My Iyashikei Game

Chapter 778 Complete what I have always wanted to do

After watching Han Fei's dance, Li Huang's parents told Han Fei about the past they had been reluctant to mention.

My mother died a long time ago, and my father was the backbone of the family. At that time, his dancing was not recognized by the mainstream. In addition, he had a bad temper, was stubborn, and refused to bow his head. The troupe he worked with kept him standing on the edge of the stage. As a supporting role. Later, due to some conflicts, my father was forced to leave the troupe, and he could only rely on odd jobs every day to support the family's life.

Our family was really poor before, but my father has always taught us that no matter how poor we are, we can't lose our backbone, and the light in our living and living eyes will dissipate.

My father is really a very good person. After the new neighbor moved in, he knew that the couple were blind, and he would take the initiative to help. At the beginning, he asked us children to spend more time with the neighbor's children. , play with him.

I also knew him from that time, the child who lives in a visually impaired family, his name is Xing Xing.

When Li Huang's father pronounced the name, the blood on his entire face began to fade, and his skin instantly became much paler.

Happy dad was blind in both eyes and hearing loss in one ear because of a car accident when he was a child. When he grew up, he married a woman who was born blind. Their life was hard, and there was always darkness around them until Joy was born.

The appearance of the child was like a beam of light shining into the dark cage. Both husband and wife regarded the child as a gift from God.

Happy was brought up by blind parents. He has all the advantages of his parents. He is kind, gentle, and he knows how to be considerate and take care of others at a young age.

He knows that his parents are different from him, and he is used to communicating with his parents in ways other than 'looking'. He will sit next to his parents and tell the appearance of his new friend, and he will put the clay figure he made in his father's hand to let the family Guess who it is by touch, and he will bring the flowers home, so that the fragrance of flowers can also appear in that isolated cabin.

We lived in a time when blind people rarely went out alone, and happy parents often shut themselves at home, hand-knitting crafts for a meager income.

Every weekend, they only go out once, hand over the woven works to the vendors, and then go to the market to buy daily necessities.

When their family goes out, their happiness is their eyes. They lead their parents on the sidewalk and meet other people's strange eyes.

The blind man can't see the faces with different expressions, but he is happy to see that he saw the oppression of small traders at a very young age.

It was also at that time that Xing Xing understood a truth - he must work harder than other children in order to live an ordinary life like an ordinary person.

After a while, I was happy to go to school. After meeting many children of the same age, my happiness gradually changed.

While his parents taught him kindness, they also imprinted the unease with the outside world in the depths of his heart.

When other kids talk about all kinds of things, happy to find that he has nothing; when other children's parents drive to pick them up, happy to wait until the latest; when other children are bullied at school When the time comes, their parents will immediately rush to the school, happy but endure, he doesn’t want to cause trouble for his parents, and he doesn’t want other children to know that his parents are different from theirs.”

Having said this, Li Huang's father sighed softly: The schools on the edge of the old city are too backward, a teacher has to take care of too many children, and he can't manage it. Knowing his family can only afford a school like that.

This child's experience is indeed rough, but it's not what I expected. Han Fei is looking for the mastermind behind the three major criminal organizations this time, a veritable super criminal.

The next step is the renovation and demolition of the old city, the popularization of intelligence and mechanization, and there is no longer any need for low-end labor. The blind couple is gradually unable to receive orders.

My father was very soft-hearted. After he learned about the situation of the neighbor's house, he lied that he knew several bosses and would pay to buy some handicrafts from the neighbor's house every month. At that time, the bed in my house was full. .

This kind of day has lasted for a long time. Xinhu began to build a new smart city, two major technology giants have risen, the old city has gradually become deserted, the outer area has been planned as an outer suburb, and fewer and fewer people live in it. got up.

Probably when I was in junior high school, my father suddenly knocked on the door in the middle of the night, entered my room very seriously, and said something to me that I still can't forget until now.

He sternly warned me not to have any further contact with the happy family, and also said that he would move out from here in a while.

I don't know what my father saw or heard, and I felt that he was inexplicable at the time.

I met Joy the next day when I went to school. He became thinner and thinner, and there were injuries under his long sleeves.

He greeted me with a smile, just like before, with a cheerful and enthusiastic expression on his face, and his eyes full of kindness and joy.

I wanted to go, but I recalled my father's warning, so I ignored him and left. I could see the surprise and a trace of loss on his face, except for me, he didn't seem to be in the compound. other friends.

Everything changed three months later, when I was preparing for the entrance exam, my happy parents were killed. The murderer was a habitual burglar. This time, I didn't expect to be discovered by the happy parents, and there was a fierce fight between the two sides.

Dou, the thief accidentally killed the happy parents.

I was very sad when I heard the news, and I wanted to comfort and be happy.

The last time I saw Joy was at my parents' funeral.

He said that sooner or later he would live in the tallest, most luxurious building in the city, and if you can't make everyone respect him, then make everyone fear him.

I can't understand his thoughts, just like I can't understand such a kind child, why does he grow up like this step by step?

