My Life Simulator Chapter 20


Chapter 20 is over, Old Lu is no longer alive

second day morning.

When Lu Li entered the school, he met Liu Qin again.

Under the strange eyes of others, Liu Qin waved to Lu Li recklessly.

Yeah? Girl, we are making a "gossip"! You came over again because you were afraid that the "gossip" wouldn't spread enough?

Of course, since Liu Qin dared to come, Lu Li naturally wouldn't hide.

"What? You blocked me here again this morning, do you want to continue the unfinished test yesterday?"

Lu Li greeted him with a smile and said hello.

"The second test has ended in a draw, and the third test is the midterm exam."

Liu Qin took out an MP4 from his schoolbag and handed it to Lu Li, " Didn't you say yesterday that you want to improve your English speaking and listening? I brought it to you, and it contains some materials that I have used before."

"Are there any prizes if you don't win?"

Lu Li was not pretentious either, and took the MP4 handed over by Liu Qin naturally.

Lu Li really needs information on speaking and listening in English. Since Liu Qin brought it over, of course he would not refuse.

"Let's help each other among classmates. Besides..."

Liu Qin glanced at Lu Li and raised his eyebrows, "During the mid-term exam, if winning is too easy , it doesn't make any sense."

"Arrogant! Too arrogant!"

Lu Li twitched the corners of his mouth and raised his head, "It seems that I won't give you a little more power, You will still underestimate the heroes of the world."

"The heroes of the world?"

Liu Qin pretended to be heroic, holding his head high, "For more than ten years, he has drawn his sword and looked around. The heroes are all tied up. Woohoo, I can’t get a match in my life, it’s really lonely and embarrassing!”

The corner of Lu Li’s eyes swept across Liu Qin’s chest, secretly sighed in his heart: This woman really has a chest The danger of mountains and rivers! Even an extremely ugly school uniform can't hide her pride.

The two of them talked nonsense to each other all the way, and both walked into the classroom.

Because the "gossip" is widely circulated, the classmates in the class have heard about Lu Li and Liu Qin's "love".

Originally, the students didn't quite believe it. At this moment, seeing Lu Li and Liu Qin entering the classroom in pairs, everyone's eyes became a little strange.

"I'm going! The husband and wife both return their homes!"

Lu Li just sat down, and classmate Yuwen came up with a strange smile.

"Wrong! It's called being evenly matched, and you will meet a good talent!"

Lu Li casually said something, then opened the MP4 that Liu Qin gave him, hung up the headphones, Start listening to English.

"being evenly matched? It's just you?"

Yuwen shrugged, the corner of his mouth twitched.

If you tell me that you coaxed Liu Qin by your looks and sweet words, I would still believe it. By IQ? Then hehe.

To Yuwen's surprise, Lu Li was actually reading.

Listening to MP4 while reading English book.

When did Old Lu become so hardworking? Could it be that he really fell in love with Liu Qin and planned to follow in Liu Qin's footsteps?

What are you kidding? Is this something normal people can do?

O Old Lu! Liu Qin is the moon in the sky, out of reach. What you see now is just the reflection of the moon in the water, it looks like you can touch it, in fact... that is illusion, futile!

Yuwen shook his head and sighed.


For the next week, Lu Li devoted himself to studying.

No more nonsense during self-study time, no more jokes after class, and no more discussion on strategy and tactics for brushing Underground City.

This made the students around Yuwen feel extremely uncomfortable, "Old Lu, what's wrong with you? Are you in the dark?"

"What are you in? I'm studying! Good Learn and improve every day."

Lu Li immersed himself in writing, knowledge surging in his mind, inspiration flowing into the tip of the pen, writing and listing one after another, constantly digesting and absorbing, constantly improving.

Since this time, Lu Li has completed all the subjects in the three years of junior high school, laying a solid foundation. Now we are combining junior high school knowledge with high school knowledge to form our own knowledge system.

"I know you're studying. But...that's not right!"

Yuwen's face was full of concern, "Old Lu! You've changed. Do you really have any intentions for Liu Qin?"

In the past few days, my classmates have clearly seen the rumors that Lu Li and Liu Qin are in love.

Since the "photo incident", the two have barely seen each other. Lao Xu has never come forward to "beat the mandarin ducks", this matter has faded in the class, and no one takes it seriously.

Student Yuwen stood up and patted Lu Li's shoulder, his tone became very heavy.

"Brother, I have to remind you. It's really a mistake that you want to chase Liu Qin. No matter how hard you try, it's useless, the gap in innate talent is too big. Liu Qin is the moon in the sky, let's These ordinary people can only look up and can't reach them."

"It has nothing to do with those!"

Lu Li didn't raise his head, just waved his hand, "Learning makes me happy. I'm already addicted to learning and can't extricate myself."

"I think you're obsessed, and you're so fascinated by Liu Qin that you can't extricate yourself."

Student Yuwen muttered, and opened it again. After reading the novel, "Young man, love and hate since ancient times! If you want to learn from me, how can a girl have a good novel?"

Lu Li shrugged shoulders, indifferent expression.

This situation continued until the end of school on Friday, and Yuwen couldn't take it anymore.

"Old Lu, today is Friday. We will gather at 'Fengfan Internet Cafe' in the evening, including Underground City. I must brush Demon Sword."

After school, Yuwen grabbed Lu Li and said, "This time, the Internet cafe will cover the night, and you must have one computer per person. Don't talk about a joint venture."

"The Internet cafe will cover the night? Don't go! I still have study tasks to complete. , I have to go back and do the questions!”

After a week, Lu Li finally went through all the subjects from junior high school to senior one, and initially formed his own knowledge system.

However, there are several subjects that have not reached Lu Li's expectations.

One is mathematics. Lu Li estimates that the learning progress of mathematics has not yet reached a complete mastery. Occasionally, some problems will be made wrong, and even unsolved.

The other is English speaking and listening. These things cannot be "unforgettable", and Lu Li has to spend time practicing oral pronunciation and listening.

"What did you say? The study task was not completed? Do the questions on weekends? Don't go to the Internet cafe?"

Yuwen was stunned and full of disbelief, "Old Lu, what are you doing? What's going on? We've been fighting side by side for so long, why did you suddenly betray the revolution?"

"Heavy rain, you don't understand. Doing the quiz is just like playing a boss, it's really cool!"

Lu Li was a little ecstatic, "Overcoming each problem and removing block after block, that feeling...well, it's much more fun than playing Underground City."

"… ..."

The corner of Yuwen's mouth twitched, it's over, Old Lu is helpless.

In order to chase after Liu Qin, Old Lu is really hard enough! Unfortunately, some gaps cannot be bridged by hard work!

Desperate for life, but can never catch up with Liu Qin's pace, and can't even see the taillights of the car, this kind of despair... will make you sober.

Yuwen shook his head and sighed, patted Lu Li's shoulder, "brother, do it yourself!"

(end of this chapter)

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