My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 646 Happy Heart

Why is the cover of the script like this? I took the initiative to meet death and forget all the past? Then why did I do this?

What kind of things does a person have to go through to be crazy enough to want to forget all the memories, are all those memories full of pain and despair?

Han Fei's heart was beating constantly, this time not because of fear, but because of another emotion that he couldn't understand yet.

There is a person who wants to kill me, and he has succeeded ninety-nine times, or I have cooperated with him to die ninety-nine times...

There were only fragments of death left in the blank mind. Han Fei stood under the bloody night and looked at the surrounding game participants.

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Who would that person be? Who would he be hiding in? A game participant, my parents, or the doctor who treated me?

The Joker told Han Fei a lot of important information, and it seemed like a deal between them.

The appearance of the clown made Han Fei more convinced of one thing. He was definitely not a screenwriter at home. He was probably the player who had obtained 99 points before and was the closest to clearing the game.

Putting away the shredded piece of paper torn from the cover of the script, Han Fei's face looked strange in the bloody night: The clown killed a game participant casually, and I feel that he has killed him many times. He's definitely not a good guy, but what he said doesn't feel like a lie, what choice do I need to make? Or what is the right choice?

Han Fei thought silently, and the other players were already panicking.

Some people surrounded the player's corpse, trying to wake him up in a hurry, while the strongest player tried their best to deal with the monster called happiness.

The more it was attacked, the more mad the monster became. The twenty-two arms seemed to represent an inviolable will. It would tear everyone to shreds and turn them into fertilizer for flowers.

f! Someone died!

I can't stand it anymore! Retreat!

Let the people with special talents go first!

The voices of the players kept ringing, but f, who was holding the black knife, remained silent. After dodging the first wave of the giant monster's attack, he said coldly: No one is allowed to leave! The ghost who killed the short hair is here. Upstairs, you are running down in a hurry now, you will be killed by ghosts! Shorthair's miserable death is your end!

If f simply did not let the player leave, most players would probably be dissatisfied, but f made the reason very clear.

The ghost has already left. If you want to escape now, this is the only chance. Han Fei didn't mean to contradict f. His inner unease had dissipated, indicating that the real clown ghost had indeed left. Maybe the ghosts in other apartment buildings will come over. After all, no one knows how many ghosts live in this community.

Hearing Han Fei's words, the players hadn't reacted yet. F's eyes changed first. He didn't like the voice of questioning. If there were two voices in a team, it would be difficult for many projects to advance.

Other players also expressed doubts about what Han Fei said. They were not familiar with Han Fei, how could they believe a stranger?

Besides, the short-haired corpse was not far away, and it wasn't even cold enough.

The exit was right there, very safe, but no one passed.

F, the dead aura over there is really dissipating. Ah Chong just said a word for Han Fei, and then he was pushed by f to the troll.

Always be on your own terms, how can you survive in this nightmarish world? Show your other side, and I'll teach you to be a better version of yourself!

After the words Better Self were subconsciously said by f, Han Fei and F seemed to be stunned, but they still didn't care.

Don't! I really can't do it! The person A Chong is most afraid of is f. He has a natural fear of f, which is the instinctive reaction of his body after he has approached death countless times. If you have the intention to kill him, then there is no possibility for him to live.

A worm who was pushed out couldn't dodge, and was directly caught by the slender arm of the monster. He cried out for help, but no player dared to face the terrifying monster.

After all, this team is only brought together because of common interests, they can support each other, but they will not risk death to save people.

That incomparably huge and ferocious monster put a lot of pressure on everyone, and even Qianye, who had the best physical ability, hesitated.

Wearing a black windbreaker and a white mask, f stood closest to the monster and Ah Chong. He didn't retreat and abandon Ah Chong, nor did he step forward to save Ah Chong. It seemed that he really just wanted to force out Ah Chong's potential. .

Maybe he did nothing wrong, but in the eyes of those players, his behavior did go a little too far.

According to the plan, stand in your own position! Don't waste the opportunity created by Ah Zong! The physical quality of f and the monster is very different, and they are not on the same level. Someone must attract the attention of the monster. Aim at the monster's vitals.

Ah Zong's screams sounded, and his body was grabbed by several hands, feeling that he was about to be torn apart.


f gave an order, but only half of the players obeyed his order,

There are others hiding in the back, swaying.

If you don't obey me, everyone will die here. You and I have no other choice!

An icy voice came from behind the mask, f is always like this, calm, impersonal, and pursuing efficiency and results to the greatest extent.

Holding the black knife in his hand, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he could hear his confidence through his words. It seemed that as long as he did what he said, all difficulties could be solved.

Qianye, who had the best relationship with F, was the first to act, and under his leadership, those players who were one of a million players with special talents began to attack the monsters.

They had drilled against various monsters in advance, each performed their own duties, diverted the attention of the monsters, and created opportunities for f, but Ah Zong was not so good.

He was caught by the monster's arm, and there was a sound of dislocated bones from his body. There was a hand holding a medicine bottle, and it was even more stuffed into his mouth.

