My Life Simulator Chapter 53


Chapter 53 We finally reached this step

the second day, the week-long "Olympic Winter Camp" officially came to an end.

After a week of continuous testing, only six of the 30 recruited team members remained, and most of them only had one qualification and left sadly.

Of course, if the goal is not the International Mathematical Olympiad, the qualifications of this "Mathematics Winter Camp" are enough for them to directly apply to any university in China.

Many students even signed admission agreements with various 211 or 985 universities before entering the camp.

Lu Li and Liu Qin have also been called by the admissions directors of countless universities, and even came to contact them.

In the end, Lu Li and Liu Qin sent these people out on the grounds that they "we will talk about it after participating in the International Mathematical Olympiad".

The "Olympic Winter Camp" held a grand closing ceremony, and even invited everyone to a lively dinner.

However...the selection list was not announced at the closing ceremony, but after the closing ceremony, a separate conversation was made to inform the selection results.

Lu Li and Liu Qin were not unexpectedly selected.

This was completely beyond Lu Li's expectations. After all... In the past life trajectory, Liu Qin was originally a member of the National Team of this session, and won the gold medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad.

It's just that this time there is one more Lu Li.

With the addition of an extra Lu Li, the status of the "heroic hero" that must have been selected will be lost.

As expected.

When Lu Li finished talking with the leaders of the organizing committee and returned to the hotel to check in, he saw Xu Xian sitting on the flower bed outside the hotel, burying his head in tears.

"Xu Xian? What's wrong with you?"

Although he had already guessed the reason, Lu Li pretended not to know and stepped forward to greet him and express his concern.

"I'm... a substitute! I can't participate in the competition, so I can only sit on the bench all the way."

This man with five big and three thick iron-blooded real man, his eyes are red from crying.

"This have to think about it from a different angle!"

Lu Li reached out and patted Xu Xian's shoulder, "Let's put it this way! If we win, you will win all the way. , isn't that cool?"

"What the hell is lying down to win?"

The corner of Xu Xian's mouth twitched. What a god to lie down and win! It's not playing games, can this be won by lying down? If you don't play in the competition, lie down and win!

"Then... another angle?"

Lu Li shrugged his shoulders, "The substitute is already amazing, okay? Thirty players in the winter camp entered the camp, and two More than a dozen can't even be selected as substitutes. They are even worse than you! So, are you psychologically balanced?"


Xu Xian The corners of his mouth twitched even more. Standing here as a regular player, you actually told me that the bench was amazing. I am even more depressed.

“Okay, the last reason to enlighten you. After finishing speaking, if you still can’t solve the happy knot, then I don’t care.”

Lu Li laughed, “So saying It's not impossible for a substitute to have a chance. What if... someone has a stomachache and can't play? It's not impossible, right! This is the meaning of your existence as a substitute."

"Listen to this As soon as I said..."

Xu Xian gnashing teeth for a while, "Why am I feeling more unhappy in my heart? I did it on purpose."

"Illusion! Absolutely. Illusion!"

Lu Li spread his hands and turned to leave. Am I here to enlighten you? You dare to secretly hit Liu Qin's idea, of course I'm here to hit a person when he's down!


Second day Early in the morning, those who were not selected for the National Team, each carried a salute and left sadly.

For them, the Orsay journey has come to an end.

For Lu Li and the others, the real National Team training has just begun.

After saying goodbye, Lu Li and the others returned to the classroom once again for the real National Team training camp.

Compared to the training of Mr. Yang Old Lin from Yucheng No. 1 Middle School, the training of the National Team... seems to be the same model.

Brush questions! Brush questions! Brush questions!

The China Olympic Games Committee, with several decades of Olympic Games experience, has summed up a complete and efficient training mode.

Dozens of experienced old professors give questions every day in different ways. There are all kinds of myriad questions. There are only questions you can't think of, and there are no questions they can't solve.

Brush questions, explain, brush questions, explain again, infinite loop!

This process continued until March 2012.

Even for the Chinese New Year, there are only seven days of vacation. Once the vacation is over, it will return to the endless cycle of questioning.

Although the method may seem a bit old-fashioned, but... Lu Li has really gained a lot.

These experienced old professors have simply played with high school mathematics. From the explanations of the professors, Lu Li has seen countless problem-solving ideas.

It's like how many different dishes can be made from a piece of beef. Some of the surprises proposed by the experienced old professors are simply not within the scope of normal people's thinking. Li was stunned.

Thanks to the "unforgettable", all kinds of brain-opening problem-solving ideas taught by the old professors, Lu Li one after another keeps it in mind, silently comprehends, silently absorbs, and constantly deepen the accumulation.

Later, when Lu Li saw the test questions in the training camp, the idea of solving the problem appeared instantly, and he was so proficient that he could no longer be proficient.

"Students, as of today, the National Team Olympiad training has ended."

The chairman stepped onto the podium and gave Lu Li and the others a deep look. Nodded with a smile on his face, "Everyone has put in a lot of effort during this period of time. I can also see your growth."

"The training camp is over. Everyone goes back to rest for half a month. Half a After a month, we will set off for the International Mathematical Olympiad tournament. The motherland and the people expect you to win, to win glory for the country, and to win the championship!"


The National which is even darker than the darkness Team training is finally over.

"Liu Qin, let's go home!"

Lu Li, carrying a backpack, waved at Liu Qin and shouted.

"Hey! Your words are ambiguous!"

The wild hero twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's just like a husband and wife returning home."

"What nonsense..."

Lu Li said casually, almost saying "what nonsense is the truth".

"Come on!"

Liu Qin smiled slightly, ignoring the nonsense of the hero of the grass, picked up the backpack, and walked out of the dormitory with Lu Li.

After Lu Li and Liu Qin got into the car, Xu Xian shouted from behind, "Lu Li, don't have diarrhea during international competitions!"

Huh? do you remember?

Curse me for diarrhea, and then your chance to come off the bench?

Young man, you are so naive!

Lu Li grinned and waved from the car window to extend the hand, "We Xichuan people, never loose belts!"

The car sped away all the way and hurried to Airport.

"Lu Li, you once said that we will combine our swords and fight on the international stage together." ...the day is coming. We have finally reached this step!"

What does "we have finally reached this step"?

The corners of Lu Li's eyes are shaking, we haven't taken a critical step yet!

I want to get out of this step, but I don't know if you can do it or not?

(end of this chapter)

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