My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 351 His Three Children

There's a door in the closet?

The black and red bloodstains soaked into the depths of the wood, as if there were similar patterns on the inner wall of the wardrobe. Han Fei didn't dare to touch it directly. He first took pictures of all the bloodstains in the wardrobe with his mobile phone.

During the filming process, Han Fei made another discovery. In the center of the door-shaped outline composed of bloodstains, there was a very light notch on the body of the door god.

The door god was scratched by something on the neck, and Han Fei searched all over the wardrobe but couldn't see the door god's head.

The headless door god in room 4044? Was its head cut off by Fu Sheng?

The wardrobe in front of him has witnessed the past and hides secrets. If it wasn't really inconvenient, Han Fei would very much like to take this wardrobe back to his home.

Zhuang Ren's videotape did not record what happened in the room, but Han Fei could probably imagine the scene at that time based on various anomalies at the scene.

Fu Sheng said that butterflies are ghosts from the deep world. It seems that butterflies are indeed likely to come from the deep world, but what exactly is their body? Will butterflies reveal their true colors on the night of returning to the soul?

Fourteen years ago, on the night of returning to the soul, there were many vicious cases in Xinhu. Many innocent people died that night. They should all be sacrificed alive by butterflies.

But what puzzled Han Fei was that after so many people died, what did the butterfly get? Or what is its purpose?

Frowning and pondering, Han Fei hadn't come up with an answer when a very faint singing suddenly came from somewhere in the building.

Hearing the singing, Han Fei hid in the corner almost habitually. He held the swing stick nervously, and when he was about to open the inventory, he realized that it was in reality.

The residential building has been abandoned for more than ten years. Now I should be the only one in the building. How can there be singing suddenly?

Because of the distance, Han Fei couldn't hear it clearly.

He walked out the door and moved up the stairs little by little.

When he got to the top floor, the singing became much clearer.

It came from here?

There were various debris piled up in the corridor on the top floor, among which several boxes full of books and old clothes caught Han Fei's attention.

Why are only these clutter left?

Taking out an old book, there were only three things left in the box.

A broken music box, a wooden doll wearing a mask, and a children's clothing smeared with paint.

The singing came from the broken music box. Han Fei wanted to turn off the music box, but when he flipped the music box, he saw a sentence written under the box - I hope everyone in the world will listen to your singing, and I hope You can tug at their heartstrings and bring them joy and happiness.

It was a very simple and simple greeting, but the word they in it made Han Fei a little uncomfortable.

Bring them moving and happiness? Is it a typo? Or are they not human?

Han Fei picked up the puppet again, and after taking off the mask of the puppet, he found a sentence behind the mask - one day you will grow up, I hope you can build a paradise for them, let them understand the meaning of happiness, Teach them to smile.

The unspeakable singing of the deep world is near Xingfu Community. This puppet wearing a mask is a bit like the broken puppet on the ninth floor of Building No. 1 in Xingfu Community...

Shaking off the last children's clothing, Han Fei saw a few lines of words among the various paints - the world has no color, if you see darkness, then the world is darkness, if you see colorful, then the world is gorgeous . You are my first child. I would like to give you all the good wishes. I only hope that you can bless others in the same way in the future.

The text on the children's clothes revealed new information, and Han Fei stared at the sentence You are my first child.

Ordinary people will only sigh at most when they see these old things, thinking that this may be a gift from an old father to his child, which contains the father's good wishes and expectations for the child.

But Han Fei is completely different. He is the new head of Building No. 1 in Xingfu Community. He has obtained three cigarettes from the landlord through missions, and he knows that the other party happens to have three children.

If the landlord is the head of the building, do his three children correspond to these three relics? Is the singing also related to the head of the building?

Looking at the relic in his hand, Han Fei stood alone in the building. He glanced left and right, and the surroundings were full of traces of time.

The broken music box suddenly made a sound. Did someone deliberately want me to find these things? But there shouldn't be anyone else in the building.

Sitting on the stairs, Han Fei's heart slowly calmed down. He felt as if there was a kind old man standing around him, who had been watching him silently at the other end of time.

I still have too little information. Han Fei stood up, just as he was about to put away these three things, the phone suddenly vibrated, and Huang Ying called.

are you awake?

I haven't slept yet, what happened over there?

After a brief conversation, Huang Ying sent a video.

The police installed surveillance cameras in my home and captured such a scene.

Huang Ying in the video got up from the bed at about 3:30 in the morning and opened the closet. He seemed to be choosing clothes, but he didn't decide what to wear for a long time.

After a while, he sat in front of the dressing table and began to dress up. After finishing everything, Huang Ying, who had dressed himself, entered the kitchen.

With no self-awareness at all, Huang Ying turned on the fire and started cooking porridge and simple side dishes.

At four o'clock in the morning, Huang Ying put all the food on the table. He didn't turn on the light, so he looked at the empty space next to him and kept talking.

He spoke slowly, like a mother admonishing a naughty son.

The whole process looked extremely weird, even scarier than being haunted.

When it was almost 4:30, Huang Ying, who had put on makeup, left the table. He seemed to be unable to see the contents of the pot and bowl. He emptied everything and started cleaning.

After cleaning and everything was restored, Huang Ying turned around and moved towards the location of the monitor, revealing an extremely strange and creepy smile.

He went back to the bedroom and went back to sleep.

At 4:44 in the morning, the real Huang Ying woke up. He saw himself in the mirror and had no idea what happened last night.

If the police hadn't told me this, I wouldn't have known that I woke up last night, and the cook was not me. Huang Ying's tone was indescribably calm: It keeps occupying my mind, it seems It wants to replace me. It is no longer satisfied to torment me in my dreams, and it begins to affect me in reality.

Brother Huang... Han Fei could hear that Huang Ying's tone was changing. He was no longer the same as he was at the beginning. In this case, Han Fei couldn't rashly intervene in Huang Ying's affairs.

My memory is like a faded photo, and now there's a lot of stuff that should have belonged to me and no longer belong to me. I have a hunch that something really bad could happen tonight.

whats the matter?

Someone will die. Huang Ying wanted to say something, but the door opened in his room, and his tone slowly changed. After a few casual chats, Huang Ying hung up the phone.

I reminded Huang Ying before, don't contact me again recently. We fight on two fronts and hold the butterfly, but he seems to have forgotten about it... Is the person I talked to just now really Huang Ying? Han Fei carefully recalled the last sound of the door opening on the phone, and it didn't feel like the sound of the wardrobe being opened.

Putting away the things in the glove box, Han Fei returned the same way.

Zhuang Ren had already finished washing up, and he took good care of it after a long absence.

Are we going now?

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