My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 564 Father and Son

The hospital's diagnosis was in the pocket of Han Fei's trousers. He entered the kitchen and stood beside his wife.

The clear water flowed out of the water pipe, washing away the oil and foam on the plate, and all the places wiped by the wife became as clean and bright as a mirror.

Did you already know?

Han Fei looked at his wife's hands. She was several years younger than Fu Yi, but her hands were rougher than Fu Yi's.

what do you know?

The plates and bowls were put back into the cabinets. After the wife cleaned it skillfully, she started cleaning the kitchen again. After she tidied everything up, Han Fei was still standing there.

For Han Fei, he has never had such an experience. Those words have already poured into his mouth, but it is difficult to say them.

This time should be the warmest time spent by the wife. If the truth is told, the false beauty may be directly shattered.

In fact, Han Fei had already felt it. His wife not only knew about Fu Yi's affairs with those women outside, but also knew that he might not be Fu Yi.

In this world, his wife is the person who knows Fu Yi best. She forgives and makes concessions again and again, until she finally picks up the sharp knife.

She, who valued her family so much, would not have made such a decision if it hadn't been to the point where it could no longer be maintained. Han Fei could even imagine her despair at that time.

After cleaning up the kitchen, the wife left, as if she was avoiding Han Fei on purpose, not letting Han Fei continue talking.

She really seems to know.

Han Fei did not expect that the first person in the world to see through his master-level acting skills would be the most ordinary woman.

At more than ten o'clock, Han Fei and his wife entered the bedroom. This time his wife was lying on the bed, and she slept on the side of the bed.

Han Fei opened the cabinet and was about to take out the quilt, but unexpectedly found that the quilt and the quilt inside had been replaced, and someone replaced him with a softer and warmer quilt.

After laying down and lying on the ground, Han Fei stared at the ceiling in a daze. He lost sleep that night.

At six o'clock in the morning, the wife had woken up, walked out of the room carefully, and started to prepare for the new day at home.

After his wife left the bedroom, Han Fei also opened his eyes.

Without doing extra things, Han Fei, as usual, waited until the alarm went off before he crawled out of the quilt.

Went into the bathroom to wash, then sat at the table and ate breakfast prepared by his wife.

The door on the second floor rang, and Fu Sheng went downstairs wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag.

Fu Sheng, I prepared more today. The wife took out the lunch box from the kitchen and handed it to Fu Sheng.

Without refusing, Fu Sheng picked up the lunch box and walked out of the house.

High school students are under too much pressure, sometimes it's harder than our work. Han Fei himself came here like this, and he was deeply touched.

Hurry up and eat, you're going to be late.

Fu Sheng was the first to go out. After Han Fei left for work, his wife had to send Fu Tian to kindergarten.

After hurriedly eating the last bite, Han Fei picked up the briefcase and prepared to go to work as usual.

Wait a minute. His wife suddenly stopped Han Fei, she wiped her hands and walked to Han Fei to help Han Fei tidy the collar of his shirt.

Looking at his wife's serious and focused appearance, Han Fei did not reject the other party's kindness.

Come on, be careful on the road.

Don't worry, I'm going to work.

Leaving quickly, Han Fei touched the medical certificate in his trousers pocket. After confirming that the thing was still there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking out of the community, Han Fei came to the bus station. He watched the buses leave the station. There were fewer and fewer people around. In the end, he was the only one left on the platform.

No job, no income, go to work? Where do you go to work?

Fu Tian's kindergarten is in the west, and his wife is in charge of picking them up every day. If I stay here, I might be seen by her.

Carrying the briefcase, Han Fei stepped off the bus stop and walked towards the east.

He was still pretending to go to work, but he ended up in a small park to the east that was almost deserted.

With nowhere to go, he sat on a park bench.

Few people come to this place, the trees are lush, flocks of birds fly overhead, and occasionally squirrels can be seen jumping among the branches.

The morning sun shines on the weeds, and a few stray cats lick their fur lazily. They are not afraid of people at all, as if this is their home.

Just stay here until after get off work.

Han Fei didn't know what he should do. He had to pay the debt of his life. He needed to take out 720,000 from the family's original savings.

Feeling exhausted, Han Fei leaned back in his chair and looked up at the blue sky.

Whether in reality or in the deep world, he never had such an experience, and he rarely stopped to sit silently in the corner of the city like this.

After a while, Han Fei suddenly felt his arm rubbed against something.

He looked down, and a stray cat jumped on the bench and lay beside him, its fluffy tail swaying back and forth as if it had its own thoughts.

