Blood dripped down the cracks in the walls, there was a faint smell of blood in the air, and the corridor was quiet and scary.

Han Fei didn't know what happened in the dormitory building after he went offline, and he had a very bad feeling in his heart.

Not daring to stay, Han Fei walked downstairs cautiously. When he walked to the corner of the third and second floors, he vaguely heard a sound coming from the fourth floor.

It seemed that a large bucket of minced meat had been dumped on the ground, and it seemed that a box of live fish had been thrown into the corridor.

The dull sound of the chunks of meat colliding with the ground constantly made people tremble.

The smell of blood in the air became stronger. Han Fei covered his mouth and nose and accelerated, but when he walked to the second floor and looked down, his body stopped abruptly.

At the corner of the first and second floors, there is a person standing.

He just stood in the corridor like that, his body deformed, his back turned to Han Fei, and he couldn't see his face.

Something's wrong.

It is a very terrifying thing to walk alone in a spooky and eerie building, and what is even more terrifying is that in this eerie and eerie building, a person is suddenly seen.

Without approaching rashly, Han Fei backed away a little.

There are stairs on the left and right sides of the dormitory building. I don't need to waste time with him. The most important thing is to make sure Zhang Guanxing is safe.

Han Fei wanted to avoid the other party, but when he turned around to cross the corridor on the second floor, he turned his head and saw a person standing in the middle of the corridor on the second floor.

He turned his back to Han Fei, motionless.

I go?

Staring at the other person's back, Han Fei slowly discovered the problem. The distance between the person facing him and him is slowly shortening!

This guy is different from the ghosts I've encountered before.

Han Fei has always been a man who does not commit crimes against me, especially when there is no guarantee of his own safety.

He slowly averted his eyes and glanced at the corridor again.

The figure who was standing on the corner of the first and second floors was gone.

But when he turned around again, the figure standing in the corridor on the second floor seemed to be a little closer to him.

Han Fei thought of a game he played in the orphanage when he was a child, called One Two Three Wooden Man, which probably means that as long as he turns his head, the things behind him will approach until the other party runs behind him.

Keeping his eyes fixed on the figure, Han Fei entered the corridor backwards. He supported the wall and walked down.

The stairs became slippery due to blood and dirt, and the strange sound on the fourth floor did not disappear, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more pungent.

In this case, Han Fei kept a safe distance from the figure with his back to him.

He moved his body slowly, and finally came to the corridor on the first floor smoothly.

In the whole dormitory building, the first floor smelled the most bloody smell.

The door of the dormitory building was covered with various things, including unfinished scrolls, blood-stained clothes, and some messy talismans.

The dormitory room near the gate was also smashed, the windows were all smashed, the clean and tidy sheets were full of blood-red handprints, the malicious thank you letters were all torn to shreds, and the ground was scattered with trampled smashes. The fruit looks a little disgusting.

At first, Han Fei planned to go to the dormitory room to find the key, but now that he was followed by that figure, he didn't dare to be distracted.

Looking at the figure, Han Fei touched the wall and stepped back in the corridor on the first floor.

He kept a safe distance from the figure.

Pay attention to the public account: After the Benshen Station, pay attention to send cash and coins!

Counting the rooms next to him silently, when Han Fei came to the door of room 104, he knocked on the door lightly: Zhang Guanxing? Are you in the room?

After Han Fei finished speaking, there was no sound from the room, and there was a dead silence.

It won't happen, right? It's very dangerous to stand in the corridor like this, Han Fei stared at the figure behind him, and whispered: Guanxing, it's really me, I told you before. Whether boys or girls, they are all my students, and I will never give up on anyone.

After Han Fei said these words, footsteps sounded in the house, and the door was opened with a slit.

Teacher! It's really you! Zhang Guanxing hid behind the door, the expression on his face changed from anxiety to excitement in an instant, just like seeing his long-separated family members.

It's a good habit to be cautious, and you're doing well. Han Fei took the black python to hide in dormitory 104. After the door was closed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Teacher, I really didn't expect to see you! Zhang Guanxing was very happy when he saw Han Fei, and that kind of surprise was hard to disguise.

During the time I was away, did anything terrible happen outside? Han Fei leaned back against the door and listened to the movement in the corridor.

Crazy, everyone in this dormitory building is completely crazy. A trace of fear appeared in Zhang Guanxing's eyes: There are screams and cries everywhere in the corridor, and all kinds of strange things are popping up. , the doors of some dormitories were violently opened, and none of the students in the room were able to escape.

It was so dangerous last night, how did you survive? Han Fei was a little surprised.

I have been hiding in the dormitory, and people came to knock on the door last night. They imitated students asking for help. I almost went to open the door a few times, but I finally held back.


I've been hiding in the bedroom and didn't dare to go out, but I could hear the voices of three children, arguing and swearing at each other, vicious and vicious.


It's the three children of Ma Manjiang who are messing around. Han Fei wasn't worried about the three little devils, he was more concerned about Ma Manjiang himself.

The police said that Ma Manjiang disappeared a long time ago, and Han Fei didn't know if it was possible for him to meet Ma Manjiang in the game.

Those three children seem to be targeting the students of Yimin Private College. They seem to be able to sense the positions of all the students. I should have escaped because of my expulsion. Zhang Guanxing is very smart and very Be cautious, he is a good seedling, he has gone the wrong way before.

When did the riots stop outside?

A few hours ago. Zhang Guanxing thought for a while, and then added: Before the riots stopped, the door of the dormitory building was opened once, and it seemed that something came in.

New things came in? Han Fei thought of the figure he met in the corridor: Guanxing, have you heard a strange talk like 'back to people' in school? I just saw a back on the corridor. To the man I stood, he followed me all the time.

I heard it from a freshman in the first year of junior high school, but I thought it was just a story!

Did you talk about it for the first-year freshman? Han Fei felt that the first-year freshman Zhang Guanxing was talking about was Jin Sheng: Tell me about it in detail.

There used to be a senior in our school. He especially liked a girl in the school. The girl liked him very much at the beginning, so the two of them got together.

The senior's family environment is very poor. His parents are divorced. His father has a serious tendency to violence and often beats and scolds him. For the senior, his only family member is not his father, but his girlfriend.

He shared his grievances and pain with the girl, and he vowed to make the girl happy.

But then the school teacher found out that he was in love at school, and the trouble was very big. In the end, the senior was willing to drop out of school by himself, saying that everything was his own fault.

After the senior dropped out, he still had contact with the girl. They agreed to work hard and get married when they had a stable job in the future.

The words spoken at that age are the purest and most simple.

But the good times didn't last long. It didn't take long for the senior to be able to contact the girl again.

He sneaked into the school and wanted to make sure that if the girl really didn't like him anymore, he wouldn't force it.

During the constant entanglement, the girl's friend handed the senior a note, hoping that he can come to the teaching building in the evening.

The senior didn't think much and rushed to the teaching building late at night. No one knows what happened that night. People just found an extra body in front of the teaching building the next day.

The senior fell from the top of the building. He was lying on the ground, his spine was broken, his neck was twisted 180 degrees, and his eyes were fixed on the top of the teaching building.

From that day on, some students occasionally saw a person standing in the corridor with his back to them at night.

After listening to Zhang Guanxing's story, Han Fei was a little puzzled.

He looked at Zhang Guanxing, and suddenly found something unexpected, the words of hate on Zhang Guanxing's arm disappeared.

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