My Italian

Chapter 459: Dupu Railway Expansion

Things in the Far East have come to an end for the time being, but the tension in the Far East will not be less, because the procrastination of the withdrawal of Russian troops has made the British Empire see through the essence at a glance, so how to make the hair is what the gentlemen of the British Empire need to consider. thing.

However, to deal with Maozi, Italy is at most beating the side drums, and more need the British who are eager to block the bears from the world, and the book that is eager for Russia to occupy the northeast.

Therefore, it is the first priority for Italy to quickly develop its own country. Others need to have this strength. As one of the representatives of the strength of a country, steel is the most important proof. In view of the lack of domestic coal and iron mines in Italy, coal and iron mines from Kosovo and Libya are very important.

Especially when the Italian industry is developing rapidly, the mineral resources of the two places are even more essential.

Among them, the Kosovo region, which is the main mining area in Italy, needs to contribute to the industrial construction of Italy.

With the deepening of industrialization in recent years, Italy's dependence on Kosovo's minerals has increased.

Because Kosovo's minerals are urgently needed by Italy, and there is no replacement. For example, taking Kosovo's annual coal mine with the largest volume, the current annual coal mining volume in Kosovo has reached more than 11 million tons. At present, the three coal mines owned by Kosovo are operating at full capacity, providing coal resources for Italy.

In addition, Kosovo also has minerals such as gold, silver, copper, aluminum, zinc, chromium, asphalt, lead-zinc and cadmium ore. These minerals add up to Kosovo's annual supply of 13 million tons of minerals.

Such a huge amount of materials needs to be transported, and Kosovo has no navigable river transportation, and basically relies on a railway in Durrës (Duras) and Pristina (Pristina), so the transportation pressure is very high. Every 12-20 minutes there is a heavy transport train heading for Durrës. If passenger trains are added, the transportation volume of 5-6 times per hour makes the carrying capacity of the Dupu Railway exceed the limit. In order to ensure the running of many trains and increase the number of traffic at night, Dupu Railway also creatively adopts the pioneering work of electric lights along the line.

And such a luxurious approach is to ensure the transportation of goods.

Of course, this kind of high-strength driving has a very large loss to the rail. Since the Dupu Railway has been operating for eight years, the rails have been changed twice.

So last year, the construction of the double line of the Dupu Railway began. Tens of thousands of road construction workers built the No. 2 line beside the Dupu Railway.

"Your Excellency, this is the largest tunnel of the Dupu Railway, the Dommers Mountain Tunnel, with a total length of 3,281 meters. At the exit of the tunnel is the Geertu Bridge, which is the second bridge of the Dupu Railway, with a total length of 882 meters. , using the arch design, we use the new reinforced concrete design, the maximum bearing capacity of the bridge has reached the safe passage of the train with a total weight of 4,000 tons.”

In the section from Cux to Lecheny, where the construction of the Dupu Railway is the most difficult, Kabore, a high-ranking official in Albania, watched the busy construction workers and listened to the construction director of the section talking about the situation in front of him.

The construction here is really difficult. It is at the highest point of the Albanian mountains, and the winding railways are laid in the valleys and river valleys. The manpower and building materials required are comparable to those of the Swiss railway across the Alps.

Kabore looked around, the railway was located between two mountains, the two railway lines stretched straight to the side of the mountain, and the steel rails stretched out from the two tunnel entrances to the distant mountain. It was obvious that it was another tunnel. On both sides of the railway, the anti-skid slopes made of cement stones show the hardships of the construction of this railway.

"Mr. Elebic, you road builders have worked hard, and sacrificed a lot for this railway, which is very important to the kingdom!"

Looking at such a scene, Kabore couldn't help but admire.

And he was right, these road builders made a lot of sacrifices. In this era, there are far less large-scale equipment than later generations, and many times it needs to rely on artificial excavation to advance. So far, 19 people have died and 37 people have been seriously injured in order to build the Dupu line. As for the minor injuries, there are more.

This is not bad. At the time of the construction of the Dupu Railway, a total of 59 people died, and more than 200 people were seriously injured.

Even if there are sufficient supplies such as explosive detonators, the loss will be the same. At present, 120 tons of explosives have been used since the construction of the Dupu Railway. It can be said that the materials that can basically be used to help excavation methods such as explosive detonators can be seen.

Of course, in addition to this, the amount of reinforced cement and other materials is a lot. It can be said that this railway is abruptly piled up by various materials.

"If you need anything, you can tell me, and if I can do it, I can help you as much as possible."

Kabore spoke to the person in charge and made a promise.

"I don't have anything else, just can you give us a little more of the living materials. If you work hard all day, it's better to have a few drinks."

"No problem, I will let the government send a batch of wine when I go back."

Cabore still understood the needs of these road builders, and immediately agreed to send a batch of wine.

"Thank you for your generosity."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

The only thing lacking in such a harmonious scene is the lack of reporters to film it.

But for Cabore, who had just been transferred from Puglia, it was irrelevant. This time, Albania has withdrawn from the Governor's Region and established itself as a province. If he can win the post of a high-ranking official, of course he has the ambition to do something.

Ensuring the completion of the Dupu railway line on time is the top priority. This high-ranking official definitely needs to come and have a I need to explain here that at present, Italy has abolished the post of governor in Libya and Albania. for the province. This kind of provincial organization is also somewhat different from the large regions currently set up in Italy. That is, the Italian regions are autonomous units with autonomous powers and functions, enjoying legislative power, financial autonomy and so on. The province established this time is a subordinate agency of the central government, and its legislation and finance are not independent.

The regional system was also the end of the Italian unification at that time. In order to speed up the unification of Italy, Cavour and Karl's grandfather Emmanuel II gave the local government certain powers.

This time, the direct change of overseas colonies to provinces is also to prepare for the centralization of power. Carlo has long wanted to take back these rights of the local government, but since this kind of takeover will lead to local turmoil, he has not taken any action. This time, he took advantage of the opportunity to reorganize the original colonial institutions, so he directly changed it to the central government. Directly affiliated institutions are also preparing to take back the rights of various local governments.

Of course, Carlo and the Roman government also knew that this kind of thing could not be smooth sailing, but since Carlo has delayed the reform until now, he must be fully prepared. Now let's see who dares to come out and oppose it, Carlo doesn't mind killing a monkey for everyone to see. Use one sentence to describe Carlo's mood now, that is, the host, co-organizer, and ball license are all my people, so what are you trash fighting with me?

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