Save me! f! Save me! If he swallowed those pills, A-Chong would probably not die, but would also turn into a monster. His voice trembled with fear, and his face was full of horror.

F watched everything, he didn't find any flaws in the monster, so that everyone could get out of danger, he chose to continue to wait.

The train of destiny moved forward, a group of people were tied to the rail in front, and only A Chong was tied to the other track next to it.

f is like the person driving the train. He changed direction without hesitation. If he can save most of them, what about killing one person himself?

F! You lied to me! Ah Chong was quickly speechless, the medicine bottle approached, and he saw the deadly pills in the bottle.

There seemed to be a crying child's face on each tablet, and the tablet seemed to stick to their tears, and something like black and red hair grew.

The four arms of Happiness grabbed the limbs of Ah Ching, and the fifth arm pressed the medicine bottle to Ah Ching's mouth.

The black and red pills rolled from the bottle and were about to fall into the mouth of Ah Zong when a knife flew from a distance and easily cut off the arm holding the pill bottle.

The blade fell, and Ah Chong, who had been scared to tears, turned his head to look, and Han Fei, who was wearing a white mask, dodged in the scarlet flower sea.

Without any skill at all, he approached quickly with his amazing reflexes.

Seeing that Han Fei took the lead in provoking the monster, other players also ignited hope and stepped forward one after another.

f was originally dissatisfied with Han Fei, but when he saw that Han Fei was willing to cooperate with him, the dissatisfaction gradually subsided. He didn't like Han Fei, but that was just a personal emotion.

As a player who wants to save 100 points to clear the game, he will try his best to win and use everything that can help him clear the game.

In the situation just now, no one could get close to the monster, and only damage the hand holding the medicine bottle from a distance.

The black knife in f's hand can also do the same thing, but he didn't do it that way, and these were also seen by Ah Chong and remembered in his heart.

Several players each attract two to three arms, interspersed left and right on the limited roof.

What Han Fei didn't expect was that these players really seemed to have expected to meet this monster in advance, and they all had targeted training.

They are different from Han Fei. Han Fei is dodging by instinct, while those people seem to have been told the answer in advance.

One of the players, like the clown, knew the answer to fate in advance.

There was no need to think about it at all, Han Fei's figure appeared in the bottom of Han Fei's eyes, that player was really strange.

Dodging the monster's arm, Han Fei's goal was very clear. He just wanted to save A Chong and retrieve the sharp knife he threw out by the way.

F seems to be the real owner of the Perfect Life B\u0026B. His subordinates have gathered a large number of game participants, real and fake, and it is not good for Han Fei to fall out with f, so he wants to take other methods to disintegrate step by step.

Another point is that when Han Fei heard A Chong's voice, he vaguely felt as if he knew each other, and they should have been friends.

Quickly closing the distance, Han Fei seemed to be stepping on the node of destiny with every step. He seemed to be walking in the gap between life and death, and he could always avoid the monster's attack from an incredible angle.

It felt as if he had come to practice countless times, and all the past had been imprinted in his muscles.

The closer Han Fei got, the more panic the monster became. The twenty-two arms divided a large part to grab Han Fei.

Why doesn't it let me come near? Han Fei remembered the words behind the clown mask: Even if No. 11 knows that happiness is a monster, he still chooses to approach. The poor child has no requirements for happiness, and even if he is covered in bruises, he will not despise himself. happiness.

Han Fei seemed to have figured out the key. His gaze passed through the arms of the twenty-two adoptive parents, to the monster's ugly face and the heart full of prayers.

That's the happiness of Eleven, it's ugly and aggressive, but it's essentially a child's image of happiness.

The meat he ate was digesting quickly, and Han Fei rushed forward.

F in the distance noticed something, he no longer hesitated, holding the knife forward.

The adoptive parents' arms were all drawn away, and f's speed was astonishingly fast. He seemed to have reached the limit of a player at this stage. He flexibly passed through his arms and rushed to the monster body with Han Fei.

The two stood left and right while staring at the monster's exposed heart.

It's just that the next two people's reactions are completely different, f slashing with a knife

To the happy heart, Han Fei stretched out his hands. He wanted to take off the happy heart that was wrapped in the arms of his adoptive parents and put it into his arms.



Han Fei and F reminded each other at the same time, but neither of them slowed down.

When they were about to touch the monster's heart, countless black thorns emerged from the flowers around the monster.

What is striking is that those thorns did not stop Han Fei, but unilaterally blocked f.

I saved the child in the flowerpot!

The choice of the past has changed the present, something flashed in Han Fei's mind, and he touched the heart of happiness one step ahead.

f's reaction is also very fast, it doesn't look like a normal human being.

With the risk of his arm being injured, he cut through the thorns, and then the blade did not slow down in the slightest, and slashed directly at the heart in Han Fei's hand, as if preparing to cut off Han Fei's fingers together.

Han Fei wanted to keep his hand, as if losing his heart was the only way to go, but at the last moment he hesitated, he didn't want to hand over the suffering heart to f.

In the blink of an eye, F's black knife touched Han Fei's finger, but there were countless roars from the hilt of the knife.

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