My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 219 The Great Guanzhong Earthquake

The conversation between Su Ze and Li Zhi was interrupted by Mrs. Li, and after leading Su Ze to have dinner at home, Mrs. Li gave Su Ze a lot of gifts in return, asking him to bring Ninth Aunt and the elders of the family.

Su Ze declined repeatedly, but still accepted the gift in return. I have to say that Mrs. Li was quite generous in her offer, which also included several exquisite items from her daughter's house, needless to say, it was a subsidy for her daughter.

"Ru Lin, let Lan'er's uncle go to Nanjing Guozijian with you in a few years, so that there will be a support along the way."

Traveling from Fujian to Nanjing can only be done by land. From Fujian to the north, you need to go through Zhejiang, which is in the middle of the Japanese invasion. Now there are also Japanese pirates infesting near Nanjing. This time Li Zhi brought several loyal guards with him when he came back from Nanjing. Huaji.

It is naturally safer for the two to go north together, so Su Ze naturally agreed.

Although Li Zhi was reluctant to return to Nanjing Guozijian, he felt happy when he thought that he could go with Su Ze and ask him for advice along the way.

After the guests and the host had a good time, Mrs. Li also hinted that Su Ze should go to Huguan on the way, visit Fang Wanghai, and settle the marriage as soon as possible.

Su Ze understood what Mrs. Li meant, and also said that he would go to Suzhou along the way.

After all, Su Ze was not officially married, and was arranged by Mrs. Li to rest in the Li family's other courtyard in Quanzhou City.

After bidding farewell to Mrs. Li the next day, Su Ze returned to the voyage with a carload of presents in return. After he returned to Changning Guard, he encountered a notification from Eunuch Tao, asking him to go to the mine supervisor after he came back.

Su Ze could only put down his things in a hurry, and when he arrived at the mine supervisor workshop, he saw the smiling Eunuch Tao grabbed Su Ze and said:

"Xie Yuangong! The miscellaneous family has something important to discuss with you."

After arriving in the newly built house of Mr. Tao, he said:

"Duke Xie Yuan! The court decreed that the Ryukyu tributary trade should be resumed, and I was appointed as the Fuzhou ship secretary!"

Su Ze was naturally overjoyed when he heard the news. Based on what he knew about Emperor Jiajing, Ryukyu had ambergris in his hand, and this bargaining chip was enough for Emperor Jiajing to agree to reopen the Ryukyu tribute.

But Su Ze still didn't expect that Eunuch Tao would be appointed as the secretary of Shibo!

Originally, Su Ze was still thinking about how to open up the relationship and drag the Fuzhou Shipping Department into trouble!

Now there is no need, this Eunuch Tao has already been tied to him.

Su Ze hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Tao! It's a good job for this city's boss!"

Eunuch Tao touched his chin and laughed.

Compared with Eunuch Hu and Eunuch Xiaoyou who were willing to be mine supervisors, Eunuch Tao was naturally unwilling to nest in the ravine.

But before coming here, Li Fang told Eunuch Tao not to disturb the place, and the emperor's order also told him not to live in the city and disturb the place.

Eunuch Tao naturally wanted to go to the city to enjoy the blessings, but everyone in Fujian was staring at him, and he would be doubly impeached for any bad deeds.

Fuzhou Bosi originally had an official office and a mansion in Fuzhou City, but these years the tribute trade was cut off and it was abandoned. It only needed to be repaired to live in, and the imperial court also issued the cost of repairing Shibosi.

In this way, Eunuch Tao can move to the bustling city of Fuzhou instead of living in this dilapidated ravine.

Moreover, the promotion of eunuchs by the Shibo Department is a fat vacancy. The private goods carried in the tribute trade can be laundered through the Shibo Department. The tribute is also the tribute emperor of the Shibo Department. The right to secret disclosure.

Promoting eunuchs has the right to gossip, which is equivalent to being an imperial envoy sent by the emperor to the local area. This right is the most important.

With this right, the officials in Fujian will no longer wait to see Eunuch Tao, and will be respectful and submissive when they meet in the future.

Compared with minting coins, Shibosi's promotion is super fat, and Eunuch Tao also knows that this is the emperor's reward for his minting errands.

Thinking of Su Ze's contribution, Eunuch Tao relied on him even more. Who doesn't like a consultant who doesn't take credit but is capable?

Eunuch Tao asked: "The miscellaneous family heard that it was Mr. Wang, the governor of Fujian, who suggested reopening the Ryukyu tribute. Mr. Wang is Xie Yuanlang's house teacher. Do you have any inside information to tell the miscellaneous family?"

Eunuch Tao is a person who is very good at grasping the key points. He can obey Su Zeyan in the matter of minting coins because he knows that the key to minting coins is to make money, and Su Ze is the one who can help her make money.

But this time, the most important job of the Shibo Department is the ambergris.

The emperor reopened the Ryukyu tribute because these Ryukyu people had ambergris in their hands, and being able to get this batch of ambergris was the most important thing.

