My Italian

Chapter 445: news from the far east

Chapter 445 News from the Far East

(Not finished, I'll read it in an hour.)

Carlo, of course, has his own plans for investing in airships.

To be fair, in the first decade of the 20th century, the role of airships was more optimistic, because of its heavy-duty vehicles and navigability, whether in the military or civilian fields, airships had the unmatched advantages of early aircraft.

Of course, for Carlo, there are many benefits to letting the Led Zeppelin show to the world earlier. Airships can be used as means of transportation. Although their cost is high, they can allow countries to compete for research. After all, an airship is a behemoth in the air, and anyone who sees it is under enormous pressure.

And Italy's research on airships is actually very convenient.

First of all, in terms of power, the Milan Power Laboratory in Italy can be said to be the best research institution for internal combustion engines in the world. After more than ten years of continuous investment, it can be said that the Milan laboratory is the leader in the field of internal combustion engines, and the power problem of the Zeppelin airship has been solved.

In addition, in the collection of helium, with the advantages of Libyan oil and natural gas, it is not too simple for Italy to collect helium. Of course, the price must not be as cheap as hydrogen.

And when Italy has more than a dozen airships, they will take them around every day. In addition, they can specially develop an airship that can conduct intercontinental navigation. I don’t believe other countries will not go there.

As long as other countries compete for the development of airships, the expensive shipbuilding of airships is enough to let them know what pain is.

Of course, this is just one of Carlo's plans, which requires the cooperation of Zeppelin. But I believe that the problem is not big, who can refuse their invention to cause a sensation in the world, and no one will not want to gain fame and fortune.

Of course, the airship is not in a hurry, it needs the elderly Zeppelin to continue to work hard.

For Carlo now, there are other situations to worry about, such as protests from the British Empire. They protested against Italy's sale of Maxim heavy machine guns to the Boers.

That's right, the Boers' attack on the British Empire army was even more deadly after being equipped with a large number of heavy machine guns. Now when the Boers attack the British army, they prefer to use a small force of more than ten people, with a Maxim and bullets, and ambushed in front of the British army. The weapons ran away, completely giving the British no chance to counterattack.

Moreover, the Boers basically have a large number of horses from herding backgrounds, basically two or three horses on hand, and the British army simply cannot catch up. The Boers' guerrilla tactics of using heavy machine guns caused a headache for the British Empire. When the Naboers had no choice, the Beretta Arms Company, which produced heavy machine guns, became a place for the British to vent their evil fires.

The British ambassador, Mr. Mandison, has protested to the Italian government several times against Beretta Arms' sale of the inhumane weapon, the Maxim heavy machine gun, to the Boer rebels.

Of course, protests are not enough. The British Empire purchased 1,000 Maxim machine guns in one go, which is bound to prevent Beretta Arms from selling this inhuman weapon to the Boers.

Of course, where these purchased machine guns will be placed, this is a topic of benevolent opinion. At least many war reporters have found that this inhumane weapon can be seen in all British military strongholds in South Africa.

Carlo, of course, has his own plans for investing in airships.

To be fair, in the first decade of the 20th century, the role of airships was more optimistic, because of its heavy-duty vehicles and navigability, whether in the military or civilian fields, airships had the unmatched advantages of early aircraft.

Of course, for Carlo, there are many benefits to letting the Led Zeppelin show to the world earlier. Airships can be used as means of transportation. Although their cost is high, they can allow countries to compete for research. After all, an airship is a behemoth in the air, and anyone who sees it is under enormous pressure.

And Italy's research on airships is actually very convenient.

First of all, in terms of power, the Milan Power Laboratory in Italy can be said to be the best research institution for internal combustion engines in the world. After more than ten years of continuous investment, it can be said that the Milan laboratory is the leader in the field of internal combustion engines, and the power problem of the Zeppelin airship has been solved.

In addition, in the collection of helium, with the advantages of Libyan oil and natural gas, it is not too simple for Italy to collect helium. Of course, the price must not be as cheap as hydrogen.

And when Italy has more than a dozen airships, they will take them around every day. In addition, they can specially develop an airship that can conduct intercontinental navigation. I don’t believe other countries will not go there.

As long as other countries compete for the development of airships, the expensive shipbuilding of airships is enough to let them know what a pain Of course, this is just one of Carlo's plans, which requires Zeppelin. Excellent talents work together. But I believe that the problem is not big, who can refuse their invention to cause a sensation in the world, and no one will not want to gain fame and fortune.

Of course, the airship is not in a hurry, it needs the elderly Zeppelin to continue to work hard.

For Carlo now, there are other situations to worry about, such as protests from the British Empire. They protested against Italy's sale of Maxim heavy machine guns to the Boers.

That's right, the Boers' attack on the British Empire army was even more deadly after being equipped with a large number of heavy machine guns. Now when the Boers attack the British army, they prefer to use a small force of more than ten people, with a Maxim and bullets, and ambushed in front of the British army. The weapons ran away, completely giving the British no chance to counterattack.

Moreover, the Boers basically have a large number of horses from herding backgrounds, basically two or three horses on hand, and the British army simply cannot catch up. The Boers' guerrilla tactics of using heavy machine guns caused a headache for the British Empire. When the Naboers had no choice, the Beretta Arms Company, which produced heavy machine guns, became a place for the British to vent their evil fires.

The British ambassador, Mr. Mandison, has protested to the Italian government several times against Beretta Arms' sale of the inhumane weapon, the Maxim heavy machine gun, to the Boer rebels.

Of course, protests are not enough. The British Empire purchased 1,000 Maxim machine guns in one go, which is bound to prevent Beretta Arms from selling this inhuman weapon to the Boers.

Of course, where these purchased machine guns will be placed, this is a topic of benevolent opinion. At least many war reporters have found that this inhumane weapon can be seen in all British military strongholds in South Africa.

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