My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 641 Happiness is a monster that kills without blinking, but I still want to get close to it

Didn't you see these things when you came here during the day? More and more players entered the house, and everyone was a little scared when they saw the human head models in that cabinet. The heads were so realistic that they seemed real.

I was targeted by ghosts, and I didn't have time to check the room. Li Guoer didn't need to deceive the player.

Qianye, you lead someone to guard the corridor, others enter the room, don't let any clues go. F's status in the team was higher than Qiangwei, and even the prisoners obeyed him.

Candles lit up in the corners of the room, and the room where No. 11 once lived was slowly restored.

The room as a whole maintains the decoration style of the end of the last century, plus it has not been taken care of for a long time, it looks messy and shabby, like a patient whose memory is frozen and cannot take care of himself.

Stepping on the scattered pills on the ground, Han Fei slowly moved away from the window, his fear almost engulfed him, and when he stopped by the window, he always felt that he would be pushed down the next moment.

Why do I think of death as soon as I stand by the window, and even see my own body one step closer?

Picking up the medicine on the ground, Han Fei wiped the dust off the tablet with his fingertips. He found that these medicines were very similar to those prescribed by Dr. Fu. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

I have the same disease on the eleventh? Or does the doctor only prescribe this drug?

Unlike other players who seem to have no heads and flies, Han Fei has developed a familiar sense of fear since entering the room. He has not only been here before, but also died here.

Avoiding the other players, Han Fei went straight to the bedroom in the deepest part of the house, opened the locked door, and saw a bedroom with a light red color as the main color.

The owner of this bedroom seems to be a student. Unfinished exam papers and books are littered on the desk, and various children's shoes are piled on the floor.

Your purpose seems clear? f has been in control of the overall situation, and he saw everyone's reaction. At this time, he approached Han Fei: Have you been here too?

Shaking his head, Han Fei entered the bedroom.

At first glance at this room, you won't feel any problem, but the more you look closely, the more strange this room will be.

Those children's shoes on the ground are not the same size. There are men's shoes and women's shoes. Obviously, they do not belong to the same person.

The styles of those shoes are also very different, spanning nearly twenty years, and the owner seems to have a quirk in collecting shoes, and it seems that they must be shoes worn by others.

Picking up a shoe, Han Fei saw that there were various things stuffed in the shoe, including sharp nails, staples, broken glass, and a lot of pills.

How do you walk in these shoes?

This dark red room seems to be some kind of psychological metaphor, representing the mental state of the owner of the bedroom. F held the black knife in his backhand, and he observed calmly: There are various notices posted in the corridor, one of which is Zhang Xunren's notice stated that a five-year-old girl was lost nearby, she was wearing a pair of pink sandals, and the description was similar to the shoes in your hands.

You mean to say... the owner of the house abducted those children?

Accurately speaking, I suspect that the child's adoptive parents have been stealing the child. F looked at the shoes all over the floor: Shoes represent feet, which can be further extended to walking and running, so many shoes are closed here. , Every pair of shoes is still stuffed with glass slag and pills, which obviously means confinement and control, what do you think?

I think you're right. Han Fei looked at f blankly.

With a black knife that can hurt monsters, a group of loyal subordinates, a rational and calm mind, and unfathomable personal strength, this mysterious f has all the advantages, and he is likely to be the first to save enough. 100 point player.

Looking back at himself, Han Fei sighed softly. He forgot everything, leaving only a bunch of shabby scripts and an ugly cat.

Walking over those shoes, Han Fei came to the desk. He flipped through the unfinished exam papers and felt a cool air wrap around him.

The owner of the bedroom seems to have a serious mental illness. All his reading comprehension will be interpreted from an extremely dark angle. Although it is a very positive article, he can always interpret horrible things from the cracks.

Just looking at the reading comprehension questions will make the owner of the house feel like a lunatic, but looking at the test papers of other subjects, you will think that he is a genius, because there are thick full-mark test papers piled up next to the desk.

A stupid lunatic is not scary, what is scary is an extremely sober, genius-like lunatic. F came over, he and Han Fei were very close, which made Han Fei very uncomfortable: Are you the same? think?

F's eyes seemed to be able to see through Han Fei's mask, and Han Fei also felt that F was different from other players, which was an essential difference.

Ignoring f, Han Fei opened the drawer of the desk, and inside was a pack of balloons, each of which seemed to have a pattern printed on it.

Taking out a balloon, Han Fei tried to blow it up, and then a terrifying picture appeared.

The pattern on the balloon was a human head. When Han Fei blew the balloon, the human head slowly grew bigger beside his mouth. The terrified expression and vivid eyes were all perfectly restored.

What are you doing? Li Guo'er and A Chong walked in, and the prisoners who followed also saw this scene, Han Fei in the dark was blowing a huge human head.

I found that the owner of the house seems to love his parents very much. He made models of their heads one-to-one, and then made them into balloons. Han Fei looked at the huge balloon in his hand: You imagine a picture, the owner of the house locked it. door, lying alone

On the bed in the bedroom, the roof is covered with the heads of adoptive parents and adoptive mothers, so that he will no longer feel lonely?

After listening to Han Fei's words, the eyes of the players except F changed. They couldn't understand it, but it didn't prevent them from being shocked.

How did you think of this? Li Guoer found that he underestimated Han Fei.

I can see my parents when I look up. I wonder if this counts as a kind of companionship? Han Fei let go of his hand, and the air in the balloon ran out. The huge head quickly shrank and wrinkled. There was also a strange sound, as if a person was crying softly.

Han Fei put all the balloons into a bag, and then stuffed them into F. He felt that he couldn't hold back such a terrifying thing.

Pull open the second drawer, which holds a sharp fruit knife.

In a clean drawer, there is a knife alone. This incident happened in a child's bedroom, which is very thought-provoking.

