My Italian

Chapter 470: Boer War ends

Remember [New] for a second,! The transformation of districts into provinces is in full swing across the country, which is bound to be a good thing for the development of Italy.

Of course, with the exception of Italy, the world situation is still constantly changing.

Among them, in the Far East, Russia had promised to withdraw its troops from the Northeast, but the British, who had already seen through the nature of the Russians’ disbelief, didn’t believe a word, so they turned around and found a thug for themselves, and the Anglo-Japanese alliance treaty was officially signed. The treaty is aimed at Russia at first sight, because it stipulates that if the interests of both sides in China and North Korea are invaded by other countries or lost due to internal disturbances, either side can take necessary measures. If one of the contracting countries is at war with other countries, the other side should strictly observe neutrality. That's pretty telling.

Of course, for Japan, being able to form an alliance with the world's No. 1 power is a major diplomatic victory for them to celebrate.

They have long been dissatisfied with Russia's occupation of the Northeast and peeping at North Korea, and now they can get the full support of the British Empire.

Well, the Japanese are now cheering for being the dogs of the British Empire. As for the British side, it can also be satisfied with finding a thug to curb Russia's expansion in the Far East. Overall, this is more pros than cons for both countries.

The Russians in the Far East, the British Empire, can find thugs, but in another war, the British Empire can only rely on itself.

In the South African colonies, the British Empire and the Boers' war for security continued. Facing the elusive Boer guerrillas, the dignified British Empire was devastated. The power of modern guerrilla warfare, even the British Empire, the world's largest, is difficult to withstand. In addition, European countries are increasingly criticizing and accusing Britain.

As for the Boer guerrillas, due to lack of supplies, the militia soldiers were malnourished, ragged and demoralized. Their supplies have been exhausted and they can only rely on the spoils of war for a living.

So in 1902, the two parties finally agreed to sit down and have a good conversation.

In June 1902, Boer representatives representing the two Boer republics, thirty-two local militias and 165 partisans met in Vernishing to discuss and fight the future.

On June 24, the British representative, Lord Milner, came to Vernishing to meet with the Boer representative, General Smuts.

During the meeting, Milner proposed twelve terms of peace talks. Its content is:

The Boer field forces and armed citizens lay down their arms, surrender all guns and war materiel in their possession or under their control, cease any attempt to continue any resistance to the government of His Majesty King Edward VII, and recognize His Majesty the King as its legitimate sovereign.

Boer prisoners of war who swore allegiance to the king would be released immediately.

Guarantee the inviolability of personal liberty and property of the Boers.

General amnesty, except for certain violations of the customs of war.

English is the official language, but Afrikaans is used in schools and courts.

The Boers allowed keeping firearms for self-defense, but required a license.

Replace military control in Transvaal and Orange with civil administration as soon as possible.

When conditions are ripe, a representative self-government system will be established in South Africa.

Any taxes levied to pay for the war were not imposed on the two newly conquered territories.

Britain assisted the Boers in rebuilding their farms.

Three million pounds in compensation to lost farmers and Bull citizens.

Disenfranchise the chief commanders of the Boer army, but do not sentence them to death.

Faced with the conditions of the British, on June 30, 60 Boer representatives held a vote on whether to give up maintaining independence. The result was 54 votes to 6 to accept the most critical first content of the peace treaty. On June 31, the two sides formally signed a peace treaty in Vernishing.

The 32-month Anglo-Boer War ended.

The Boer War, which humiliated the British Empire, was finally over.

In this war, the United Kingdom spent a total of 240 million pounds, which is equivalent to more than two years of the total financial revenue of the British Empire, enough to build a hundred most powerful Elizabeth-class battleships.

In addition, the United Kingdom has also mobilized 450,000 troops for the two Boer countries, including 256,000 British regular troops, 109,000 British volunteers, 53,000 British colonial troops in South Africa, and 31,000 from Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The British transported a total of 380,000 troops to South Africa by sea, in addition to 350,000 horses, 100,000 mules, 1.34 million tons of military equipment and other materials, and 1,027 ships were used successively. More than 33,600 British, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian troops were killed in the war, and many more were wounded.

After the Anglo-Boer War, Britain united the colonies in southern Africa and controlled the corridor leading to the Great Lakes region of Africa's hinterland. Relying on the vast South African interior, the Cape of Good Hope region became one of the most important outposts of the British overseas empire.

On the economic front, with the world's largest Rand gold mine being held by the UK, the UK has been able to control the lifeblood of the global economy. Gold from South Africa quickly made London the center of the global financial industry and gold trading.

However, the Second Anglo-Boer War also marked the end of Britain's history of overseas expansion. British politicians found it economically and strategically unfeasible to defend both the British Empire's overseas territories and the British mainland at the same time because of the high costs of modernizing warfare.

So Britain should no longer maintain a policy of isolation. After the end of the Boer War, the United Kingdom began a global strategic contraction, entrusting some overseas spheres of influence to white dominions such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, while the strategic focus of the United Kingdom itself returned to Europe.

But at this time The war between the British Empire and the Boer was an inspiration to European countries. Among them, in this war, many important modern combat theories emerged, or played their important roles for the first time.

During the Boer War, the German General Staff sent military advisers to the Transvaal and Orange, and Switzerland, the Netherlands, France and other countries also sent military observers to South Africa.

In the face of the large-scale rapid corps mobilization carried out by the British army by means of railways and the head-on combat of the overwhelmingly dominant large corps, the German General Staff deepened its trust in the doctrine of "total warfare". Switzerland, on the other hand, has established its own unique national defense system based on the Boer military ideology of "all people are soldiers".

In terms of combat theory, the Boer War once again put forward the theory of "people's war": every civilian eligible for service is a soldier to be called up, usually engaged in his own business in farms and towns, and at certain times of the year. For a period of time, they received short-term military training. After the outbreak of the war, they quickly assembled and reported by region to form militia groups to participate in the war. For a small country with relatively poor population and resources, because the army is not engaged in production in peacetime, the military expenditure is very high, and it is impossible to maintain a standing army of a certain size. , can solve certain difficulties.

The Italian Army also had its own views on the Boer War, such as revising Italy's mobilization system, so that Italy could have more mobilized troops after the war.

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