Am I taking your place? Han Fei was about to touch the cat's head. All the stray cats seemed to smell something suddenly. They left Han Fei together and ran to the other side of the bushes.

A little puzzled, Han Fei stood up. He turned around in a suit and looked back. A high school student in a school uniform was coming with a cat can that had just been opened.


Looking at each other, the two of them were full of surprise, and said almost in unison:

Didn't you go to school?

Didn't you go to work?

Han Fei, who was in a suit and leather shoes, looked at Fu Sheng, who was wearing a school uniform. The father and son were standing face to face in the small park.

The wind was blowing the treetops, and the sun was shining. The cats looked at the canned cat in Fu Sheng's hand and kept meowing, as if asking what you were doing?

I actually want to go to school every day, but I always hesitate when I walk to the school gate and don't want to move forward. Fu Sheng put down the can of cats, and the stray cats all surrounded him: You again? Why don't you go to work?

I was fired. Han Fei walked through the bushes and came to Fu Sheng. He and Fu Sheng sat side by side on a park bench.

The father and son didn't talk anymore, they looked at the stray cats together.

Sometimes I envy them. I don't have to think about anything, I'm free, and I don't need to know too much. Fu Sheng stroked the chin of a stray cat. The cat seemed to like Fu Sheng very much, and he was special to him. close.

If there is a home, who would want to be a stray cat? Han Fei is an orphan, and he hides a longing for home in his heart. It is this longing that makes him willing to protect the neighbors in the happy community and protect that A ghost who treats him as a family member.

After the cats finished eating, some ran away immediately, some ignored people, and some lay on the ground like a furball that had lost its dream.

Fu Sheng didn't go to school, and Han Fei didn't go to work. The father and son sat in the deserted park until noon. Although they didn't chat much, the distance was much closer. This should be the longest day they spent alone.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Fu Sheng took out the lunch box from his schoolbag. He opened the lid and was about to eat when he suddenly found that Han Fei had been looking at him.

Want to be together?

it is good.


Fu Sheng took the only chopsticks and shook his head: Forget it.

You kid, why are you asking me?

I thought you would refuse.

Hearing Fu Sheng's answer, Han Fei felt a little happy after a long time.

How can you just eat that order? You stay here and don't move, I'll buy you something. Han Fei touched his pocket and walked outside the small park.

Not long after, Han Fei came back with a big bag.

He put the heavy bag on the bench and leaned back against the chair, as if he was in a good mood.

Fu Sheng glanced curiously into the bag, which contained all kinds of beer.

I haven't touched alcohol since the day I met you. I'm worried that I will be paralyzed by alcohol, and I will make a mistake in judgment after midnight. You know, any deviation will kill me. Han Fei opened. A can of beer: I've lost a lot, but I've also gained a lot, and I don't know whether to thank you or hate you.

The finished jar drew an arc in the air and was accurately thrown into the trash by Han Fei.

I don't quite understand what you're talking about? Fu Sheng's eyes were full of doubts.

Generally speaking, I'm more inclined to thank you, that's why I'm here to do all this. Han Fei opened another can of beer and glanced at Fu Sheng: Want to try it?

No. Fu Sheng shook his head and concentrated on eating.

After eating, Fu Sheng went to clean the lunch box, then sat on the bench and began to study by himself.

Han Fei drank happily, sitting next to Fu Sheng, leaning against the center of the world, briefly relaxing his tense nerves.

The sun slowly went down, and after the light dimmed, Fu Sheng put the textbook and exercises back in his schoolbag and glanced aside.

The suit on Han Fei's body became wrinkled. After drinking all the wine in the bag, he lay crookedly on the bench, as if he had fallen asleep.

Have you been tired all the time?

Fu Sheng has never seen his father show such a side. In the past, his father's image in his heart was dignified, rude, and selfish. Because his father is very capable, he is also very strict with his children. , beating and scolding.

But I don't know when it started, Fu Sheng felt that his father seemed to have changed.

Maybe it was because Fu Sheng saw his father supporting him that day in the back alley and drove away all the gangsters; maybe it was because he overheard his father telling his mother on the phone that he had called the principal; Because his father chose to believe his own words, he finally assisted the police in clearing the old principal's grievances.

The recent events flashed through Fu Sheng's mind, and it took him a long time to regain his calm.

The sun was about to go down, Fu Sheng sorted out his schoolbag, and then he gently shook Han Fei, who was asleep.

Dad, it's time to go home.

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