Su Ze pretended to be ignorant and said: "In my letter with my teacher, I did mention the Ryukyu tribute. My teacher said that these Ryukyu people really have ambergris in their hands."

Eunuch Tao's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "If there is really ambergris, then you must send it to the emperor as soon as possible!"

Eunuch Tao kept pacing, and he said as he walked:

"It's already December now, and the end of the year will definitely not be there. Will the Lantern Festival be in time?"

"If the ambergris can be presented before the Lantern Festival, the emperor will definitely be overjoyed!"

"However, Fujian and the capital are thousands of miles apart, how can the Lantern Festival come in time?"

"I don't know when the ambergris in the hands of the Ryukyu envoy will be delivered to Fuzhou?"

Seeing Eunuch Tao's anxious look, Su Ze knew the power of imperial power.

In order for the emperor to get ambergris, all important things must make way for this matter.

It is possible to reopen the Ryukyu tribute for Ambergris, and to laugh with a concubine in the world for Ambergris, which is the embodiment of the emperor's infinitely inflated personal desires.

Eunuch Tao had already thought about using the channel to convey military information to pay tribute to Ambergris, but he still felt that this speed was not enough.

He thought for a while and said, "Forget it, it seems that there is no time to wait before the Lantern Festival. When we arrive in Fuzhou, please ask Xie Yuangong to help introduce Governor Wang, so that the miscellaneous family can get in touch with the Ryukyu envoy as soon as possible."

Su Ze thought to himself that the ambergris was in Changningwei, and the Ryukyu envoy was also waiting on Dongao Island.

Eunuch Tao was anxious to reopen the Ryukyu Tribute, so Su Ze naturally wished for it. Now that the Shibo Office has started repairs, he agreed to accompany Eunuch Cao to Fuzhou in the next year.

Su Ze took out the prepared gift again and said:

"Eunuch Tao, the new year is approaching, this is a gift for you."

In addition to Eunuch Tao, Eunuch Hu, Eunuch Xiaoyou, and Su Ze also gave gifts.

The New Year is a difficult time for ordinary people, and it is also quite troublesome for a famous person like Su Ze.

After a year, Su Ze will give various New Year gifts to acquaintances. This year, Su Ze has been admitted to Juren again, which is completely different from the annual festival.

The Sun magistrate in the county will give it away, and the Yu family will also give it away later, and the students from the county school, and those who are in the same year of this department will also give gifts.

The bear mother in Wuyishan also brought a gift, and Huang Tiju from Huimin Pharmacy, the shopkeepers of the printing workshop and several shops also gave red envelopes.

For the first time, Su Ze felt that he needed a hostess to take care of these things.

Two figures appeared in his mind, Su Ze shook his head quickly, and once again devoted himself to the affairs of the year.

This year Changningwei was also extremely lively. The same-year record of the Fujian Provincial Examination was finally compiled a year ago. Huang Maochong, who came second in this subject, came to Changningwei in person to present the printed "Tongnianlu".

Su Ze warmly entertained Huang Maochong. Seeing the prosperous scene of Changningwei, Huang Maochong was also amazed. Su Ze asked someone to send sweet potatoes and potatoes to entertain Huang Maochong. After eating the sweet roasted sweet potatoes, Huang Maochong said in surprise:

"Is this sweet potato? It's also grown in my family's mountain fields, but it's not as delicious as brother Ru Lin's."

Huang Maochong is from Xinghua Prefecture, Fujian Province, and is closer to Yuegang. Sure enough, sweet potatoes have been introduced to the coastal areas of Fujian.

Because it was imported from foreigners' ships, the locals call it sweet potato.

However, when sweet potatoes were first introduced to China, the varieties were small and the taste was poor. When Fujianese first planted them, they were used to feed animals or satisfy the hunger of the poor.

Because the sweet potato planting technology is not developed, it is only planted casually in the mountain fields, and the output is not large.

Su Ze took the opportunity to sell and said: "This is my improved variety. It is only planted in Changningwei Mountain at present. If Brother Xiangqian likes it, I will send you some grain seeds for you to grow back."

Huang Maochong said hastily, "Thank you, brother Rulin."

Su Ze has been actively promoting the cultivation of sweet potatoes and potatoes. Although these two crops are not enough, they can save many lives during times of turmoil.

While Su Ze and Huang Mao were chatting and drinking tea, the ground suddenly shook.

Su Ze's heart skipped a beat, and Huang Maochong also stood up in surprise, looking around blankly.

Everyone in Changningwei ran out of the house, the ground shook again, Ninth Aunt shouted:

"The ground is shaking! Get out of the house!"

Everyone rushed out of the room one after another, Huang Mao was relieved that the ground did not continue to shake.

But Su Ze looked to the north, he forgot about it!

On December 12, a huge earthquake hit Shaanxi.

During the earthquake, Han Bangqi, Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, and Ma Li, Minister of Guanglu Temple in Nanjing, and many other high-ranking officials who had returned home and their families were crushed to death on the same day.

In Shaanxi and Shanxi, it was midnight, the sound was like thunder, the momentum was like turbulence, and the big trees were like brooms sweeping the ground.