In the first drawer is a balloon painted with the faces of the adoptive parents, and in the second drawer is a sharp knife... Han Fei reached out and opened the third drawer, which contained a ledger.

Taking out the ledger, Han Fei flipped it over.

On January 4th, I found that I really liked playing with kittens more and more. Since my cat died, I have been wanting to adopt another cat, but there is always no chance.

On February 7th, the neighbor's cat always came to visit. That kitten is very cute and very obedient. I'm going to find a way to buy it.

On July 7th, I picked up a lost pet cat. It's strong, not pretentious, quite obedient, and doesn't bark at home. It has been domesticated. It's sold for 150.

On August 9th, I caught a stray cat in the park. It looked dirty. After taking a bath, I found that it was in good condition. Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with intelligence. It can be kept and played. The price is 95. Sold out.

September 21st, I was lucky, I got a British Shorthair cat, a cat that has been popular in recent years. It is round, very cute, quiet, docile, and has a good appearance. It is a rare and top-quality kitten. Sold for 1200.

On November 11, I picked up an older Garfield in the cattery. He is obedient, well-behaved, and knows how to please his owner. The most important thing is that he is also very smart. To be honest, I am reluctant to sell it. . Price 2500 unsold.

There was a lot of information on the ledger, and it was nothing at first glance, but when Han Fei saw the last piece of information, his eyes narrowed slowly.

On November 11, the owner of the ledger accepted a cat in the cattery, and said he was reluctant to sell it?

The last adoptive parent on the 11th adopted him on November 11th. From this point of view, the cat house may not refer to the real cat house, but the name of the orphanage.

Thinking a little deeper, all the cats in this ledger are actually not cats, but children!

The thin ledger, in the simplest words, is full of disgusting sins.

Unknowingly, Han Fei turned to the last page, and what was not written in the script was supplemented here.

On the back of the ledger, there are several hand-painted drawings by children, with crooked text on them.

Gardeners secretly picked flowers, hid them in their pockets, carried them out of the fence, and threw them into the muddy streets.

Passing wild dogs bit the tender stems and carried the flowers into the dark alley.

The outside world seems to have closed the door since then. Flowers are planted in the dark room, some wither in the dark, some take root in the dark, and some become a flower seed.

The flower seeds shouted the names of father and mother, and were planted in different flower pots and sent to dark room after dark room.

Finally, one day, the seed that was buried deep in the flower pot sprouted, and people started to feel scared when they looked at it, because the flower was completely different from what the adults imagined.

The last text of the ledger has been completely distorted, and it is almost impossible to see what it means.

The parents who adopted No. 11 in the end were actually human traffickers. They should have been very satisfied with No. 11 at first, but when they were about to resell it, there was a problem. Li Guo'er also entered the house, she looked at The ledger quickly understood what it meant: It is not a pity for a human trafficker to die.

I hold the same opinion as you on this point. F took the ledger from Han Fei's hand and kept flipping through it.

No. 11 has been adopted eleven times, why is this child abandoned again and again? What exactly does he have? The trafficker adopted No. 11. This time, No. 11 did not make a living for the trafficker, and he never returned. Orphanage, from this point of view, Eleven seems to be a good ghost.

As soon as Han Fei had such an idea in his heart, he heard f say: The adopted child is the main reason for the change here. He avenged the traffickers, but he also hurt other people. This ghost is a bit righteous. Evil feeling.

f also has no prejudice against ghosts. He looks at the problem from a relatively fair and objective perspective.

Is the woman who climbed out the window just now the mother of the child? Since they are human traffickers, why don't they quickly shoot No. 11? And save him? Ah Chong was a little puzzled.

The purpose of giving medicine is not necessarily to save people. The biggest effect of some medicines is not to cure a person, but to make a person obedient. F put away the ledger, and Han Fei put No. 11 in the drawer. The knife was taken.

Holding the knife in his hand, Han Fei felt as if his body extended a part, and he seemed to be very good at using the knife.

Cut, chop, find the right place to dismember, I

I can't explain why I understand this as a screenwriter... Han Fei quietly hid the knife and continued the search. He stopped in front of the only wardrobe in the house.

Open the cabinet door, there are various masks, from small to large, each mask has some blood-stained words written on it.

There are only two characters on the smallest mask - Huang Sheng, which seems to be the first name of No. 11, and the smallest mask is also the cleanest.

Huang Sheng's name has been smeared out on the second mask, and there are many, many laughing words written on it, but the mask itself is a crying face.

There is more text on the third mask, and it can be seen that as the mask gets bigger, the mask owner becomes more and more crazy and abnormal.

These masks seem to express his experience of being abandoned eleven times. From the beginning, he wanted to live a good life and finally turned into a monster. Han Fei's eyes swept over all the masks, and he was a little puzzled: No matter how unlucky a child is, he will not always have bad parents, unless the parents who adopted him were carefully selected by the orphanage.

Is there such a possibility that the orphanage specially recruited those adults with problems and defects to adopt him, and even put him in the hands of human traffickers in the end?

The more Han Fei thought about it, the more terrifying it became. When the person in charge of kindness rots and deteriorates, heaven will also become hell.

From the sixth mask onwards, those words were completely abnormal, and the children who wore masks learned how to disguise.

He would put on a variety of expressions and personalities to cater to his adoptive parents, but the real him grew into a poisonous weed in a dark flower pot.

The expressions on the mask are all fake, and more and more words and colors cover the facial features of the mask, and he loses his face.

Han Fei looked at the last mask, which was a clown mask painted in various colors. Its exaggerated smile could not hide the blue tears in the corners of his eyes.

Looking at the back of the mask, there is a line of black words there.

Happiness is a monster that kills without blinking an eye, but I still want to get close to it, how about you?



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