My Life Simulator Chapter 25


Chapter 25 Why is Old Lu so awesome?

Lu Li slept until after seven o'clock in the evening and was woken up by his parents when he was having dinner.

When he woke up, Lu Li was surprised to find that... he still hadn't received an achievement badge.

What's going on here?

How come there is no achievement badge yet?

Did I fail the exam? Did I lose to Liu Qin?

Looking back on the exam paper, Lu Li thought that he could fail the exam. Could it be that he didn't beat Liu Qin in composition? The composition written for the teacher's preferences, can't win against Liu Qin?

Lu Li thought about it, but couldn't think of a reason.

Forget it, see the results tomorrow! Don't think so much.


Second day In the morning, Lu Li arrived at school on time.

Because he was waiting for the results of the midterm exam, Lu Li didn't even bother to read the books and questions. Sitting idle in the seat, it turned out to be a little boring.

"Huh? Old Lu, no questions today?"

Yuwen saw that Lu Li was doing nothing, and smiled and said, "Why, are you expecting this? What are the results of the next midterm exam?"

"Yes! There is always something to look forward to."

Lu Li replied casually.

In fact, Lu Li is also surprised by his current state of mind. a trifling mid-term exam results, I have to worry about gains and losses? Is it because I care too much about this result?

"It's right to have expectations! After all, you've worked hard!"

Yuwen nodded with a smile, but secretly sighed in her heart: Old Lu! You have to be prepared. Don't expect too much. Don't think about being able to catch up with Liu Qin's performance, some gaps cannot be made up by hard work.

If you want to chase Liu Qin, it's hard to say anything as a brother. The only thing that can be done is to comfort you when you are under the cruel blow of reality and feel frustrated.

Time passed slowly while waiting.

After the early self-study, the first class is the class of the head teacher, Lao Xu.

The class bell rang, and Lao Xu walked into the classroom with a stack of test papers, walking like the wind.


"Stand up! Teacher is good!"

When standing up to say hello, Yuwen whispered to Lu Li: "Old Lu , Lao Xu is in a good mood today. It seems that this mid-term exam, our class's grades are okay."

"Huh? You can see that?"

Lu Li asked in a low voice while saluting.


Student Yuwen looked complacent. Last month's exam, our class was smashed. I didn't see what Lao Xu's face turned black? Today, he is smiling, his brows are beaming, and he is obviously in a good mood!

"Students, the mid-term exam is over. Everyone is concerned about the test results."

Lao Xu put down the test paper, picked up a transcript, and raised it in his hand, " In this exam, our class as a whole did well, and we have made great progress compared to last month. This is inseparable from everyone's hard work. Next, I will announce the ranking. The first place..."

"Teacher Xu, you don't need to read the first place. Everyone knows that it must be Liu Qin!"

When Yuwen saw Lao Xu in a good mood, he interjected impudently.


The students have a big laughter, and the classroom is full of cheerful air.

Lao Xu was in a good mood, no wonder he followed everyone and said "hehe" a few times.

After the laughter ended, Lao Xu raised the transcript in his hand, glanced at everyone, smiled and shook his head, "This time you guessed wrong! The first place is not Liu Qin!"


Isn't it Liu Qin?

The students were all stunned. Is there anyone in our class who is more powerful than Liu Qin? Could it be that Liu Qin missed the exam this time, and was picked up by the second place for a bargain?

The students were stunned, but a smile appeared on Lu Li's face. The first place is not Liu Qin, it can only be me. This confidence Lu Li still has.

"The first place is...Lu Li!"

Lao Xu deliberately dragged and pronounced Lu Li's name aloud.

Huh? Lu Li?

This ranking was reported, and there was an uproar in the hall.

If it is said that Liu Qin missed the exam for a while, he was picked up by the second place and got the first place. This can be said in the past.

But...Lu Li? A mid-to-downstream grade suddenly came out first. This is too unbelievable.

"This mid-term exam, Lu Li not only took the first place, but also a Grand Slam. Full marks! Every subject is full marks!"

Lao Xu was excited, His voice became louder.

A perfect score? Full marks in every subject? Is this still Lu Li? I'm afraid there's an alien coming, right?

This news stunned the whole class.

As for Lu Li's classmate Yuwen, he is already stupid.

Student Yuwen stared at Lu Li in a stunned manner, his mind was chaotic, and it seemed that even his thinking was stagnant.

Old Lu got the first place in the test? And it's still a Grand Slam, with full marks in every subject?

What a joke! Is this the Old Lu I know? Is this still Old Lu from Underground City with me?

Is he possessed by some Millennium Old Demon? Or... what kind of system did he get, opened a cheat, and started Peak in life?

Yuwen, who likes to read novels, really has a big brain and a wide range of ideas.

On the other side, Liu Qin sat on the seat, turned his head and glanced at Lu Li, the look in his eyes... a little complicated. Not only with surprise, but also has several points of loss, but also with a bit of joy.

At this moment, Liu Qin's heart was inexplicably filled with emotion: Lu Li, is this your true strength? Sure enough, I saw you right!

"Lu Li did a good job this time. This score broke the historical record of our school! Students, let us congratulate Lu Li with warm applause and hope that he will make persistent efforts in the future and create greater glories.


Under the leadership of Lao Xu, even the students who still felt unbelievable applauded and congratulated Lu Li.

Lao Xu then announced the second place. No surprise, the second place is Liu Qin.

Liu Qin didn't have the heart to listen to this. He took out his mobile phone, opened QQ, and sent a message to Lu Li: Congratulations! This round, you won!

Lu Li received the message, glanced at it, and immediately replied: Friendship comes first, competition comes second. you let me win! you let me win!

Achievement badges are finally here!

"The player gets the achievement badge: Grand Slam (E-rank)."

"In the midterm exam, you got full marks in all subjects, breaking the Yucheng No. 1 High School The historical record.”

Lu Li also has several points of joy in his heart after he passed the test and received this badge.

The road to being a scholar has finally taken a solid step and achieved good results.

This is an unprecedented breakthrough and an unprecedented experience. The feeling of being a scholar... It's really good!

"Old Lu, you...why are you so awesome?"

The student Yuwen next to him finally came back to his senses, turned his head and looked towards Lu Li, his eyes were very complicated.

Looking at the brother who used to hang out with him, fool around together, and jump on the street together, suddenly soared into the sky and reached a height that he could only look up to, which made Yuwen a little unacceptable for a while.

My mind is going to explode!

Why is Old Lu suddenly so crazy? Could it be that the formidable power of falling in love is so great?

Maybe...I should also find a girl for a relationship?

(end of this chapter)

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