is no respect."

Saying a check from the Bank of France, it was handed to Ramzdorf. Ambassador Rivera also has one, but this one is for Admiral Turtov, after all, this requires the cooperation of the Russian Navy.

And Ramzdorf immediately glanced at the beginning of the five-character plus six zeros at the back, and the currency unit was francs. Yes, it was a cheque for half a million francs, and this cheque immediately healed the foreign secretary's difficulties.

"In order to preserve the friendship between our two countries, sometimes it is necessary to break some routines. I think this should be reasonable."

"Of course, it should be very worthy of recognition and praise."

"Let's toast the friendship between the two countries."

"Yes, it should be a toast."

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