In the entire Shaanxi earthquake, even these officials were not spared, and countless people died in the earthquake.

According to historical records, five provinces including Jingshi, Shandong, Nanzhili, Huguang, and Hannan were also affected by the earthquake, and Fujian and Guangdong both had earthquake records.

Huang Maochong looked at Su Ze and asked, "Ru Lin, did the ground move?"

Su Ze nodded and said, "The earthquake came from the northwest, and we are just aftershocks. But today, please ask Xiang Qian to build a shed to stay outside for the night to avoid another earthquake at night."

Huang Maochong said worriedly: "This year, I have invaded the border in the north, and the Japanese rebellion in the south has calmed down a bit. I don't know whether the earthquake is serious or not. If there is another disaster, the court will not be able to hold on."

Huang Maochong insisted on returning to his hometown overnight, but Su Ze couldn't persuade him, so he had to ask the Changning Guards to escort him back to Xinghua Mansion.

After sending Huang Maochong away, Su Ze's mood also fell. In the Shaanxi earthquake, even so many senior officials died at the epicenter. According to historical data, the death toll in this earthquake was 830,000. In fact, according to local chronicles Far beyond this number, the government is simply unable to count the number of deaths.

The grassroots government offices in some places in the epicenter were completely destroyed, and the entire Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces were completely devastated. Refugees poured into the capital from the two provinces. Emperor Jiajing ordered the ministers to block the refugees outside the capital.

According to historical data, these refugees opened a market among the refugees because they had no food to relieve the disaster, and they exchanged food for their children.

In the historical data, "a catastrophe, people cannibalize each other", behind it is the human tragedy of countless families. Although the earthquake is a natural disaster, the failure of the Ming court to relieve the disaster is also an important reason for the huge disaster.

And this earthquake once again intensified the factional struggle in the court.

When Zhang Jing and Li Tianchong were executed, another minister was also executed. This minister was named Yang Jisheng, who was then a member of the Wuxuan Division Wai Lang.

Yang Jisheng was regarded as Xu Jie's disciple. In the 32nd year of Jiajing, he wrote "Please Punish Thieves and Officials", bluntly speaking of Yan Song's five major crimes, and was framed and imprisoned by Yan Song.

When Zhang Jing and Li Tianchong were discussing crimes, Yan Song included Yang Jisheng's name in Zhao Wenhua's memorial. Yang Jisheng was also executed by Emperor Jiajing, and he was beheaded in the city together with Zhang Jing and Li Tianchong.

Before his death, Yang Jisheng handed over the book he had written in prison to his wife and died generously after writing a desperate poem. His wife Zhang Shi also committed suicide.

And this time in the Shaanxi earthquake, Qingliu once again wrote a letter to attack Yan Song on the grounds that the country has a traitor.

As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Yan Song naturally wanted to write a letter to plead guilty when such a huge disaster happened, but this time, Emperor Jiajing, who had always been superstitious, ignored Qingliu's statement of citing scriptures and scriptures, and instead issued an edict of guilt.

In the Edict of Guilt, the great Jiajing Emperor bluntly said:

"The big and small ministers and workers can't stick to the same job, so that the yin and yang are not in harmony, and the disaster is a warning."

The translation is: this earthquake is because of my sins, my sins are because I am the emperor, the sins of your ministers are my sins, who made me the emperor?

I pray that God will punish me, not the people of Ming Dynasty. Who will let me be the emperor of Ming Dynasty?

The main content is to put aside the facts, is there no problem with your ministers?

After the release of the Edict of Guilt, Yan Song immediately wrote to resign.

Seeing that Jiajing and Yan Song cooperated so well, Qingliu also knew that the situation was over, and they wrote letters expressing their guilt and praising the emperor's sage.

Just as the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were struggling, the candidates to be sent to Shaanxi for disaster relief were still undecided. Throughout December, the court was engaged in fierce struggles over the earthquake.

Before the new year, Fujian received news one after another that the earthquake in Shaanxi had reduced the entire Guanzhong area to ruins.

Years later, yamen in various places received imperial edicts, asking the local governors and ministers to write a letter to bluntly state the gains and losses of the government, and also ordered all localities to "work hard for internal and external ministers and save money, and each should do his job without empty words."

The court was in turmoil, and it was not until February that the candidate for the Minister of Disaster Relief, Zou Shouyu, the left servant of the household department, was appointed.

In such a hectic court situation, Eunuch Tao received an urgent letter from the palace just after the new year, asking him to negotiate with the Ryukyu envoys as soon as possible, and to pay tribute to the ambergris to Beijing to pray for the prosperity of the country and the people.

Su Ze was also speechless. After all this, Emperor Jiajing was still thinking about his broken whale poop stones.

After spending the Lantern Festival in Changningwei, Su Ze finally couldn't stay any longer. Under the urging of Eunuch Tao many times, Su Ze finally set off for Fuzhou.

After going to Fuzhou Mansion this time, Su Ze will go to Nanjing Guozijian with Li Zhi and the same year.

Su Ze pulled Lin Mojun to explain various things about Changningwei.

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