At that time, I was still very sympathetic and happy, but my father hated him a little bit. He didn't even attend his parents' funeral and chose to move.

Since leaving the compound, our family seems to have been transferred. My father's dancing has gradually been recognized, and he has earned money that he could never have imagined before. Our family no longer has to worry about life, and moved from the edge of the old town to the old town. The core has moved from the old city to the smart new city”

Li Huang's father held his wife's hand: When I was about to forget about this person, happy, my father suddenly found me again one night, and he told me a very terrifying thing.

When the thieves entered the house and stole, resulting in the murder of Xing's parents, the whole thing seems to be related to Xing.

It was he who, with the help of a thief, killed the blind parents who gave birth to him.

Li Huang's father's words were horrifying, and Li Huang, who was standing beside Han Fei, heard these for the first time.

My father disappeared not long after he told me the news.

On the third day of disappearance, we received a pair of eyeballs and a note with this sentence on it - so you should be able to understand me, right?

The situation in my family has become worse and worse since then. It seems that all luck has been spent, and everything will fail. It is not until Li Huang grows up that the family returns to normal.

Li Huang's parents didn't want to mention these things that happened in the past, but they didn't expect that Han Fei would be able to dance out of the old dance. The memory was like a needle buried in a sponge. .

Are you threatened with joy? I remember that the police seemed to want to help you find someone, but you refused the police's help.

I'm sorry, I've already told you what I can tell you. Li Huang's father looked at Han Fei: Be sure to stay away from him, everyone who is close to him, whether it's good or bad for him. Yes, all are dead.

I'll pay attention.

You don't understand! Li Huang's father was very anxious: He is different from the criminal you chased before. There is a fundamental difference! He

Li Huang's father was halfway through when there was a sudden noise from the phone, as if the vase had been blown down by the wind and shattered.

Anyway, don't try to find him, it's better to get rid of this idea. Li Huang's father said firmly: If you hadn't rescued Li Huang before, and you would still dance my father's dance, I wouldn't give it to you. You said that.

The video call was interrupted, and Li Huang's house became very quiet.

This is the first time I've heard information about that person. My parents never told me this. Li Huang picked up the phone, she had tried her best to convince her parents.

They've already told me a lot. Han Fei called Li Xue again, wanting to make Li Xue happy to help with the investigation.

A few minutes later, Li Xue brought bad news to Han Fei. The citizen information database was not happy about this person at all. The police also investigated what Li Huang's father said, but there was no happiness in all the data.

According to the files found by the police, the blind couple were indeed killed by the thieves, but they had no children before their death. They were glad that this person seemed to be fabricated by Li Huang's father.

Something's wrong, which part is the problem? Han Fei frowned. While he was still thinking, the phone vibrated again, and Liuli Mao called him: What happened?

Caibao was attacked! The other party is not an ordinary player!

Are you all right? Han Fei stood up and asked worriedly.

I was targeted in the game, I'll let Brother Huang tell you. Liuli Mao handed over the phone to Huang Ying.

Han Fei, the person you provoked this time is terrible, the most notorious group of cocoon hackers! Huang Ying lowered his voice: I installed some small plug-ins in Liuli Mao's game warehouse, which can be used for virus detection. , the goal of those cocoon hackers is not to destroy the game accounts of Liuli Cat and Caibao, they want to find Liuli Cat in reality along the game account!

The perfect life is controlled by the intellectual brain, and those hackers should not be easy to succeed.

The information barrier is the protection set up by the Xinhu Network Security Division for all citizens. Only hackers who have successfully destroyed the barrier are qualified to be called cocoon hackers. They are very powerful in themselves, and this time it seems that there are many people working together. I I really don't understand why the avatar of a sunny boy is targeted by so many ferocious guys? Huang Ying's voice contained a hint of sigh.

What do you think is the probability of the information leakage of Caibao and Liuli Mao?

There is no risk of leakage for the time being, but it will be hard to say in the future. Huang Ying asked someone to do a special security assessment, and this incident was also a reminder for him.

The online preliminaries should be over soon. Give me that avatar, and I will play the role next. Han Fei didn't want anyone to be hurt because of him.

Okay, I'll tell Cai Bao right now.

Thick curtains cover all

Sunlight, even if it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon, there was still no light in this musty-smelling room.

In a certain building in the old city of Xinhu, a young man was counting the money on the table. He hadn't seen cash for a long time.

Are you sure the cocoon hacker you contacted me didn't find the wrong person? Sitting opposite the young man was a man wearing a guinea pig mask, his eyes gloomy, looking at the report in his hand.

Yes, there should be a female player under the male holster. We found the best psychoanalyst, observed all her images, and inferred all her personality and habits. The young man didn't look up.

Am I wrong? But why did he appear so coincidentally? He also chose to be in the same exhibition hall as Ye Xian? The guinea pig reported: Female, introverted, and somewhat socially intimidated in front of strangers. carefree”

There is a huge gap between the sunshine boy in the report and the sunshine boy in the guinea pig's heart, which is simply the difference between a seal and a sea monster.

It's so weird, it looks like I'm going to try it out myself.

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