My Italian

Chapter 483: devilish italy

Remember [New] for a second,! The outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War was also a major event for the world, which made all countries turn their attention to the Far East again.

Regarding the war that broke out between Japan and Russia, different countries have different attitudes. Among them, the United Kingdom and the United States are on the side of Japan, while the German law is on the side of Russia. As for other countries, they are more in the mood to watch the excitement.

However, there is one country that is not in the mood to watch the excitement, because they are being forced to express their opinions and require them to strictly implement the neutrality policy.

"Your Majesty Carlo, Russia has violated the treaties unanimously adopted by all countries to ensure the territorial integrity of Qing, and your country has a lot of interests in Qing, so my country believes that in this war between Japan and Russia, you and our two countries should have the same attitude and implement it. A policy of neutrality, not adding variables to this war."

Inside the palace, the new British ambassador, Phil Coulson, was trying to persuade the Italian monarch in front of him. The new British ambassador to Rome who succeeded Mandisson, of course, knew how difficult the Italians were, but his duty was to carry out orders from London to ensure that Japan was not disturbed by Europe. This is not only a requirement of the British Empire, but also a strong requirement of the Japanese government.

To say that after the outbreak of the war with Russia, Japan was most worried about the blending from Italy. Although Italy also lent them 200 million lire before, but Italy has too many previous records, neutrality does not exist for Italy, and everything has to be mixed.

The Japanese government suffered a big loss before, how could it be forgotten. Therefore, before declaring war, he made this request to his behind-the-scenes boss, the British Empire, to stabilize Italy and prevent it from being mixed in.

In the face of this request from the Japanese government, the United Kingdom is of course willing to see it. After all, Italy has been mixed everywhere in these years, and people have to guard against it.

It is a pity that Italy did not express neutrality as they wished. Instead, at this tense moment, a message was suddenly released that the Italian Navy planned to eliminate a batch of warships that did not meet their needs.

Hello, Italy, let's release this news at this time, be careful.

And this news alone is not enough, the Italian Navy accidentally leaked it. This batch of unqualified battleships includes three Genoa-class battleships and fifteen unqualified battleships including three Garibaldi-class cruisers, with a total tonnage of up to 120,000 tons.

This Italian thinks everyone is a fool. Is this the elimination of warships? It is completely eliminating an entire main combat warship, and it is still the main Italian fleet. Look at the warships that Italy is planning to eliminate. In addition to the above six large capital ships, the rest are basically cruisers with a tonnage of three or four thousand tons.

For example, it performed well in the Sino-Japanese War and was the fastest Eagle-class reconnaissance cruiser in Italy. And a batch of Italian warships produced in the 1990s, such as the 3,600-ton Savoa-class protected cruiser. The performance of these warships is not bad, even if it is still a front-line warship.

With such a large-scale elimination of warships, Italy simply put a note on my forehead that I want to do something. Do you think Italy is bad? You can still pretend that you can't see the elimination of one or two warships. After all, this cannot affect the overall situation, but such a whole fleet can completely influence the outcome of the naval battle in the Russo-Japanese War. After all, among these battleships, most of the main battleships above 10,000 tons have only been in service.

Two years, for example, the third ship of the Garibaldi class, the Francesco, has been in service for less than three months, and it is estimated that even the smell of paint has not dissipated.

Whoever can get such a brand-new warship will definitely directly lead to the advantage of their own navy.

Of course, its price will definitely not be cheap. If Italy sells it at 1.5 times the normal price, it will be considered a conscience.

Of course, Italy is only releasing news now, and nothing else has been said. You can see that the British are impatient to come and talk about the friendship between the two countries.

And in the face of Ambassador Coulson's so-called friendship, how could Carlo take it seriously. Although Italy also has great interests in the Qing Dynasty, Italy in the northeastern region has not been involved very much. It is necessary to talk to me about this.

"Ambassador Colson, I also believe in the friendship between the two countries that your ambassador said, but the decommissioning of warships by the navy has already been decided. This requires Your Excellency to convince our navy, not come to me."

Coulson didn't believe a word of Carlo's dodging. When did the Italian Navy become so powerful that they dared not listen to the government and the king. Gu Transcript

But even if he doesn't believe it, he must return the other party's words, especially when he asks others. This is diplomacy, and this is politics.

"Thank you Your Majesty for the notification. I will discuss with your country's Admiralty next, so don't disturb Your Majesty and leave."

Coulson hurriedly left the palace, and when he was about to board his carriage, he saw a carriage with a diplomatic badge in front of him.

He fixed his eyes and saw that the Russian ambassador Tokayev and the French ambassador Sklaya got off the bus.

As soon as the two ambassadors came together, Coulson basically guessed the intention of the other party, so it goes without saying that they must have come to release news for Italy.

At this time, he did not intend to leave first, but instead walked towards the two of them.

"Your Excellency the two ambassadors, are you so leisurely to visit the King of Italy?"

"Your Excellency Coulson, aren't you also very busy?"

"I've heard that your country is not going well in the Far East. If you have any difficulties, I can help you find a solution."

"No you."

After a few short words and provoking the Russians, Coulson boarded his carriage and left.

"This Englishman, who does he think he is."

After Coulson left, the Russian ambassador Tokayev complained to Ambassador Sklea, who was beside him.

In the face of Tokayev's complaints, Sklaya could only laugh. Of course, he also knew the purpose of the Russian ambassador pulling him here, which was for the Italian fleet.

When Italy let it out, he knew it would happen. Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to receive instructions from Paris, asking him to cooperate with the Russians.

Needless to say, it must be the Russians who have done the work of Paris. In order to keep this vital ally, Paris can only generously contribute to the purchase of ships. What is this called, the Italians sell ships, the Russians want to buy ships, and they ask France to pay.

But in any case, it can only be like this. The nature of polar bears is like this, and there is no other better way to ask for it.

When the Russian and French ambassadors entered the palace, Coulson, who had just left, said to the coachman. "Go to the Japanese embassy, ​​I'm going to talk to Ambassador Teppei Osawa."

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